Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday: The Last Casual Friday

Stay tuned for a blog message directly from Sam after the show, but in the mean time, this will have to suffice. We're going out with a bang today, as we welcome friends of the show all day long. We'll have Marc Maron and Joe Conason, plus a helping of surprise callers and wellwishers. And most importantly, we're welcoming YOU. So give us a call, at 866-303-2270. It's Casual Friday!


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Cat Chew said...

I'm feeling surprisingly casual.

Anonymous said...

I must reiterate...The young women of Rutgers basketball team are doing all the positive things--getting their education and participating in a team building activity--and are successful at it. They are providing a model for ANYONE to emulate. I am sure for these American girls, particularly those of African heritage, it is not the first time they have faced and heard demeaning comments; but I am sure that after achieving what others only dream of (playing the NCAA championship game), they did not expect such a verbal assault. The “ceiling” came crashing down at a disappointing moment (coming so close to winning it all) when they should be consoled. Instead of praising them for the skill and effort, both on and off the court, that brought them to that arena, they were called a racist, derogatory slur. Firing Imus is the least that could be done.

According to Imus'wife, these young women are getting death threats.

Clearly, Imus' years on the radio, combined with years of Savage, Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Boortz, Beck, etc., all of whom are much worse, are having a profound effect on this country, AND IT ISN'T GOOD!

It's not about freedom of speech. Everyone has the right. As with all rights, there are responsibilities, and sometimes consequences. When they're jeopardizing the rights of others and civility, it is my opinion, they should be given a soapbox and shown the door.

PunditFight said...

Good Morning Sam, Laura, Dan, Justin, Joel, Janeane, Maron,Waterman,Dewey, Jon Benjamin, Majority Reporters, and Sederites.
Let's go out with a bang.

Cat Chew said...

Olbermann Revels in 'Racist' Limbaugh Getting Yanked Like Imus: 'Best Thing I've Heard'

(No video, but there are a couple of screen captures.)

janet said...

Thanks for all you have done Sam. You do beautiful work.

War Dog said...

Happy Freedom Day Sammy..

Nothing better than time off in the spring..

They say it takes 21 days to adjust to big change...

I think that is about right..

In three weeks you will be a new man..!!!

Alice said...

...Happy Birthday

Amy Goodman...

War Dog said...

Clearly, Imus' years on the radio, combined with years of Savage, Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Boortz, Beck, etc., all of whom are much worse, are having a profound effect on this country, AND IT ISN'T GOOD!



The final Arbiter...

It was Capitalism what Killed Imus..

Ya gots to have your Sponsors...

Cat Chew said...

I do apologize for the fact that the link in my last post was for the repugnant NewsBusters, but it's interesting how they defend racist, sexist garbage. See Crank Bait on the last thread, 10:25pm.

Limbaugh and his ilk are different. They claim to be political analysts until pressed, when they claim to be "entertainers".

They are only defending their great american "humorists." Coulter is Andy Kaufman!

Anonymous said...

Sam, I love and respect you. Unfortunately for all of us, Air America Radio thinks your speech has so much "substance" it must be relegated to a yet to be announced timeslot on Sunday.

Obviously, you have a family and you've got to do what you've got to do. I will follow you anywhere. You deserve the best and I will be doing all that I can, and encourage others to do so the same, to let the industry know YOUR VOICE must be heard.

I look forward to hearing from you soon, no matter where on the dial or what medium.

War Dog said...

Funny how people can't see the Forest for the Trees...

Unknown said...




War Dog said...

With our Freedom of Speech..

It is the Marketplace the decides what is acceptable..

People vote with there dollars..

And Advertisers Respond..


War Dog said...

Have lessons been learned..?


Have changes already been made..

Of course..

But the Network has been Branded and that is what Green and his new Program Director are fighting to change..

Cat Chew said...

Nice tribute to Vonnegut over at Jeses' General's place by The Unapologetic Mexican

War Dog said...

But enough of the recriminations...

Let's night fight and bicker about who killed what show..

This is supposed to be a Happy Occasion..

Sam's rebirth into Freedom..!!!

Love Anti-Flag said...

I've been podcasting since Sam moved to the AM. But today I'm listening live-Sammy Cam and all.

Sam, you have a wealth of talent, and I have no doubt that we'll be hearing from you soon on bigger amnd better platforms. Also, you looked great on Olbermann.

Maybe Air America can replace even more of their up and coming talent, I just heard the I-MAN is available.

Cat Chew said...

Nobel Prize nominated Catharine suggests we sign this petition:

TOTAL KAOS said...

I will be listening to you on Sunday's, Sam.

Thanks for what you have done in the last few years.

TOTAL KAOS said...

PAUL KRUGMAN: For God’s Sake

In 1981, Gary North, a leader of the Christian Reconstructionist movement — the openly theocratic wing of the Christian right — suggested that the movement could achieve power by stealth. “Christians must begin to organize politically within the present party structure,” he wrote, “and they must begin to infiltrate the existing institutional order.”

Today, Regent University, founded by the televangelist Pat Robertson to provide “Christian leadership to change the world,” boasts that it has 150 graduates working in the Bush administration.

Unfortunately for the image of the school, where Mr. Robertson is chancellor and president, the most famous of those graduates is Monica Goodling, a product of the university’s law school. She’s the former top aide to Alberto Gonzales who appears central to the scandal of the fired U.S. attorneys and has declared that she will take the Fifth rather than testify to Congress on the matter.

The infiltration of the federal government by large numbers of people seeking to impose a religious agenda — which is very different from simply being people of faith — is one of the most important stories of the last six years. It’s also a story that tends to go underreported, perhaps because journalists are afraid of sounding like conspiracy theorists.

But this conspiracy is no theory. The official platform of the Texas Republican Party pledges to “dispel the myth of the separation of church and state.” And the Texas Republicans now running the country are doing their best to fulfill that pledge. ......

Unknown said...

Important Notice For Plastic Pink Flamingo Lovers!!!

Union Products, makers of the world's most famous Plastic Lawn Flamingo, went bankrupt last year bringing an end to the production of an American icon. We were one of their best customers and managed to get the last BOXED flamingos off the line. These are, as far as we know, the last available Featherstone flamingos still in their original boxes. The boxes they're in are imperfect, Union shipped them to us without packaging, but the flamingos inside are perfect bits of Americana.

From Seattles world famous Archie McPhee's

Anonymous said...

War Dog said...
The final Arbiter...
It was Capitalism what Killed Imus..
Ya gots to have your Sponsors...
April 13, 2007 8:16 AM

USA is a Democracy. It's time to rein-in capitalism. I think the internet (blogs)and other media such as AAR (depending on their business plan--doesn't look good so far given this day)and Nova-M ( the exerted efforts of people who care.

But please WAR DOG, you have the right, as does anyone, to post and present your reality but could you please refrain from incessant postings of doom this day. Please. Of course, you don't have to, but I'd appreciate seeing your restraint.

I ask this of TROLLS too but I
don't think they can read.

TOTAL KAOS said...

Kurt Vonnegut: "The good Earth, we could have saved it, but we were too damn cheap and lazy."

toniD said...

Morning all.

Someone wake up Wating for Cicero!!

Sam, you were great on Olbermann and looked very good also.

You were made for TV!!

TOTAL KAOS said...

Kurt Vonnegut: "If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:. THE ONLY PROOF HE NEEDED FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD WAS MUSIC."

Anonymous said...

War Dog said...
The final Arbiter...
It was Capitalism what Killed Imus..
Ya gots to have your Sponsors...
April 13, 2007 8:16 AM

USA is a Democracy. It's time to rein-in capitalism. I think the internet (blogs)and other media such as AAR (depending on their business plan--doesn't look good so far given this day)and Nova-M ( the exerted efforts of people who care CAN BE EFFECTIVE.

(sorry I think faster than type--"the words get in the way:))

Cat Chew said...

Tainted pet food still being sold, FDA says
It is the Marketplace the decides what is acceptable.

The marketplace does not find killing pets acceptable.
The manufacturer, and the Bush cronies overseeing the marketplace apparently think it's okey-dokey.

“ Capitalism is the astounding belief
that the most wickedest of men will do
the most wickedest of things
for the greatest good of everyone.”

~~~John Maynard Keynes

toniD said...

World Bank chief under pressure to quit over pay scandal
Published: Thursday April 12, 2007

World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz Thursday confessed to errors over a pay scandal surrounding his girlfriend but still faced an open revolt from staff members agitating for his resignation.

The former deputy US defense secretary, one of the architects of the war in Iraq, refused to say if he might be forced out as the bank's 24-member executive board investigates the controversy.

But ahead of the bank's annual spring meeting this weekend, which threatens to be overshadowed by the dispute, he said: "I will accept any remedies they propose.

"I made a mistake, for which I am sorry," Wolfowitz told a news conference, as uproar deepened over an employment package worth nearly 200,000 dollars given by the World Bank to his Libyan-born partner, Shaha Riza.

The association representing the World Bank's 10,000 staff said the embattled Wolfowitz had "destroyed" the trust of employees and should quit.

"He must act honorably and resign," the de facto union said in a letter to staff, according to contents confirmed to AFP.

"The president must acknowledge that his conduct has compromised the integrity and effectiveness of the World Bank Group and has destroyed the staff trust in his leadership," the staff association said.

According to a Financial Times report Thursday, Wolfowitz personally ordered massive pay rises given to Riza when she was sent from the World Bank's communications office to serve out an assignment at the US State Department.


renoray said...

I hate the young turks

Anonymous said...

toniD said...
"You were made for TV!! "

I hear MSNBC has a spot open in the morning

David Roland Strong said...

Take me to the county if you please
I would gladly trade the cement for the trees
Take me by the hand
Take me to the land
It's the only place I really understand
- Shiva's Headband

TOTAL KAOS said...

Katie Couric's Notebook: Obama's Background
Posted by Katie Couric

"Is America ready for a President who grew up praying in a mosque?

Barack Obama has arguably the most diverse religious background of any candidate, ever. But will that help him or hurt him?


You Can Post a comment on her site.

Here's what I posted there:

First we have this: The Katie Couric Plagiarism Scandal.

And Now we have a debunked story being pushed by Katie Couric.

CNN disproves Obama smear:

On January 17, the day after Obama announced the creation of his presidential exploratory committee, the conservative website published an article reporting that "sources close to background check," which was supposedly "conducted by researchers connected to" Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY), discovered that Obama "spent at least four years in a so-called Madrassa, or Muslim seminary, in Indonesia." The article further reported that the "sources" said "he idea is to show Obama as deceptive." These "sources" also speculated that the "the specific Madrassa Mr. Obama attended" might have taught "a Wahhabi doctrine that denies the rights of non-Muslims."

The story was quickly debunked by CNN and later by the Associated Press and ABC. But the madrassa smear nonetheless created a buzz in the conservative media, which used it to all but label Obama a Manchurian candidate.

War Dog said...

But please WAR DOG, you have the right, as does anyone, to post and present your reality but could you please refrain from incessant postings of doom this day. Please. Of course, you don't have to, but I'd appreciate seeing your restraint.


You got it..

Already signed off for now..

I rarely post during the show..

Anonymous said...

Sam, you have been a great teacher. I have learned much from you. Best of luck and I hope to hear you on the airwaves very soon.

Until then, AAR can go and kiss my butt.

toniD said...

I think I've about had enough of the Imus story. It is rivaling Anna Nicole at this point.

Will this story hang on for weeks covering up all the deaths in Iraq and the emails gone missing?

Anything not to report the news!

Anonymous said...

aw, my first time on hold on the sam seder show. and they play the show on the phone while you wait? that's so cool. lol, god i'm gonna miss this show.

Alice said...

toniD said...

April 13, 2007 8:57 AM

Good Morning...his excuse sounded so incredibly lame too, like he didn't even believe himself!

Anonymous said...

the Paul Wolfowitz CIA leak case

Anonymous said...

I sent this to Olbermann last night for what it was worth:

Dear Mr. Olbermann,

We found it terribly ironic that you had Sam Seder on your show tonight to discuss the firing of Don Imus. Did you have any idea that Sam Seder just lost his own radio program, "The Sam Seder Show?" His last show is tomorrow (4/13/2007.) Despite good radio and web streaming ratings and not losing any affiliates, the new management at Air America has decided to "go in a new direction." Again.
We are devastated that he's being dumped.
Perhaps it was a conscious decision on either your part or Sam's to not bring up his own dismissal for whatever reasons.
If that's not the case, it sure would have been nice for you to mention that Sam's show was also ending.
You clearly appreciate and value progressive and intelligent voices like Sam Seder and Rachel Maddow. We hope you continue to have Sam Seder on your show in the future.
Thanks very much,
Doris Maat and Robert Milgrom

Unknown said...


you'll do fine Tiff!

Anonymous said...

Sam - you were great on Countdown last night! (And you were looking pretty damn good too!)

We'll be counting the days until the Sunday show (but all the while we'll be hoping Air America comes to its senses and brings you back full time).

CTPatriot said...

Sam - you are the most well prepared, best informed, most entertaining host on AAR. Once a week on Sundays is unacceptable. I will be hoping like hell that you end up over with Mike at Nova-M.

I've been recording your show ever since you moved to AM and listening in the afternoon (my hours are not normal .. lol). Today I got up extra early to listen live.

(grabbing Sam's pantleg - "nooooooooooooooooooooo - don't gooooooooooooooo")

Unknown said...

We'll meet again, don't know where don't know when...but I know we'll meet again some sun....ny dayyyy...
God speed Sammy see you on Sunday

Anonymous said...


The DLC rides again. Our young soldiers bleed for nothing, Iraq is
destroyed. The Middle East, the whole world hates us; the
"Democratic"Congress waffles, the whole country cries out for truth -
and you put Sam Seder, who does speak truth directly, out to pasture on
Sunday and give us "Lionel." Imus is now at liberty. Why not
hire him and get it over with? Who can forget "owner" Mark Green's Rove
tactics against Freddy Ferrer and his DLC styled Mayoral campaign? Losing
elections and disempowering the people is a DLC specialty. You
people give pusillanimity a bad name.
For shame!

Roy Metcalf.

mmrules said...

Last show.Such a Bummer.I hope your listening Green!But,your not.That's Your Problem!!

roxieseattle said...

tainted pet food:

my sister did some research & believes that the most likely cause of contamination was the deliberate addition of large amounts of melamine in order to increase the quantitative analysis percentage of protein (amino acids) in the wheat gluten since the price of gluten is based on protein content. the perpetrators apparently had no idea that this additive would be toxic....

scary, very scary.

Cat Chew said...

[repost from last thread in response to ToniD's April 13, 2007 5:31 AM news link
Troops React To Forced Extensions With ‘Anger,’ ‘Frustration,’ ‘Collective Groan’]
From Salon's War Room, April 11:
"Some very thoughtless person"

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates complained bitterly today that "some very thoughtless person" at the Pentagon leaked word about duty extensions for Army units in Iraq and Afghanistan. Gates said that the leak robbed the Army "the opportunity to notify unit commanders who could then talk to their troops 48 hours before we made a public announcement."

Was there maybe another reason that Gates wanted to keep the story under wraps? As War Room reader Terry Anastassiou notes, George W. Bush mentioned duty extensions just yesterday as one of the terrible things that might have to happen if Congress doesn't get him a timetable-free "emergency" supplemental spending bill soon. At a speech at an American Legion post in Virginia, Bush said: "If Congress fails to pass a bill I can sign by mid-May ... Some of our forces now deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq may need to be extended, because other units are not ready to take their places."

We're just guessing here, but it's not all that hard to imagine how this might have played out for the White House. Bush plays hardball with the Democrats into May. The Pentagon announces that it has to extend troop deployments by a few months. And the president says, "See, I warned you. Look what those Democrats have done."

-- Tim Grieve

toniD said...

Gov. John Corzine (D-NJ) was seriously injured yesterday in a hit-and-run car accident, hospitalizing him “with fractured ribs, a broken leg, and chest injuries.” Corzine did not “appear to have suffered life-threatening injuries.”


He was on his way to the Rutgers/Imus meeting.

Anonymous said...

Sam, you have been a great teacher. I have learned much from you. Best of luck and I hope to hear you on the airwaves very soon.

Until then, AAR can go and kiss my butt.


What you said, Anonymous---

Anonymous said...

Sam and Marc and Jeanane :sad: sniff

Alice said...

A Tribute To Sam Seder (Who Is Not Going Away)

Today is the final installment of Sam Seder's daily show on Air America Radio. I hope you'll tune in, call in, and give him a strong send-off as he moves into a new Sunday show for the network.

I wouldn't be on the path I'm on without Sam, and his former "Majority Report" co-host Janeane Garofalo, giving me the opportunity to contribute to their show. For that I'm forever grateful.

But beyond the positive impact Sam has had on me personally, he has had a greater impact on radio.

In turning to me and other bloggers as regular guests, Sam was the first to recognize how blogs and radio can work together. How an army of bloggers function as volunteer researchers, digging up stories, making connections, offering fresh perspectives that aren't being provided in traditional media. How a show's own blog can give listeners the ability to communicate with the hosts in real time, and build community.

Sam also picked the difficult lock of combining sharp humor with substantive news analysis, which liberal talk radio needs both of to be profitable and meaningful.

There's always been a ongoing question whether liberal talk radio is a business or a cause. It should be both.

Anonymous said...

You are such a great guy, Sam!!!

Anonymous said...


Sad day, but happy that Maron Maron will be there.

I can only hope that Nova M will make both of you an offer.

Miss you already!

Alice said...

Hey, MSNBC....I know of a guy with experience in morning radio who's out of work after today

During the obligatory Countdown segment on American Idol last night, Keith Olbermann asked Maria Milito if she had experience in morning radio. He was joking of course, but the fact of the matter is that there is, effective today, not only a gaping hole in MSNBC's morning lineup, but one in WFAN's as well. And I'm not sure they have a clue what they're going to do with it.

So OK, we have a dual opening for a morning radio guy who's sort of political, somewhat funny, who can conduct an interview, only you want someone who isn't going to resort to racist, "ethnist" and sexist slurs. Well, CBS and MSNBC, by sheer kismet, the perfect guy for you is going to be out of work after today.

His name is Sam Seder. And here is a pitch for a show for him.

mmrules said...

I don't want to be Cranky,but the Damn Sammy Cam ain't working again!

Anonymous said...

roxieseattle said...
"tainted pet food: ..."

ain't globalism grand?

Anonymous said...

Did Sam just imply he may be doing a daily show but just not on AAR? Oh I hope, I hope, I hope...

Anonymous said...

Cat Chew said...
[repost from last thread in response to ToniD's April 13, 2007 5:31 AM news link
Troops React To Forced Extensions With ‘Anger,’ ‘Frustration,’ ‘Collective Groan’]
From Salon's War Room, April 11:
"Some very thoughtless person"

It appears someone is playing "politics" with our troops.

Alice said...

American Tortured in Iraq Sues Rumsfeld

An American former Navy soldier and private contractor imprisoned and tortured in Iraq by the US military and falsely accused of “aiding terrorists” warns that our worst fears about Iraq have come true.

Anonymous said...

Sunshine said
You'll do fine Tiff

Aww, thanks Sunshine. lol, it just shocked me to hear the show all of a sudden on my phone. I think I'm the one 18 year old in the country who did not know they could do
P.S. So was Sam just hinting not so subtly that he was going to be daily somewhere other than aar?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how sad I feel today. What is AAR thinking?

I e-mailed Sheldon Drobny at Nova M Radio on Monday to recommend they recruit Sam for their network and he e-mailed back (surprise!) to say they'd be talking to both Sam & Maron in the future. Anyone who wants to chime in, e-mail

I normally podcast (busy life as scientist/college prof) but rearranged the schedule today to catch the last Sammy cam.

Sam, it's been a real pleasure! I've never missed a show, either MRR or SSS (love those podcasts). Thanks for showing us how effective it is to use logic and reason to deal with conservatives. I think many of us tend to have overly emotional responses to their outrageous lies and you've ably demonstrated a better approach.

Hope to hear you back on a daily basis soon!!! I can't take news of the latest atrocities unless it's delivered by you--somehow you can make me laugh in spite of it all.

Anonymous said...

so sorry thah this is you last day. I took the morning off so I could listen and WATCH your last show. THAT'S HOW CASUAL I AM TODAY. i WON'T BE LISTENING TO THIS TIME SLOT UNTIL THEY REINSTATE YOU!
P.S. atOO BAD i COULDN'T ASK sEN. kATHERINE hARRIS IF SHE WAS CONSIDERERING RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. Didn't somebody come out and dis Hilaries voice qualiaaty as being harsh and strident? I was going to point out to Sen Harris that she could kick some Clinton butt on simply with her breath , Scarlett O'hra voice quality. (LOL)

m. from peoria

Anonymous said...

Yea I got in on the Cammy Sam!

Just in time for Casual Pilates!

Anonymous said...

You are so on, Sam!

Alice said...

marcmaronrules said...

I don't want to be Cranky,but the Damn Sammy Cam ain't working again!

April 13, 2007 9:17 AM

For me either...I hope it comes on at some point...

Anonymous said...

Sammy cam is on - no sound???

terribletink said...

Is anyone getting sound on the Sammy Cam?

Anonymous said...

Can you think of another show where people take the day off to listen?

Unbelievable how misguided AAR management is.

My god!

Alice said...

It's on now..but no sound...

Anonymous said...

SammyCam is w/o sound for me.

Anonymous said...

theres no sound on the sammy cam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anyone got sound on the Cam?

Anonymous said...

Vid but no audio on the sammy cam...

Anonymous said...

No sound on the Sammy Cam!!!

terribletink said...

Yeah, what Fronch said!

I'm even up and at work at 6am today so that I can catch the show live instead of downloading it later and listening in the afternoon.

Anonymous said...

sound not working?!?

Anonymous said...

sound not working?!?

mmrules said...

Yep.Sory,but I get spoiled with the Sammy Cam.

Anonymous said...

we need sound!

Anonymous said...

Why was Cenk (using Sam's studio) able to have the cam working and Sam can't? I don't understand it.

Unknown said...

cam is up

no sound yet...

keeping the tradition intact!

renoray said...

my cam had no sound, and AAR won't stream at the same time as the damned cam

toniD said...

Someone send an email or an IM.

I sent an email uesterday

Anonymous said...

c'mon producers,its the last day.Turn the sound on

Anonymous said...

I can't hear you, Sam! No sound yet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2 Quick Ideas (I haven't heard anyone mention):

Conservatives whining about Imus being fired are hypocrites; He was safe until advertisers started to worry about the fallout of associating with him. In other words, he wasn't censored, his right to speech wasn't infringed upon, but THE FREE MARKET SPOKE! Isn't this an example of just what they want?

Second, does anyone else think it's possible that the WH is going after Nancy Pelosi so vehemently as a pre-emptive strike against impeachment? It seems to me that they're trying to demonize her so the puplic won't support removing Bush and Vader, er, Cheney, make her president.

Anonymous said...

I have to have two links open, one for the sound and one for the picture. haha

toniD said...

Protesters burn Musharraf effigies
Thousands of lawyers, activists defy crackdown, protest removal of judge.


Anonymous said...

Is this another one of Mr.Green's brilliant ideas?....Pantomime radio

Cat Chew said...

Conason on and no sound on the SammyCam feed?

Anonymous said...

will Timmy the Truth Turtle show up for the last show? Loved Sam on Olberman last night! Sad about today.

Anonymous said...

i miss so much just screwing with the cam

mmrules said...

No Sound!!No there is Casual Fridays,but this is a bit too casual.I'm not having A Casual Friday,I'm working 2 screens here and 2 players here!!

renoray said...

audio is working!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh. Sound.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just remember, there are more superstars in movies and television than there ever will be on radio.

Orion said...

how do you ask Sam questions during the break?

mmrules said...

Thank you Sammy!!:)

renoray said...

now no IM

Anonymous said...

At least you guys can get the cam. I always get a "link expired" error msg. Anyone else have this problem? I'd like to see the cam just ONCE.

Anonymous said...

it is friday the 13th.spooky

Anonymous said...

Can we IM Sam usings Windows Messenger? If so, would someone please tell me how?

toniD said...

Is it the Friday the 13th day that is causing tech problems?

Orion said...

just keep on clicking the samy cam link that is on the web. On about my 50th try i got it up.

Cat Chew said...

"how do you ask Sam questions during the break?"

IM, if he gets his computer working again...
Friday the snafu 13th...

Anonymous said...

" Deposablethumbs said...

Is this another one of Mr.Green's brilliant ideas?....Pantomime radio "

Nah, in the direction of the Lionel hiring and the eventual age of the average AAR listener -- Green is going to a silent format..."damn them thar new fangled talkies."

Anonymous said...

Can I say critical things about Lionel here?

Anonymous said...

It's not polite to whisper...

mmrules said...

What about us??Getting a kick-back from IM??Just kidding!

janet said...

Could you adjust the camera so we can see Joe?

Orion said...

"Can I say critical things about Lionel here?"
yes you can.

mmrules said...

Yes!!Loinel Sucks!!

Alice said...

Claims Detail Grim Civilian Toll

Eli Clifton, Electronic Iraq

Newly released documents have made public hundreds of claims for damages by Iraqi civilians requesting compensations for the death and injury of family members as a result of operations by Coalition Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"It's a first glimpse at the claim process that's used in Iraq and Afghanistan but it's only a limited glimpse and is not indicative of the number of claims," Jon Tracy, military and legal advisor at the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC), told IPS. "There are a lot more claims out there that could be released and should be released."

Anonymous said...

Please let us see Joe!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see how Dreams screwed Moogy over last night on Survivor?

Anonymous said...

turn the cam so we can see joe

Anonymous said...

you already got another gig didn't you Samuel?

Anonymous said...

A sad day, but not the end. (Nova M, Nova M.)

Anonymous said...

Lionel will put everyone to sleep. He is so incredibly dull. Expect to hear many ads for adult diapers and in-home nursing services!

Anonymous said...

Sam the Superhero!

Ajata said...

Yay Sam!!!!

As Joe said...

You are loved!

Anonymous said...

Sam, great job on Keith's show last night! We were delighted to see you!

Hey everybody....Just say no to Lionel!

Ajata said...

Thanks for the Sammy-cam!

Your mic is a little fuzzy though... Joe's sounds great...

Anonymous said...

"Yes!!Loinel Sucks!!"

Yes, Mark Green's ding dong, I've heard...

Anonymous said...

I'll be listening on Sundays, Sam. I can actually catch the show then, while during the week has been difficult for me since you went all morningy.

Cat Chew said...

Best break "eavesdropping," ever!

toniD said...

“President Bush is threatening to veto a Senate intelligence bill that’s laced with provisions that would force the White House and spy agencies to be more responsive to Congress.”


Anonymous said...

(NOT about Imus)

Where did you go Mr. D.J.?
Did they take you off the air?
Was it something that you said to the corporation guy upstairs?
It wasn't the pressue,
You never sounded down.

F.M., A.M where are you?
You gotta be out there somewhere on the dial.
On the dial.

If you didn't have a kid, I'd say tell them to SHOVE their Sunday show. It's an insult.

terribletink said...

Sam *is* our super hero! Good call, Joe!

This brings another are we going to get our Joe Conason fix on Fridays?

AAR Management must just really hate their most loyal listeners.

Unknown said...

called in and talked to Loren!

asked her to give the crew a thank you from the blog!

Ajata said...

juliepollack said...

Sam, great job on Keith's show last night! We were delighted to see you!

Hey everybody....Just say no to Lionel!

April 13, 2007 9:37 AM


I can't imagine anyone here will listen to Lionel.

At this hour, I am only here for Sam... I've got work to do otherwise...

Anonymous said...

Lionel will not have the Clash in his bumpers, I will tell you that.

AAR is working for the clampdown.

Ajata said...


How the hell are you??!!

How's it hangin'?

toniD said...

Morning Fish!!

Glad you're here for the last daily show on AAR.

Anonymous said...

At this hour, I am only here for Sam... I've got work to do otherwise...


My freelance producitivity will rise dramatically.

Unknown said...

eya FG!

mmrules said...

Boycott Lionel!!!!!!!

Ajata said...

At the very least we've got Rove on obstruction of justice....

Anonymous said...

it might be nice to actually see joe

Cat Chew said...

Fishgrease! :)

Unknown said...

Hey Sam swing the Sammycam a little to the right

Anonymous said...

The Sammy Cam is Casual.

Why not move the Sammy Cam a little so we can see Joe Casualson too?

I'm casual and avoiding as much work as possible - in honor of Sam's departure (temporary, I hope) from moring radio.

CNY dave

Anonymous said...

I always thought Sam and Janeanne were muder and scully

renoray said...

Has there been an Obama response to Couric? If he can't respond to this, he will get swift boated in the primaries.

Anonymous said...

I'm fine. Great, actually.

Sam, remember the "Peaches"

Elderta said...

Joe Conanson has the best skin in radio. Too bad one can't see him on the Sammy Cam! :(

Ajata said...

Thank GODDESS we got the Democrats to be the majority. If for no other reason, Leahy would not have been up there yesterday being able to say what he said about the emails.

Yes, that's right... thanks be to US!

Anonymous said...

Julie said...
Sam *is* our super hero! Good call, Joe!
This brings another are we going to get our Joe Conason fix on Fridays?

I know, that's one of my main dilemmas. I love his book and I'm so used to hearing him so often, it's gonna be almost as hard as losing Sam. Other shows just don't have the quality of guests...

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhh.....I get it now....I thought he was talking about Alberto Gonzales....

"blah blah blah said...
lets hope war with iran doesn't start at 5:45 tonight...

seriously, i would expect gonzo to be gone by the end of the day.

March 20, 2007 1:00 PM"

He was talking about SEDER!

btchakir said...

Can't you guys position the Sammy Cam so we can see both Sam and Joe?

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to basking in the sun and relaxing while I listen to Sam's show on Sundays.

Unknown said...

it's great to hear Joe on the last show!

Alice said...

Chávez calls for radicalization

Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez Wednesday made a call to radicalize his revolution, during a nationwide mandatory radio and TV broadcast on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of April 11, 2002 upheavals that removed him from office for a few hours.

"I am calling upon Venezuelans to radicalize our revolution. We must move away from the idea that politics is the art of making things possible or the idea that we have to seek consensus."

"They will never accept us! Neither the US empire nor the domestic oligarchy," Chávez said, claiming that "there are no ways leading to understanding."

"Radicalization of the revolution, true socialism, anti-empire revolution, this is the way!"

Ajata said...


I was thinking about Ted Stevens last night when I was watching Leahy talk about how the emails were still there somewhere.

Anonymous said...


Larry Tallman said...

Well now...

Ajata said...

Yes.. please let us see Joe!!!

mmrules said...

Move the Cam Sammy!

Anonymous said...

what's sam's IM account?

mmrules said...

Yea!!!!!!!there's Joe!!

Unknown said...


great camera reposition.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe! We hope you will join us on Casual Sundays sometime!

Alice said...

I love when he does that voice! :)

Anonymous said...

When does it become Treason.

Cat Chew said...

There're some good links at the (so-called) real blog, that aren't in the header here

Nice! Heh! I was beginning to believe it was verboten to see Joe Conason tie-less.

toniD said...

Keeps losing sound! Damn!

reload time

Alice said...

Kirchner tells IMF to MYOB and stop making recommendations

Argentine president Nestor Kirchner on Thursday again criticized the International Monetary Fund, IMF, and ironically said that “the IMF no longer can indicate what we should do, we well know what happened when we did so”.
“(IMF Managing Director) Mr. Rodrigo Rato spend your time talking to others, because we’ve almost forgotten about you”, said Kirchner who added that Argentina currently has “one of the highest international reserves in history, 37.430 billion US dollars”. The highest level ever was January 2001, with 37.380 billion US dollars.

Alice said...

CeeCee said...


April 13, 2007 9:45 AM

Lol... :)

Larry Tallman said...


Unknown said...

eya N!

Anonymous said...

lol very odd. sammy cam (at least mine) is like five minutes behind what i'm hearing on the phone. that true for anyone else?

shelaghc said...

I wish I could watch *or* listen today. I'm working someplace that doesn't permit streaming.


Buh-bye Sammy. It's been a great ride!

I'd definitely be there on Sunday whether my local station carries you or not!

Alice said...

Nobody said...


April 13, 2007 9:52 AM

Yay! If that's you then my voo doo worked! I was hoping you'd show... :)

How are you?

Cat Chew said...

Who let the wookie in?
Hiya :)

Unknown said...

give Sam a call

toniD said...

Hi Nobs!

Glad you came for the last day of daily Sam Seder!

Anonymous said...

The World Bank needs to fire Paul Wolfowitz!

Anonymous said...

Sam could do the Sunday show from a backyard barbecue under his newly moved trees, with friends and acquaintances.

Larry Tallman said...

Hi jimmy...

alice voodoo...I wondered aboutthe button stitched to my forehead...

Hiyas girly ;)

roxieseattle said...

catherine: re ted steven...send t e roto-rooter guys into the tubes to get those "lost" emails!

Unknown said...


that delay lets them catch 'fuckin A's' for deletes.

Larry Tallman said...

Hello to you too beautiful...

really tired but I couldn't miss this...jimmy nagged me besides

Anonymous said...

sam - you have my loyalty and i will be listening on sundays
while i'm lazing around, cleamning housse and doing laundry - i'll be listening to sammy
and since i won;t be streaming lionel during the week - i might even get more work done at work.

Alice said...

and FISH too...
Good Morning.. Fish..! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

Hiya Sam!

Happy Friday the Thirteenth! Sorry to see you leave weekdays, but I'll be listening for you Sundays...

Want to dump Bush now? Of course you do- - most Americans want to see him out of office now.

Find out who in Congress is in charge of the press corps and security authorizations for the White House, and get them to subpoena Jeff Gannon / James Guckert immediately and ask him under oath who authorized his press pass, and to account for his 203 documented visits to the White House.

The Secret Service records for Gannon/Guckert's White House visits contain dozens of unexplained discrepancies, including:
+ On eight dates, Gannon made more than one appearance at the White House
+ On ten occasions, Gannon logged in unusually early or stayed late at the White House – from two to 4.5 hours before or after the press briefing
+ On 17 occasions, no exit or no entry was recorded for Gannon
+ On 33 dates, Gannon appeared at the White House without press briefings

The records are confusing but it appears that this self-identified bisexual male sex worker stayed overnight at the White House, just as Bush and Cheney were marching the nation into an illegal invasion of Iraq. This was a serious breach of national security around the President of the United States during a time of war.

Under whose authority and for what purpose was this barely credible journalist – who betrayed himself as a GOP operative in the WH Press Corps and as a bisexual male sex worker, whose background is shrouded in mystery – allowed virtually limitless access to the entire White House?

The number of people who could have authorized his pass is very limited. Was it Bush, with a documented gay past and his fondness for rubbing the heads of bald men like Gannon, the Vice President, the First Lady, Karl Rove, or Ari Fleischer?

Considering his documented homosexual past, most probably the truth is that Jeff Gannon was sticking it to George W Bush deep in his Oval Orafice.

Whatever sexual or other undercover services this man performed for whomever in the White House, whether his name was Gannon, Guckert, or by any name, conducted there, is of utmost importance to learn, preferably by summoning him to appear before Congress under oath.

Larry Tallman said...


Anonymous said...


toniD said...

Nobody said...
Hello to you too beautiful...

really tired but I couldn't miss this...jimmy nagged me besides

Well I'm glad he did!!

Anonymous said...

Sam,You are the star of AAR - the management is completely blowing it here. Please read your many posts on your April 8 posting.

Cat Chew said...

Nice juxtaposition there, Fishy.

Anonymous said...

First AAR craps on Mike Malloy and now they do it to Sam. I sent AAR an email expressing my outrage and I hope everyone else does the same.

We love ya, Sam. Keep fightin' and I'll be there on Sundays listening.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Stay tuned for a blog message directly from Sam after the show.
Posted by SEDER at 7:56 AM

Celebrating The Last Casual Friday!

Good morning, bloggers!

More sweet irony for Seder?

Anonymous said...

Sam love your show!
going to miss you!

tim in Japan
u.s. mil ret

mmrules said...

Easy on Maron Now!!Just kidding:)

Orion said...

how again do you ask Sam questions during the break?

Alice said...

Moral Lessons from the Animal Kingdom

A large number of animals mate for life in the animal kingdom.

Although they don't adhere strictly to this social order in every instance there is one rule they never break. What is that rule?

According to April Holladay science journalist for USATODAY There is an impressive list of monogamous animals in our world. The list includes the wildest of the wild such as the gray wolf. Much new information has been gathered about the wolves as a direct result of the work being done by the Yellowstone Gray Restoration Project.

Animals that mate for life include a seabird called a prion, French angel fish, pigeons, ospreys, prairie voles, coyotes, beavers, barn owls, golden eagles, red tailed hawks, black vultures, swans, condors, anglerfish, brolga cranes, Gibbon apes, termites and of course America's much beloved bald eagle.

An amazing 90 percent of birds mate for life. This is impressive considering there are upwards of 10,000 species of birds. Only about 3 percent of mammals are monogamous.

Philandering does take place among the monogamous species with exception of the California field mouse. Studies have shown that this Mickey never mates with anyone but his own little Minnie at anytime during its life.

The cheating among pairing animals is explained by evolutionists as you might expect because of some subconscious drive to preserve the species.

Anonymous said...

Heya Nobes.

I've missed everyone here.

Special blend of folks.

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