Sunday, April 8, 2007


It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that this week will be the last week of the Sam Seder Show on Air America. As you know, Air America recently came out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy and the new management wants to go in a different direction with the 9-Noon (est) time slot. However, as much as I would like to spend more time with Alberto Gonzales’ family, he will be doing so shortly, freeing me up to do a Sunday afternoon show on Air America Radio. The show is tentatively known as Seder on Sundays and I am excited to get it started.

I am very proud of the three years I have broadcast on Air America Radio. I am particularly proud of the Sam Seder Show. We started the show as AAR was entering bankruptcy, when things around here were pretty hectic and insecure. The Sam Seder juggernaut, as no one but me called us, was able to maintain all of our affiliates that stayed with the progressive format through our bankruptcy. While it’s a bit early to judge, (our first full “book” is out in a couple of weeks) our ratings were looking pretty good and we dramatically increased AAR’s streaming numbers during this time slot. Most importantly, though, was the support and response we received from you, our audience. You'll never know just how helpful and motivating your comments, calls, emails and letters have been to me and my family and I greatly appreciate it.

I hope all of you will join me when I begin the Sunday show in the next month and a half or so. Of course, I’ll be maintaining this blog and continuing to promise to fix it. ( I mean it this time, I am serious!) I actually have some rather large plans for this site and its offerings but am not prepared to discuss them at the moment.

Anyway, over the next week I’ll be posting more about my plans, this site, Seder on Sundays and reflecting upon the last three years.

My email address is posted in the left hand column of this blog— drop me an email if you want to receive updates in the future. And tune in this week! I really don’t know how I am going to break this to Dewey.


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toniD said...

On "Hardball" today former ambassador Richard Holbrooke slammed guest-host David Gregory for peddling unfounded GOP talking points about Speaker Pelosi's trip to Syria. Whether it was Pelosi's "shadow presidency" (coined by WaPo neocon Fred Hiatt), or her "miscommunicated Israeli message," Mr. Holbrooke exposed the lies and took a swing at the gullible journalists who have been promoting them.

Download (1744) | Play (1917) Download (697) | Play (1333)

"I think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion by a deliberate ambush plan by the opposition — in this case the Republicans — and, frankly, exploited by journalists who are just looking for a controversy. There is no issue here. Congressman Wolf, a major Republican, was in the region a few days earlier. Republicans were on her trip. There is no issue. None."

I wonder if Holbrooke caught Gregory's appearance on "Meet the Press" yesterday or if he just got lucky. Either way, he's dead on.

Think Progress has video of Rep Nick Rahall (D-WV) — who was part of Pelosi's delegation — confirming that the Speaker spoke to President Bush before leaving for Damascus, and that he raised no objection. If bloggers can so easily sort out fact from fiction, why can't the national "liberal" media? Pathetic.


Anonymous said...


Ajata said...

hey elderta!

i like whatcha do... that whole andi warholas thing...

Unknown said...

I now have no reason to renew my AAR premium podcast. Bye, Sam. You're an f'ing rock star, man.

Anonymous said...

Jasonfactor said...
I am watching Air America implode from within, without the right wing media needing to lift a finger. Maron and Seder and Malloy, this was a venture with much promise. Good luck to the new owners with the logo that means little without the talent.


Do any of these people understand that Air America lost $43,000,000 with the very hosts they claim to be so great?

Anonymous said...

"Who is Lionel?

...He despises the Kennedy's.

...He referred to Rachel Maddow as a, 'thick necked Lesbian.'"


hate him

Anonymous said...


toniD said...

Goodling Among 150 Alumni From Pat Robertson Univ Employed By Fed Gov't
The Boston Globe | Charlie Savage | April 9, 2007 03:07 PM

The title of the course was Constitutional Law, but the subject was sin. Before any casebooks were opened, a student led his classmates in a 10-minute devotional talk, completed with "amens," about the need to preserve their Christian values.

"Sin is so appealing because it's easy and because it's fun," the law student warned.

Regent University School of Law, founded by televangelist Pat Robertson to provide "Christian leadership to change the world," has worked hard in its two-decade history to upgrade its reputation, fighting past years when a majority of its graduates couldn't pass the bar exam and leading up to recent victories over Ivy League teams in national law student competitions.


Anonymous said...

Where the hell is the petition, folks? He told me that you guys were preparing to create a petition.

Alice said...

Catharine said...

April 9, 2007 10:34 PM

Can't argue with that....

Ajata said...

I gotta say... It's great to listen to Mike ... I knew where he was, but it really took this for me to listen to him the way I used to... sorry Mike. I was lazy, I guess.

So ... maybe Nova M can bring over some others ... Thom Hartmann is already played there... ?



I only discovered your show a short two months ago. In that time you have become my favorite. I can't believe that I won't be able to listen to you every morning.
Just last week I wrote our station (760am Boulder, CO) asking them to carry your show because I thought it was so great.
Man, I've looked forward to listining to your show every morning. Now what am I going to do? Your show is the most intelligent, informative, entertaining and funny show on the radio.
I hope I can catch you on Sundays.

Your fan,

Elderta said...

Is it the fault of the shows or the radio stations afraid to put the shows on their air? Put the real blame where it belongs and I'll give you a clue: it's not with the shows themselves.

Oh forget it. Just went Dems and Progressives get the wind back into their sails, it's time to yank it away again.

And Catharine... thanks. We don't do it much, but when we do, it's fun.

Anonymous said...

I am really sorry the Sam is being demoted to a Sunday show. I am especially sorry to learn that "Lionel" wii be taking over the time Sam now has, Another bone- headed mistake by Air America management.

Anonymous said...

Who is Lionel? Check out this photo of Lionel sitting next to Sam.

Who would have thought it.

Checking wikipedial...

Oh God, even the Wikipedia describes this dweeb as 'a centrist radio talker'.

Anonymous said...

Lionel was also part of the "Voices from Israel" tour... oh man, i am not going to even go there...

Alice said...


Replacing Sam Seder with Lionel is like

_____ Replacing a Diamond with a Diamonique

_____ Replacing wit and intellect with boredom

_____ Replacing a Great Progressive message with nonsense

_____ Like replacing entertaining talk with crap

_____ Like replacing Bill Clinton with George Bush

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it! Is AAR really that f'ing stupid and out of touch? Oh man, this is going to be rough. Maybe Mike, Mark and Sam could start their own show. I need a drink. (suicidal sigh)

Anonymous said...

Oh Alice you are so right!


heard you on Malloy.

Jafafa Hots said...

Just listened to an archived Lionel rant about how horrible the ACLU is.

Brilliant, Green, just brilliant.

Unknown said...

eya eep,

ya it was fun, i love those two.

mike tells it like it is.

back in a few minutes,

how are ya tonite?

most are still

shell shocked.

Anonymous said...

So is Lionel going to be Ed-Shultz-lite....or just plain crappy?

I'm keeping my premium membership because I can't miss Randi, but..seriously...what the fuck?!!?

Sam! We'll miss youon the regular, but we'll still love you on the weekends.

gpc said...

Sam Seder gone?

Air America has the uncanny
ability to get rid of its
funniest, most cutting edge

Air America should simply
change its name to "Bland America"
and only market one program:
The Satellite Sisters.

Marc Maron & Sam Seder:
together, men, you've
got an audience. Bring in
Mark Reilly so there'll at least
be one adult on the air.

Ajata said...

And, Elderta ... I noticed that meatspace artspace ... looks like it's right down [towards the water] from 5pointz?

Anonymous said...

Sam, I wanted to post the following comments to AAR's website, but unfortunately that process is as lame as everything else that they do.

I’m sad to see yet another of Air America Radio’s best talents getting cast aside in the station’s march towards mediocrity, and I fear ultimate failure.

I very much wanted AAR to be a success, and was willing to tolerate an awful amount of awful advertising for “the cause.” As someone not connected to the news media or entertainment industries, I found it perplexing that the managers at AAR could not discern that the AM format is more or less an anachronism, and switching to a FM format would enable them to focus on program content rather than advertising

Here in New York, the programming geniuses at AAR switched their “flagship station” to WWRL in 2006. By doing so, they took on Armstrong Williams as ballast in the morning drive time slot and limited the New York metropolitan market to a signal so weak you can’t pick it up 20 miles out after 6:00 P.M. “Army”, whose greatest accomplishment is taking something like $200,000 in payola from the Bush administration, is accompanied by an androgynous voiced (great radio!) sycophant that makes Alan Colmes sound like a junk yard Rottweiler on steroids. The show is completely, absolutely unlistenable.

It’s bad enough that they dropped Al Frankin and now Sam Seder while keeping terrible shows on during the crucial drive time slots. Haven’t these jerks ever heard of Amy Goodman or Jim Hightower?

RIP, Air America. After this week, you can pretty much go fuck yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sam,
You are hilarious and smart as hell. Most other shows on Air America suck. I almost got satellite radio so I could listen to you. I'm glad I didn't.
Good Luck

Anonymous said...

Au Revoir AAR ;(

We've reached the last straw!

(1) No podcast renewal ever again
(2) Removing XM radio station 167 from my receiver
(3) Stopped listening to my local affiliate long ago due to the bloviating pompous Ed Schultz et al...

Ajata said...

I think we have to remember that "AirAmerica" was only just a name that was sold and resold to different owners. ... but the name remained the same ... we have to separate the on-air talent/shows from the label.

I only recently begrudgingly tuned back into MSNBC because of Keith Olbermann. That does NOT mean I approve of NBC.

Scarborough follows Olbermann on MSNBC, and even though he's changed his tune considerably, I still don't trust the liar, and so I try to turn it off right after Keith is over. I KNOW they know whether I'm watching or not... and the network [and Scarborough] hopes that they will pick up audience from Keith over to Scarborough.

LHL said...

What the fuck? Sam is the only reason I can make it through the day! Sam is an excellent political analyst and has developed a fast-paced, entertaining AND informative show.

I really can't believe this! I will not listen to "Lionel," I want Seder! Seder's the only thing I listen to on Air America--I'm an Air America premium member, and the Seder show is the only one I subscribe to.

This is a travesty--he was just getting his show off the fucking ground. What was it, September when he struck out on his own in the mornings?

I really am on the verge of tears as I write this.

Ajata said...

I really am on the verge of tears as I write this.

April 10, 2007 12:27 AM

It's hard to reconcile that with your picture, Clinton....

LHL said...

That picture is from a bachelor party four years ago...I didn't realize that picture would be posted.

Oh well, this fucking sucks. And despite the picture, I really am on the verge of tears.

If Sam moves to Nova M, or anywhere else, even if he records a podcast in a closet with a Radio Shack mic, I will subscribe to it. I will pay money to hear Sam Seder! That's how bad I want to hear him!

Ajata said...

If Sam moves to Nova M, or anywhere else, even if he records a podcast in a closet with a Radio Shack mic, I will subscribe to it. I will pay money to hear Sam Seder! That's how bad I want to hear him!

April 10, 2007 12:35 AM



Me too.


Anonymous said...

I just canceled my Premium subscription. I will reinstate it when/if Sam get's a 3 hour per day slot back.

Go to NovaM Sam.... I will pick up my subscription on the other side.

Too bad, I really like Thom and Randi too :-(

Anonymous said...

i said...

Who is Lionel? Check out this photo of Lionel sitting next to Sam.

I remember Sam talking about that event. Sam actually complemented Lionel. Little did Sam know that Lionel often bashed Air America. I tried to call the show to inform Sam. I was unable to get through. Also, like Ed Schultz, Lionel hates the blogesphere.

Just last week Lionel was on Cspan. He was with the editor of Talkers Magazine. They are real chummy. Perhaps he suggested Lionel to Air America. They were discussing immigration. The panel was all white, and all male. This is what Lionel likes. As I posted earlier, Lionel loves power. He desperately wants to be the privileged white male's, privileged white male. Get it! This is common among men who feel inferior about their background. Just ask Alberto Gonzales, Clarence Thomas or Armstrong Williams.

Lionel bares a striking resemblance to Pepe LePew. Oh let me have my fun. This may explain his contempt for women. He voice sounds very much like Sylvester, the Cat. Lionel, well, is also a drunk.

Anonymous said...

WTF! This has got to be the worst good news (or is it good bad news?) I have ever heard in my life. First Maron and now Sam. Sheesh. Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me...You can't get fooled again.

Anonymous said...

This just in....

Not only has Lionel once again made Talkers Magazine's list of the "100 Most Important Radio Talk Show Hosts in America" (now at #23), he is tied for 14th Place in their report on The Top Talk Radio Audiences!

WTF? 14th Place?

Sam is Numero Uno!!!

14th? Give me a break

Anonymous said...

Before today, I didn't really know who Lionel was. So, I visited his website I watched some of his clips and read what he had...

There's no F'n way. The sound of this guys voice is like fingernails on a blackboard. Aside from that, what he talks about and his entire manner is moronic -- IMHO, no real substance.

I have no use for dis guy.

What a dog-gone dirty shame.

nut-meg said...

Did any of you watch this documentary tonight about Jim Jones?

I, for one, am completely sppoked out now and I doubt I'll be sleeping. It was quite effective.

nut-meg said...

No real substance... Dont tell Mark Green! He'll hire him outright!

Unknown said...

well if the new owners meant to kill off AAR they're well on their way looking at how many people are giving up on the network.

so ya figure that if this many fans take the time to write in theres a huge number of them that are just as disgusted?

nut-meg said...

I dont know if this blog is a good indicator Jim. Its Sams blog, people upset about his show are going to come here to gripe. And then the lone idiot War Dog...

Unknown said...


the Rev Jones had his congregation in Frisco next door to our concert hall.

i was not impressed by him at all. he was high and mighty with us staff, screwed up the equipment we loaned him and never payed for the repairs. we staffers owned the equipment btw.

Ajata said...

It always amazes me how bad people are at business.

I meet someone who is at the top in their industry and assume there must be a good reason (some sort of merit based reason) that they are where they are. But, almost every single time I am shocked to find out just how little they know about what they are doing.

This new program director is just another idiot who believes his own industry's hype: that a radio personality is a hit simply because they are on every radio station and therefore they must be popular.

Wrong wrong wrong. Remember Rush Limbaugh? He doesn't pull in top market share in almost any market he's in. He only has audience because the program directors put him on their stations. And when it's just one corporate station (like Clear Channel) that owns all the stations, well then it's just "Rush 24/7".

If Starbucks coffee were the only coffee available in every city, then everyone would pretty much drink Starbucks... until that is they get so sick of it, that it's that bad, that they go out of their way to find another coffee, or just stop altogether. Starbucks could still claim that their coffee is the most popular because it's the ONLY GODDAMNED CHOICE!

Hey Mr. Green(s)!

Your program director SUCKS!

Just because he's been hired at other stations doesn't mean he's good!

Just because other stations put Lionel on, doesn't mean he's good ... OR listened to.

C'mon. Don't be an idiot. You're wasting your money. You have no network 'brand' left now. You're only as good as your individual shows.

This isn't even basic Marketing 101. It's just common sense.

Ajata said...

nut-meg said...

I dont know if this blog is a good indicator Jim. Its Sams blog, people upset about his show are going to come here to gripe. And then the lone idiot War Dog...


Hey, Meg ... go look at the front page of AirAmerica and look at the comments made regarding the announcement.

Anonymous said...

What a dog-gone dirty shame.

April 10, 2007 12:53 AM

Yep, as I said, Lionel sounds like Sylvester, the cat. Or? It may be Tweety-Bird.

nut-meg said...

Sunny Jim, according to the documentary, by the time Jones got to San Fran he had pretty much come unglued... Not that he was ever normal. They interviewed childhood friends who said when he was a kid he used to kill cats so he could have a funeral for them.

Unknown said...

yup meg,

a good point.

on the other hand

when maron and mike got

shafted they did'nt have blog

threads that headed for over a thousand posts.

even so i remember 35,000 or so petition signers for mike.

nut-meg said...

I dont see a comment page

Unknown said...

i wanted to like him eh?

his parishioners had good things to say about him.

every time we came in contact with him though things fell apart.

we finally gave up on him and his crew.

Anonymous said...

LIONEL? You gotta be kidding. He's the poster boy for the liberal elite. Our local station carries him at night. I had to stop listening this guy's so hung up on himself half the time I have no clue what he's talking about. Hey AAR management I stopped listening to this guy when he accused Randi Rhodes of lying.

Sam, you and your guests have done a super job tending to the fire that Al started. You need to be on 5 days a week. We need you and Christy and Joe Conason and Atrios and Mark Maron and Senator Harris. Go to Nova M. Keep it lit!

Anonymous said...

This is really bizarre.

Marc said the main reason he walked away from his last negotiation with Air America was they were trying to offer him Sam's slot behind Sam's back, and that wasn't compatible with Marc's quaint ideas about personal integrity.

Now here they are shitcanning Sam anyway. (Drastically reducing somebody's hours is legally equivalent to laying him off.)

So ... should Marc have taken the offer, so at least somebody good would stay in the slot even if it wasn't Sam?

... or would they have fired Sam, hired Marc, and then fired Marc again (again!) a few weeks later to replace him with this guy nobody ever heard of but everybody says is a dweeb?

Anonymous said...

Just heard about this total BS!!!!!!! on the Mike Malloy show show--he said some very kind and supportive and complementary things about Sam in no uncertain terms. It is well worth taking a listen somehow to his show tonight--boy is he pissed at this travesty! They will probably can him again over this, too!!! Listen, the last time these stupid idiots tried this with Sam and when they actually did it with Mike, we fans bombed 'em with letters and email and got them both back on the air and we will do it again!!! This will not stand!! Sam is the greatest!!!

Ajata said...

With all that money ... you couldn't afford a little common sense?

For about 5 cents you could have figured this one out on your own. But, no. You didn't trust your own judgment so you thought you'll go out and hire someone who knows what they're doing. Well, "how do I tell who's good at being a program director?", you thought. Well, did you hire the guy who sold you the biggest line of bullshit and kissed your ass? Or did you think the guy that was at all these other radio stations must know what he's doing?

Bad hire.

Ajata said...


Just got to the home page and click on the announcement about Lionel. It will open up...

Ajata said...

Oh well. It's late.


Anonymous said...

Fortunately Air America cannot fire Mike again.

Malloy is not back on Air America, he's on Nova M, which is one of AA's competitors. Individual stations -- like KPOJ in Portland -- can buy programs from any network they want. If Air America keeps this shit up, they will keep losing market share in the left talk radio space.

Anonymous said...

I just heard your show is going to close. How upsetting. The Majority Report was as enjoyable and informative as Franken, and The Sam Seeder Show continued the intelligence and cleverness. Now, both of AA's best shows are gone in one year! What a loss.

I listen on XM Radio, and I've got to try to stomach the faux-liberal Ed Schultz until Randi comes on at noon to finally provide some substance. Without Ed's occasional guests, he's just a bore.

Anyway, I guess I'll have to just be satisfied with your new weekly show. Best of luck to you!

All good things must end. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

are you kidding me?? what? I'm tuning in (as I day everyday, as much as poss) to the first show of Mike Malloy. (I remember; it sucked when Mike was cut.) Ironic how I hear the news that the Sam Seder show is getting shafted on the first day of the Mike Malloy show? Sam is one of the pillars here of AAR and is also prominent in the KPOJ lineup (Portland,OR).. why get rid of someone at a high point? It really seems like it just puts the others on edge.. like a lottery ? who's next to be sent packing? Ratings aren't enough.
Are the new managers just another bunch of knobs???

Anonymous said...

I had to listen to Ed Schultz braying about Imus for 3 hours today. Then Randi came on. Guess what I heard.



Now why are we talking about Imus?

nut-meg said...

Lionel is one of the biggest names in talk radio? I've never heard of the guy!

Oh Mark Green is definitely smoking crack.

Anonymous said...

Sam, I just got the hang of listening to you, and I have to say you have turned into one of my favorite AAR programs. You are my husband's favorite, so that's why I started listening to you in the first place. I don't think it's right that they are taking all those days from your show to stick you on the weekend, because I have really gotten used to listening to your daily podcast. Now what? The new person replacing you in your time slot had better be Al Gore himself.

Anyway, I'll miss your daily show lot, but I look forward to your Sunday show and I'll be listening. Thanks for all your hard work.

Anonymous said...

Letter I sent to


I have been a loyal listener since Day One. Sam Seder is one of the pillars of AAR. Why get rid of someone at their high point? It really seems like it just puts the others on-edge, like a lottery? ("Who's next to be sent packing? Ratings aren't enough.")

Those people that to me represent AAR are slowly being stripped away. We lost Jeanine Garofalo and soon The Majority Report became The Sam Seder Show but I never missed a beat. Sam was TMR while Jeanine was on West Wing. I remember waking up laughing to Morning Sedition until one day.... I rarely missed Mike Malloy's show in the evenings. I loved getting stuck in traffic when Al Franken was on. I kept adjusting to schedule changes. There was hope that new management would take better care. Is my hope misguided? What chance does Randi Rhodes have?

I don't have any knowledge of management or radio broadcasting. I'm just an above average listener (IMHO) who (a) likes the content of the hosts and their guests, etc (b) buys the sh*t that advertisers pay money to you radio people to promote.

If we (other fans) stop listening to the shows, we'll miss the commericals!

Stop messing with the lineup!

X said...

This was terrible news today. Hearing it I was almost beside myself. Really. The loss of Sam's show hits me really fucking hard. I actually preferred Sam to Al, but to lose them both within'd almost think the conservative movement WEREN'T in decline!

What gives, AAR?! :(

Anonymous said...

To Sam and all his fans. THIS IS TOTALLY FUCKED!!I listened to Mike Malloy rant and rave over this travesty for 2 hours. It was AWESOME! If anyone needs an encouraging shot in the arm listen to it on some webcast. I am equally upset and desolate about this stupid shit on the part of AAR. I wonder if there is bigotry involved since Sam is an observant Jew. Honestly, you have to wonder. In any case Sam was one of the best things on Air America.
Back on the 10 mg Valiums tonight!!DAMN!!

Anonymous said...

WaitingForCicero said...
The fact that someone even thought to equate Sam and Lionel is painful.
April 9, 2007 5:54 PM

vynal lionel the albino rhino said... lionel.
April 9, 2007 7:05 PM

Drain the brain with a train.

The train wreck they will be referring to at (or "as") Air America Radio.

The brain drain of the trained and talented hosts at Air America Radio continues.

p.s. I prefer the paronomasia on The Sam Seder Show Blog. On that note, thanks for posting the music by The Pixies earlier on the sheet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

From the people who brought you the Morning Zoo-
It's no secret that I think Sam Seder is one of the most dangerous people in America.


Anonymous said...

this thread is so is like someone died or the show was cancelled


Anonymous said...

oh wait!




Anonymous said...

Damnit! I will miss you, Sam!

Anonymous said...

i hate sad things

they really make me unhappy


Anonymous said...

Dear Sam, I am as pissed off as Malloy about not being able to hear u M-F on AAR. We followed Mike to and we will follow u to Sunday OR WHEREEVER WE HAVE TO!
Peace be upon us all. Edie, Atlanta

Anonymous said...

O.K. Nova M. Because Sam was the last one left worth Premium podcasts.

I guess this moronic & enraging action of cashiering Air (yawwwwn) America's last compelling and exciting host is what I needed -- to get back to listening to Mike Malloy.

I was lazy because Sam was always shining/entertaining/educating @ 9 am. I just didn't have the energy to find Nova M or get podcasts elsewhere -- and I really mean it was because of Sam every weekday (although I must say I'm falling for Rachel and warming up quickly to the pissed Mr. Elliot!)

But now it's a parochial, self-obsessed, self-congratulatory New Yawk whine-fest from dawn 'til Randi @ 3pm. Like a Jewish nursing home for bad Billy Crystal charicatures... Lionel?! The effete, effeminate, pretentious, wimpy ("I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a single second of listenable radio today..."), boring, (literally) soporiphic & utterly your-grandma's-era-snoozefest that creeps from an oldies talkie station in NYC somewhere near midnight?!

Jesus, Green -- you're either reallyreally bad at this or reallyreally stupid beyond any ken of your own insular arrogance.

Ok. So Nova M is where my money goes, now. Hmmm... I wonder how long before Oy Ve! Greenie runs the new (and instantly moribund) AAR brand into the tax write-off his brother meant it to be?

Assholes... Just because we're liberal and progressive doesn't mean we tolerate your contempt of our time. If we wanted a leftist (Bum)Rush Bimbo then we'd just tune into The View and watch Rosie.

Utter, contemptible and toxic assholes...

Sam -- I can't wait for your next regular show on Nova M or TV... You're a fucking rock star while the Greenies croon do-wop...

Unknown said...

Just want to say I'm a daily Seder junkie and the guy is brilliant, articulate and very funny. I can't think why some jealous "inside radio" people could suggest Sam's not experienced enough. He's obviously a fast learner! Even three years ago when he started out on Majority Report he was great to listen to, though the interchange between him and Janeane (mostly her screaming) got distracting toward the end. Since Sam got his solo show, he's been fabulous. I podcast Thom Hartmann daily too, but as great as Thom is, Sam is my absolute favorite. And no one, not even Thom Hartmann, counters the freepers as deftly and with as much humor as Sam Seder. Mornings will be a drag after Friday... I'll definitely follow Sam wherever he goes.


Another disappointed Premium subscriber who'll be reevaluating her options.

Anonymous said...

WTF? I just renewed my premium membership last month so I could access YOUR show!

No offense to the other hosts but Thom, Randy, the Turks and Maddow have been boring the hell out of me lately. Sam is the only personality who has bloggers on his show on a regular basis.

YOUR show is the only Air America show I listen to on a DAILY basis.

Now I'm stuck with the Premium Membership until next March.

Thanks AAR. I hope you know what your're doing. Because, right now, Schultz is kicking your ass.

Anonymous said...

I had really hoped that AAR was going to get their act together after they fired Marc Maron and Sam Seder.
They will never be successful as long as they contin-ue to destroy their best talent. Sam Seder is a natural
in this business and is informative and entertaining.
What else could anyone ask for? I had misplace my
hope in thinking that the Greens might not be just another bunch of fools.

Anonymous said...

I am really dumbfounded that Sam Seder will not be on from 9 to 12. I listen every day and am a premium member so that I can podcast the shows I miss (as well as podcasting Rachel Maddow now that she is on from 6-9 when who in the world is listening to radio?!). I usually hate talk radio because I cannot stand to listen to stupidity or bickering (as much as I love Randy there is too much arguing for me to listen for 3 straight hours). But Sam is always able to talk with right wing nuts and make it amusing and lighthearted as well as informative. This was definitely the best 3 hours of radio on the weekday dial. I will also have to reconsider my premium membership.

Anonymous said...

What a tragedy. I look forward to Sam in the morning for his quick wit and his top-notch information. I even have a subscription to AAR Premium just to catch his shows that I've missed. He's the best thing on AAR. What a shame. Sam, you'll be missed.

Anonymous said...

It even hurts today. I can't believe we aren't going to have Sam on M-F!

Anonymous said...

The shock is not wearing off. Sam, we need you!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Despite the positive spin Mark Green put in his note on the AAR homepage (AAR 2.0?), I think many of us see this as a huge betrayal.

We're not paranoid. We're not weird freaks hanging out in chat rooms (well, some of us are, but still). We're people of different backgrounds and ages who relied on AAR to give us intelligent talk radio with, gasp, a dash of intelligent humor thrown in. That's what Franken and Sam have done, in particular.

When Al left, I was sad, but I was very heartened because Sam had really come into his own. Thom Hartman is smart but dry. Can't do 3 hours of him. Randi has good intentions but is way too egocentric. Don't want to hear anymore about her health problems or how she's the only one who can help us see the light. We see the light. We get it. We just want Sam to listen to and make us laugh.

I have listened to AAR since Day One. I won't be listening much, if at all, any longer.

The Greens have made a huge mistake with this one. Talk about losing the goodwill of its core listener group. That Lionel sounds like a nightmare. No thanks.

Laura S.
Portland, Maine

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sammy & Armey, followed by Lionel!

It's the death of AAR as we knew it. RIP.

I suspect Thom Hartmann will be shown the door soon too. Replaced by .....Al Sharpton?


MissM said...

I duplicate all the comments about the damn shame that this is. We (as long time listeners to AAR and podcast subscribers, aka paying customers) are once again totally ignored by the management of AAR. Through how many iterations of management have we gotten screwed? 4, 5? I forget. But the amount of time, and money, I spend contributing to anything AAR is rapidly coming to an end. I was incredibly excited when I heard there was going to be reality based programming to contrast with MSM, just over 3 years ago. Color me disgusted with management. Rachel and the weekend shows will be the only thing I listen to now. :(

Anonymous said...

I'd Just Like To Say Hello To My Uncle!

Anonymous said...

Let's see if Eric Alterman has the integrity to support Sam! So far, he hasn't mentioned it on his blog altercation.

Anonymous said...

This is the saddest.. i am so mad right now it is unbelievable this show is the only reason i subscribe to air America i am so mad

Anonymous said...

Nooooooo! Why does Air America hate its listeners and soon-to-be-former listeners? Why couldn't this be April Fools and just a really awful hoax? Why us?

There is no bright side to this grave miscarriage of sanity, but now I guess I will have more time to read and Sam will have time to work on Fubar II, but I would much rather have the Sam Seder Show on the air.

Anonymous said...

I hope the "Powers" at Air America are reading these.
It's not too late to rethink this disasterous mistake.
Keep Sam Seder in Prime Time slot.

Anonymous said...

Oh no!! Sam Seder is smart, funny, and very informative. No WONDER TPTB want to get rid of him. We can't have intelligent, entertaining radio hosts? (Sarcasm intended).

Bring back SAM SEDER in the MORNINGS! Pleeease.

Anonymous said...

Hey all you XM Subscribers!

I finally complained to XM about Air America's constant change of shows and hosts here: I told them that I only subscribe because of Air America; but that they were constantly changing show line-ups and sacking my favorite hosts. I also said I was seriously considering cancelling my subscription.

Anonymous said...

You really have some interesting things to say but your delivery is awful. It is hard to listen to you for more than a few minutes at a time -- all that phumphering and hemming and hawing and "umming". Get some elocution lessons before the Sunday show starts.

Anonymous said...

I hope the "new direction" AA management plans on taking isn't more "Liberal Limbaugh" programming. We don't need another shock jock spending hours spewing epithets and over-zealous gobbledy-gook, liberal or conservative. I appreciate the thoughtful discourse and friendly debate Sam Seder's show provides and I always come away more informed than I started. The fact that he makes it very entertaining is the cherry on the sundae. If AA management fills his time-slot with someone who can't fill his shoes, I will not be listening. Sam, you and I have a standing Sunday date!!!

Anonymous said...

Bummin' that we're loosin' a strong voice for the Progressives, a beacon in the wilderness of "right wing" spewings. So what is this "new direction" for AAR?

Lacy Phillips said...

I am so sorry to hear your show is ending during the week. I listen almost everyday at work and my jaw dropped when I heard this was your last week. I hate changes and will miss your program.

Anonymous said...

This is a disaster for Air America. What can they be thinking? You are by far the best host they have. I will not be renewing my premium subscription.

Anonymous said...

That is a huge strategic mistake; I have listened to your program every morning since you moved from to morning slot here in the SouthWest. It is the best that Air America has to offer - a rare mix of progressive news, opinion and humor, that is not only effective but inspirational.

Anonymous said...

The new owners must be suffering from "Bushitice"..unable to hear what the people want. AAR was a cure, but now it seems it's losing it's potency. I guess we'll be cancelling or prescription... I mean subscription

Hepcat said...

well, I guess I'm now down to Randi and Rachel. I suppose this is good for my work productivity. Not too long ago I was listening to AAR from 8-5, now it's 3-5. Sad day. The renewal of my subscription is in serious doubt.

Anonymous said...


I was elated when you were moved to AM's. Jerry was good, but you are better. Best of luck to you and your quest. I'll be waiting for my Sam Seder!

jcmon13 said...

I just don't know what i'm going to do, with my am without,your itelligent banter. I am going to miss you daily, but I will look for your Sunday show. My best wishes are with you and your family.And of course your staff.

Anonymous said...

I saw the first words of the last comment 'I am devastated' and I have to say my words exactly. I need my Sam Seder fix in the morning and I will be there on Sunday but why is AIR America doing this? Why can't they ask their listeners first? Sam you are great and I will listen to you at whatever time they put you. But I am very dissapointed in the news of Sam's departure to Sundays.

Anonymous said...


And I just went for a three year XM contract. I feel cheated.

Anonymous said...

First Al Frankin and now you.

What a huge disappointment. I think AM is making a big big mistake. I am a regular listener to you show and your show only. Just can't connect to Ed Shultz.

Hoping they will see the folly in their ways and put you back on and soon.

Anonymous said...

AAR is now FUBAR !

Anonymous said...

You are better than AAR, anyway. If they can afford you, I'd like to see you move to Nova M.

We dig you down here in San Diego, Sam. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Yes I'll be dumping my AA subscription too.

Get on NOVA - this ship is sinking..

Jafafa Hots said...

Those of you who have a problem with Sam's voice, just wait until you get a taste of Lionel.

You'll want to claw your ears out.

Anonymous said...

Okay, let me add my voice to this lament over the loss of The Sam Seder Show, as we now know it, M-F 9-12 noon.

First, I enjoyed (and echo the sentiments behind) WaitingForCicero's rant of the other day; it expressed pretty nicely the anger and frustration many of us listeners feel over this latest in a long line of bone-headed AAR management decisions. I will miss my daily dose of The Sam Seder Show immensely.

Second, I'm so beaten down by bone-headed AAR--the Winstead departure/Unfiltered's demise; Maron's departure/Morning Sedition's demise; the Majority Report's demise (I believe Janeane left of her own accord?); Malloy's firing--that it's almost as though I've been conditioned to expect the worst from AAR management, whoever that happens to be at the moment. I was, in a way, 'prepped' for the end of Seder Monday thru Friday. Disappointed, yes; surprised, no. I can't even muster up the outrage, frankly, because I'm exhausted from all the prior outrage.

Anyway, here's the comforting thought to leave all Sederistas with: the cream always rises to the top. When ABC cancelled Politically Incorrect it was a blow to Bill Maher fans, of which I am one. But Maher was simply too talented NOT to be picked up by a savvier outlet; in his case HBO. And now look at his show; better than ever.

Likewise, the same will happen with Sam. The little Sunday 'table scraps' the bros. Green are throwing his way are but a mere weigh station for Sam to idle in until a smarter, savvier outfit dials Sam up and dangles a lucrative contract before him, with an even sweeter soapbox and timeslot to allow him to continue broadcasting, entertaining and enlightening an even greater audience.

Air America is to be given their due for serving as a launching pad for Sam's broadcasting career...not a home, a launching pad. They served their function. Now it's time to move on to bigger and better things...time for the cream to continue its rise upward.

Darkness always comes before the light, someone once said. That someone was Robert DeNiro, and he was talking about women, I think. But never mind that. I think the point he was trying to make is that Seder is not going away. Seder will be back! There is light at the end of this tunnel, patient.

Anonymous said...

WHAAAAAAAAA????????? I just tuned in, I know, I haven't listened in a few weeks but I've had a good reason. Now I come back to my regular schedule only to find out Sam is leaving?!?!?! The only thing I can say is that whatever AAR is putting in this slot better be better than amazing, because the Sam Sedar Show has set the bar HIGH!!
I'll miss ya Sam!

Anonymous said...


I'm gonna miss you so much. You, Thom & Randi are AAR for me. I wish you much success in any future endeavors. The Management at AAR will soon come to regret this decision, about this I have no doubt.

I will do my best to tune in regularly once your new Sunday show gets off the ground.

We love you, and your daily show will be sorely missed. Please don't ever let anyone silence your passion for justice & equality. With voices like yours out there, it gives me hope that we'll come through this current national nightmare to a much brighter day.

Much love & best of luck to you & your wonderful family.

Bruce Anderson
High Point, North Carolina

Anonymous said...

Sam Should be on EVERYDAY! AAR needs to get a CLUE this was one of the best shows they had!

Anonymous said...

I just found out that Air America is once again destroying it's best show. I've been listening to Air America every day for a little more than two years. I used to listen to the morning sedition from 3:30 am to Mike Malloy 9:00 - Midnight. Morning sedition was a great drive time show that was given a horrible schedule here in oregon. 3-6 am Then air america management destroyed it.

I am extremely depressed over the loss of Sam Sedar's weekday show. Al Franken was right. A radio show is to some extent a cult of personality. The Sam Sedar show was the best show Air America had to offer. Sam is clearly the most talented radio personality Air America has. The perfect mixture of gravitas and outrage. I'm going to miss you very much Sam, and will always hold this against Air America. I'll still listen, but in the future I'll try not to like any of the shows too much for fear that management will yank it off the air.

Can't wait for Sam's new show. I'll stream it if I have to.

trog said...


I am really going to miss your show. Your show and The Young Turks are the only shows I really listen to on AAR. I live in a city that doesnt have a AAR station so I have to podcast your show. I'm really sorry to hear you go. I think that you are being very gracious. You're the best Sam. I look forward to your Sunday show.

Anonymous said...

Sam Seder is the best.

AAR should replace Thom Hartmann with "The Sam Seder Show".

Bill Connors, New York

k said...

While I enjoyed a few other shows enough to listen to AA on the radio, I subscribed to the podcast (premium member) for:

1) Marc Maron
2) Sam Seder
3) Al Franken

By the way, WTF is a Lionel? Is Sam being replaced by a toy train?

Anonymous said...

this is a totally underhanded, unacceptable 'programming change' by AAR and ,to say the least, very disrespectful to the many many listeners/fans of Sam's show... When the new powers-that-be rode onto the scene to so-call 'save' the station, the underlying message was supposedly that they were cognizant of the importance of such alternate programming [particularly as demonstrated with Sam's show, more than any of the others, i am sure]. Therefore that is why this particular programming change is so unacceptable--- Sam is the beacon in the AAR lineup-- and I don't think anyone could seriously deny that... can only hope that if AAR wants to retain any of the market share that they had, they will smarten up and reverse their announcement ---GIVE SAM SEDER a 5-day slot...

Starlight said...


This is sad news. You are by far the best thing going in radio! I can't wait to get every podcast. This move by the Greens seems totally bone-headed to me. Hang in there while all your fans fight to get you back daily.

Unknown said...

Sam go to Nova...I'll switch my premium podcast subscript to there and just subscribe to RR and Jon Elliott on AAR. Nothing else on AAR I want to listen to regularly.

Sam--you have grown into an amazing radio host and I you replaced RR as my fav on AAR.


Anonymous said...

First Maron, then Malloy, now Seder. Sam had a great show and they've knocked him down to once a week, in a slot where fewer people are sure to listen (Sunday). Sam took it like the gentleman he is. Nice work, AAR. Meet the new bo$$; same as the old bo$$.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations AAR,

First Lizz Winstead, then Marc

Maron, now Sam, thanks for removing

the last weekday host in possession

if a sense of humor.

signed, the vast right-wing conspiracy

Oregon Uncle said...

I am going to cancel my Premium Membership because Air America canceled my favorite show, Sam Seder.

Anonymous said...

Sam - it has been such a pleasure to watch you and the cast of Majority Report grow. I've been a regular listener and it is a HUGE loss to not hear you during the week. I think there is an audience out there that would enjoy the original format of AAR - like TSSS, TMMS, and MSedition - comedy, ingenuity, drama, and of course politics. Thank god KPOJ brought back Mike Malloy. Hang in there and I will continue to look for you and upcoming projects. Your fanbase is behind you all the you Same, Angela in Portland

Evan said...

I am going to cancel my premium membership due to AAR's deplorable decision to quite your extraordinary voice. If there is anything that can be done to prevail upon the powers that be, please let us know.

The world will be poorer for the loss of your daily insight.

Anonymous said...

Just received a note from Mark Green and sent him a note back.It was as kind as I could make it without the four letter words.I expressed my displeasure with the decision to remove Sam Seder and had talked to others about this all of them being VERY UPSET about this programming move.
I hope he is MAN ENOUGH to over turn this VERY BAD DECISION !!
I am still PISSED !!!!!

dye in the RED State of Indiana

Unknown said...

Oh, Sammy. My friend and I are so sad that you can't get us through our workday everyday making us laugh and telling us the truth that is hard to find elsewhere. No matter what they tell you, you are the best host on Air America Radio and this is their dumbest move yet. We just love you and your team including Dan, Lauren, and Justin... oh and the occassional visit from "Katherine Harris".

You will be missed dearly. There is a reason you have so many loyal listeners. You really do make a difference every day and you present the hard truth in a way that we can swallow.

We love you, and good luck.

Unknown said...

Well Crap!

I hope the new radio show is better than Sam's. I am hoping that it is not another Jerry Springer.

I always thought that The Majority Report, Unfiltered/Rachel M., Mark & Mark were different from traditional talk show. A mix of news, interviews, humor, education, and call-ins. I am much more willing to pay for AAR Premium with these shows, than Springer, Ed Schultz, Randi R., etc. We need all the Jerry's, Ed's, and Randi's. But they are not the shows that draw me to listen, and listen alot!

James said...

Well, new management has its privileges.

But Lionel? That pompous, say-nothing windbag?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sam for your passion and for introducing me to the Blogs.

AAR is a both a business and an ideal. It's sad that so many talented and dedicated, passionate people who built AAR have been cut loose for the sake of the potential of future profits. Just as the decision to kill Morning Sedition was to cash in on all those POTENTIAL profits from Jerry Springer. I will take talented, dedicated passionate people over all the Professional Radio Personalities any day.

Please ask Someone from AAR management why the loyal listeners are never given input on which shows should stay or go. The main reason I joined AAR Premium was Maron, Maddow & Seder. They have my e-mail address, it would have been simple to send a survey... or anything.

Stephanie said...

I just got the AAR newsletter announcing Sam's new Sunday show and announcing the addition of Lionel to the 9am to noon slot.

Who is Lionel?

Huh? #1 in what market? I live in NYC and if I haven't heard of you, you ain't #1. The loss of Sam Seder on a daily basis has convinced me of the comming demise of AAR. Damn shame because it was such a good idea in the beginning.

I will be listening to Sam on Sundays and follow Sam anywhere he goes. But this decision is very poor on AAR's part.

Anonymous said...

It's really unfortunate that you are leaving the 9-12 slot.

As with software, anything promoted as "version 2.0" makes my stomach queasy and makes me suspicious--especially if the previous version was working just fine.

I have to confess I've been listening to AAR less frequently since it has moved to WWRL--mostly for technical reasons: The broadcast quality across the Hudson in Bergen County is unlistenable. The only time I get a chance to listen is when I am in NYC or when I'm at the computer. I've sent AAR emails about this many times to no avail. Funny how the Sunday Morning gospel stuff comes in crystal clear, though.

I'm hopeful you'll find a broader outlet for your talents in this arena than the seemingly ever-narrowing, increasingly non-threatening scope of AAR.

Thanks for what you do so well!

Daniel Thomas MacInnes said...


Just when I think the new owner actually has a plan, and actually has his shit together...this happens. It's like the song says, kids - meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

I will heartedly agree that AAR's schedule has some gaping holes. But what sense does it make to remove the few key hosts the network has? To replace Sam Seder with some milktoast (sp?) host in some vain attempt to appeal to the stupid and the lazy? Didn't they already pull this stunt with, ugh, Jerry Springer?

Look, folks, it's important to expand the AAR listener base, but it's also important to understand there will always be limits to that. 30% of the country belongs to the Republican Big Brother cult. You can never reach them, their minds (if they ever owned one) are gone. That leaves you with the mass of lazy, I-don't-give-a-fuck Americans who never bother paying attention to anything that's beyond their noses. Hey, American Idol's on! Where's my beer?

At some point, you have to realize that you're not going to become widely famous or popular. That's life. Frank Zappa was never going to sell as many albums as Brittney Spears. That's a sad fact of life, kids. Mediocrity is the foam that rises to the top of the cultural beer.

Seder is one of the best talents on AAR. Certainly in the same league as Randi and Rachael. Which makes me worry about their futures. Would the point in time come when Randi herself would decide she's had enough, and jump ship? I hope not. But we've already lost Maron, Malloy, and now Seder - what's next? At least Franken has a decent excuse, winning back St. Paul's Senate seat.

I don't see anything to come along and boost this network, really. Maybe the whole notion of a full day of liberal talk radio was a pipe dream, after all. We're in the wrong country. Maybe there should've been more variety - things like, oh, real music by real DJ's, like Kyle's old Saturday show. Give kids a real alternative to this shitty state of corporatist pop culture.

There always are alternatives. Don't know if they'll pan out in a nation this dumbed down and stupid. Hell, these morons voted Bush into office in 2004. How stupid is that?! How do you sell to those dumbfucks? Besides selling sex, beer, and car crashes, I mean.

So, yeah, I'm a bit upset about Sam Seder getting the boot. I don't buy the move to a Sunday slot too much. How long did you hold out before pulling out your favorite Office Space riffs? I really oughta see that again. Ah, well, kids. Ob-La-Di, let it be, and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. You were never promised eternity on this earth. You were only given the present moment. Life, death, life. It's all part of the great cycle. Don't know why the Buddhists are so opposed to it. Frankly, I kinda like it. The more trips on the roller coaster ride I get to take, the better.

Seder will go on. He will totally rock your world. Don't worry. Remember what St. Bill said - It's Just a Ride.

Anonymous said...

Very sad to hear the news. Liked this show a lot - will tune in to Sunday but will miss Sam in this time slot - funny, informative. Too bad - and I'm tired of the inability of Air America to keep a line up for longer than a few months!

Anonymous said...

Sam, you totally kick ass man.. I'll look forward to hearing you on Sundays. I hope you get carried on KTNF 950 Minneapolis still, if not I'll have to listen on the 'net.

Anonymous said...

Sure, cancel my favourite show. If they cancel Ring of Fire next, Air America will be dead to me. One thing I can say is that I thought you were more an evening shift guy anyway, then i had more chance to listen in.

Anonymous said...

Sunday show...what an insult to the biggest talent on AAR. Is this all just a prolonged April Fools joke?

Fuck Sunday's Sam, you deserve better. "Better to burn out than to fade away..." Green is delusional.

Anonymous said...

Sam - really enjoy your show

To my mind, AA is making a terrible mistake - If this decision shows the judgement of the new management, I worry about the viobility of the enterprise -

Terrible - Stupid - an true empty suit approach

Anonymous said...

Sam, I loved you and Maron. The best stuff I've ever heard on radio. I like Randi and Franken, but you guys are awesome.

I saw Maron perform in Atlanta and I told him how much I miss the show.

Anonymous said...

It's truly amazing just how out-of-touch AAR management is and has been. Injecting new blood into the AAR organization only seems to magnify the idiocy. Sam was the only reason I subscribed to AAR Premium. Once he's moved on, so will my husband and I.

Sam, thanks for the morning laughs -it was a great way to start the day. You will be missed. Til you're scooped up by another more network, Sunday it is.

Anonymous said...


I am just so disappointed to hear that your show will not be around much longer. For me, the 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. timeslot was tough, but well worth getting up for.

You and Rachel Maddow are the only reasons I tune in to AAR.

I'll be sure to pick up the Sunday show. I always enjoy your spin on things, your honesty and your humor.

Best of luck to you in all endeavors!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sam:
GO to Sirius or NovaM.
Contrary to what AAR might have you believe, there are MILLIONS of us our here wanting to hear you.

Anonymous said...

This is just a travesty! The idiots who run Air America clearly have no idea what they are doing. Sam is the best guy they have! He's hilarious with a great, subtle wit, and he's a very compelling big-picture thinker. He understands the systemic, institutional nature of the plutocratic corruption in our nation and how the corporations and military-industrial complex work to subvert democracy. You can hear the influence of the best liberal thinkers/commentators like Paul Krugman, etc., behind his analyses.

I just can't believe it! They have no idea what they are giving up. Or rather, my darker fear is that they do know what they are giving up and it is precisely BECAUSE Sam is so talented, eloquent and hard-hitting that they are getting rid of him. Maybe his perspective is too raw, honest and truthful for the DLC/ New Republic types who are clearly now running the show at Air America. I think there is a growing fear in the corporatist wing of the Democratic Party that genuine progressives and lefties are gaining too much traction and influence. You can FEEL the worm turning around the country and I believe the establishment (which includes the Democratic elite as well) is getting scared. I think we'll see more and more efforts to purge true liberals from prominent platforms around the country where they can actually reach people. We need to fight back!

Sam, please go over and join Mike Malloy at NovaM radio. It would be a great combination with the two of you. We love you and we need you to be on the air every day.

Anonymous said...

Talk ot Mike Malloy.
There's a HUGE light of opportunity at the end of the black dark tunnel AAR has put in your way.
You have other options.
Lionel: YOU SUCK!
That's Y I got Sirius. I bought a $500 radio with accessories and PAY $13.00/mo. so I DON'T have to listen to your sorry-ass show.
AAR is worse than dog poop .. clueless SOBs.
Good luck, Sam.
I wish you all the best.
Success IS your destiny!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe they're doing it again - cancelling another GREAT show! A touchstone of sanity in an otherwise excruciatingly twisted reality. I just don't get it. WHYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll follow you wherever, although hopefully online since I don't have a TV and I can't AAR on the radio.
Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it. What a misguided step on the part of AAR and the new, new, new, new, new, new management. I've been a listener since the debut of AAR and this was the only show that continued to inform AND entertain me for the entire length of the show.

I was thinking of getting a premium membership but not anymore. I'll still listen to you on Sundays and catch what I can of Randi's show but that's about it now. A shame, just when things were politically looking up for us.

-Dustin (PDX)

John said...

The dumbing down of Air America will not help ratings. Good Luck Sam.

Anonymous said...

I'm a recently lapsed AAR premium member. This reduces my incentive to sign back on, since Ring of Fire is a freecast. I have streamed Sam (and Majority Report) often.

Sam's done a fine job and I think he more than deserves a daily voice. This reminds me of how they slowly got rid of Maron, who had another really good show, including the early stint with Riley.

Lionel is a wet dishcloth in comparison. Like running Mondale or something... Worse than Springer.

Anonymous said...

This Sucks

totallynext said...

is there an online petition yet?

Anonymous said...

sam seder replaced with Lionel? LIONEL??!!! Huh? Wow. I do not understand this. I have listened to air america since the beginning and always loved Sam Seder, on the Majority report and then on his own. Always funny and informative. Lionel? LIONEL? Not even in the same league, let alone category of programming. I guess AAR doesn't want to build listeners from the type that I am--one that is extremely loyal to progressive, informative, entertaining, RELEVANT radio.

Anonymous said...

This is unbelievable! Sam's show is my favorite anywhere on radio. AAR has really #@%$ed up!

Sam, along with many other listeners out there, I will stay posted as to where you go from here and will listen/watch.

Stephanie said...

Someone suggested that Sam goes to Sirius.
Oh, please someone from Sirius sign Sam up. They can get rid of this woman who has this really annoying New Yawker voice, ugh (and I'm from NYC) and replace her with Sam.

I listen to Mike Malloy every night on Sirius. Sirius is great! I'd rather spend my money on that than AAR Premium.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Go to NovaM, Sam. As a matter of fact, instead of listening to Lionel, I will spend my mornings downloading Malloy's previous night's show.

Sorry, Lionel, Mark & Steve Green, et al. Do you think we're so stupid that we'll just listen to anything you serve up? WWRL thought we tune in to Army et Co., but guess what, I bought XM and at least can listen to Young Turks.

Anonymous said...

Sam, I can't believe AAR is pulling your show. Why does management always drop the best! I've listened to you from day one... you are smart, funny, interesting, a great interviewer. You do your homework and follow the stories! I'm so pissed at AAR right now! I wish you well and I'll be listening every Sunday. Thanks for all your hard work.

A faithful Minnesota listener.

arbus said...

Sam, started to listen to you and JG on the old Majority Report. I was always impressed by the guests you had, from Gore Vidal to Howard Zinn. It was quite an education.

While I love JG, you are perhaps even better solo. A mixture of outrage, humor and insightful analysis that made your show stand out. You are only second to Thom Hartman in the genius department of the AAR talent, but then isn't everybody?

WTF is AAR thinking?

Anonymous said...

Your show has more useful content than another show in the lineup. I'm hooked on you, Sam - you are brilliant! Please try to hang on to the Sunday gig. It's all the radio I have left.

Anonymous said...

What is going on with air america radio? We lost Mike Malloy-Mark Mahren and now you are taking the number one guy off the Monday to Friday morning slot????? He is the best thing you have! I will miss Sam on my morning drive and my morning routine! I hope air america will survive but taking top people off the air is a huge mistake!

Anonymous said...

Keep doing your thing on Sunday. Lionel, indeed. No doubt his replacement will be blonde twins from some southern city.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sam, I cannot tell you how much I am going to miss hearing your show everyday. For the life of me, I cannot understand how AAR could make this decision. It just makes no sense to me. I really am going to miss your wonderful insight and sense of humor on a daily basis. Thank goodness you still have a show once a week, but it just is not enough! :) Good luck in all that you do in the future and please let us know if there is anything we can do to support you!!

Anonymous said...

Slowly but surely AAR is shredding up the people who *made* AAR.

Winstead, Chuck D, Maron, numerous moves of Maddow, Malloy (a seriously disgusted liberal, who so many of us identified with), Franken (albeit his own choice, did he see the writing on the wall?), Garofalo, Springer (I was never that impressed), and now Seder.

I guess we should be relieved the Greens "rescued" AAR but now we can expect AAR to be their tool (remember, these buys are corporatists) instead of being the tool of the progressive liberals who listen, or used to.

Sam, I love listening to your show. You're entertaining and informative. I'll be listening on the weekends.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys:
Let's get Sam on SIRIUS.
We did it for Mike Malloy.
We can do it for Sam.
Just write:

If you're reading this, you're better off NOT @ AAR. They really suck.
For those of you who have Sirius, I'd LOVE to see Sam replace the Alex Bennett Show. Someone else suggested Lynn Samuels.
The point is ... SIRIUS has PLENTY of room for Sam!

Anonymous said...

or try

In the subject Line type "Progressive Talk"

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine anyone I would rather spend my mornings with and I'll miss you very much!

I'll be watching for what you do in the future so I can participate.

Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

I have to say that Air America seems to be going in the wrong direction, and I am concerned about their ability to influence the upcoming presidential race.
I would stop listening altogether, but I may have to listen in on Sundays.

I'm going to miss you on weekday mornings Sam.


Anonymous said...

This is wrong. You are AAR. I am so sad they are not going to make it, but with choices like this, it serves them right. Please don't stop looking for options to get the message out.
Erin Clymer Elmwood, NE
Have a great "Drunk Bitch Friday"

Anonymous said...


I am truly sad to see you leave the morning show on AA. I have been a fan of yours since you filled this time slot.

The other thing that I would like to know is how to contact Tom Oliplant. I listen to Al F. while he was one and was a fan of Tom Oliphant until I heard him on Imus. He defended him, "the good old boy net work" and this was extremely dissapointing. I would like to email him and let him know how dissapointed I was of his support of the Imus Racist comment. Can you or your team help those strong supporters of AA to voice our displeasure to Oliphant.

Anonymous said...

Love you Sam, but find something to talk about other than Imus. It's a waste of the valuable time you have left to sum up the Bush lies of the last 3 years.

Unknown said...

I was having a bad day, not getting paid like I should. I was mad and in a mood. I started my truck and looked at my radio and turned it on with a "Cheer me up, Sammy." And the first thing I hear is that you are leaving me in the mornings.




Anonymous said...

If you wish to protest Sam''s removal from the regular Monday through Friday lineup you can call Air America and let your voice be heard 212.871.8290.

Anonymous said...

Sam,I am very disappointed that air america has chosen to take your show off the daily schedule. I love your perspective and humor. I am another person who's sanity was saved by you, Randi, Rachel, Thom and Al over the past 3 years. What are they thinking????? I know there is a window opening somewhere that will lead to bigger and better opportunity. Thank you for what you have done for me and so many others!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


I hope you will have Marc Maron on the final show. the past 18 months have been one gut shot after another, to the loyal listeners streamers and podcasters. First the demise of Morning Sedition. Than the short lived and mostly available only in greater LA Marc Maron show. The end of the Majority Report. The end of the Al Franken show (although I totally support his decision to run for US Senate from Minnesota, and with his having moved the show to Minnesota from NY not wholly unexpected.) and now the piece de resistance, the cancellation with only one weeks notice of the Sam Seder show.

What is my Super Pass worth if only Rachel Maddow, and Rhandi Rhodes are still broadcasting Daily for Air America Radio 3 years on?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam,

I just wanted to echo the comments of so many of the other people who have written in to support you. Your show was informative, professional and passionate. You did excellent work. I'm sure you will do well in the future. Best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sam I am a long time listener, but unfortunately I have been one of the silent majority. I have never e-mailed or writened to let you know I have always enjoyed your broadcast from the beginning starting with the Majority Report with jeaneane g. I feel compelled however to write you today to say they are making a big mistake taking your show off the air --what different direction do they want to go it doesn't make sense to me your direction is the way to go . You are the BEST even with your somtimes goofy sense of humor I have enjoyed it all and don't know what I'm going to do now to protest this very short sighted decision of the powers that be. I wish you all the best of luck and sucess. I hope I will be able to catch you on your Sunday show, I swear if it wasn't so scarse on the airways I'd protest by not listenning to Air America but in my area there is nothing else. .

Anonymous said...

Miss the show for a week and come back to find out it's soon to be gone. AAR has been one disappointment after another, especially since I started off with Sirius (now I have both systems, because I couldn't live without AAR, which will soon be back to one system, and you convince me that SiriusXM will carry both Sirius Left and AAR, even though they will have every crappy wingnut psycho on their 3 dozen PhonyPatriot stations).
This sucks. Sam Seder started out as an unknown, but has become one of the best hosts on AAR. He's informed, passionate, funny, articulate. So let's get rid of him. I'm still ticked about the AAR/Malloy fiasco, and was quite happy when Sirius picked him up, and also surprised when AAR picked up the Young Turkeys, who really belong on a middle-of-the-road station. Is this where AAR is heading?

By the way, evan, if you figure out how to unsubscribe from Premium, please let me know. When they dumped Malloy, I tried contacting them, but the only number listed was a recording line. I sent an e-mail and never got any response. What I DID get was an auto-renewal on my credit card. Shortly afterward, they announced the new ownership, so I thought I might as well let it go, but now I want my money refunded.
As other listeners have said, it would be great to see Sam go to Nova M. AAR Phoenix is where it's at these days, along with Sirius Left from 6:00 pm to midnight.
I sure don't get it: successive management teams at AAR out to alienate their audience, over and over again. I've had enough. Randi and Rachel are the only hosts left worth listening to, and I think Randi should ditch these clowns and syndicate. She'd get much better coverage.

Anonymous said...

Yes, if someone finds out how to unsubscribe from AAR Premium, please post it here. Sam's show was the only show I couldn't catch live (being West coast and a bit of a night owl) and if I'm not going to need to download Sam's show each day I'll just cancel my membership and send Sam the money!

OH I AM SO PISSED!!!! What is AAR Management thinking????

Anonymous said...

I feel like starting an AAR Support Group. After all the ups and downs this station has put us loyal fans through. I'm glad I'm not the only one devastated by the cancellation of Sam's show. I just called the number someone posted above to let them know that I'm not happy! 212.871.8290.

Anonymous said...

Sam I will be glad to hear you on Sundays as I do not get you in LA at a reasonable time. However I think that you should be on MORE than three hours a week. You have been with AAR through thick and thin and you deserve better I am familiar with the person who is coming on in your place and I WILL NOT BE LISTENING to HIM. What idiot at AAR is making up the schedule and hiring these people.. This MR K in LA is for the birds. I have in the past listened yo AR all day. Now I will only be listing to two or three of the shows, because the people that managment is bring on are not worth listing to. They mostly talk about a bunch of NONSENSE AND NOT ABOUT THE ISSUES OF THE DAY.When th two or treee people tha tI do listen to leave and I know you will if this mess keeps up I too will be leaving AAR

Anonymous said...


In February, chief operating officer Scott Elberg, the network's corporate Jason Voorhees, and sixth CEO in three years, slashed Seder's budget and salary by 40%.

Elberg is a veteran radio guy, and was the last AAR man standing after the bankruptcy. Many however, say Elberg simply doesn't even believe in the liberal talk format.

"He voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004," staffers grumble.

Elberg never worked in a network or in syndication, they say, "He's a sales manager."

The whole deal is mysterious. It's not based on data because there isn't much- there's been no full book since Seder inherited in September from Jerry Springer, who'd bled ratings from that key anchoring position before he was finally fired.

It's not that Seder lost affiliates-of the twenty two stations Seder got from Springer, he lost nine when he took over- eight of which were lost because stations dumped the format, and the ninth, KTRC in Santa Fe actually flipped back after two months. He picked up a few more- his affiliates now number 16.

New owner, Mark Green reportedly told people he wanted "less substance" in the 9-ta-noon timeslot. Hence they offered it, to no avail to comedian Marc Maron, and tried unsuccessfully to get Jones Radio's Stephanie Miller with her comedic format.

Many think Elberg is enamored with Free FM "hot talk," the testosteronic, hyper-sexual audio foreplay like Anthony & Opie, or The Radio Chick except he'd have it with politics- a coupling of hot libs with hot libidos in sweaty, partisan, lizard-brain, 9-ta-noon, weekdaily orgies.

"I think he [Elberg] thought Maron could morph into that," says one staffer, "and when Maron balked, he'd gotten himself in a position he couldn't back off of- that there was something wrong with Sam's program."

Elberg really wanted Maron back on; and, says a staffer, he first tried to can Randi Rhodes, "but the minority partners refused to let him."

AAR may try to blame Sam Seder saying it's poor performance- not unlike the Bushies firing of the U.S. Attorneys for incompetence that turned out to be apocryphal.

But Air America's problems have never been with the product- Jerry Springer was the only real programming failure- the real fuck-up is that they never figured out how to monetize liberal talk.

It can be done because Jones Radio, (Stephanie Miller, Ed Shultz, Bill Press) is doing it.

Mike Ambs said...

Who thinks Sam should start his own blog/podcast on his own terms? He's already got the URL.

Anonymous said...

Is the new management CRAZY?????????? The Sam Seder Show is the best of Air America. I've been a loyal listner of AAR since the beginning and this is the worst news I have received. Because I live in an extremely conservative area (Harrisburg, PA)the only way I can listen is through the Internet or satellite. I invested in a Sirius radio just few months before AAR jumped to XM. I then bought a XM radio to follow AAR all the time. I am getting tired of the AAR managemnent changing their programming without thinking about the loyal listeners.

Come on, Mr. Green I thought you were a savior when you bought AAR but now I have my doubts!!!!

Anonymous said...

Right now, all Sam Sedar fans -- call 212-871-8290!!! Protest this absolutely HUGE mistake.

Sam - you are not going to be silenced for long. I have a very strong feeling that you'll be back in full force sooner than later.

Fans, it's up to us to expedite his return to the weekly line-up.


Anonymous said...

Sam, Al Franken once stated on his show that you are the future of this network, remember? Has anyone, such as Al (even though he is no longer part of this network), tried to influence the "reversing" of this decision? Has anyone gone to "bat" for you? I sure have with my calls and emails....

You are the best that AAR's got.

What I don't understand is that you have never slammed the management - you have always been respectful of the process, while doing a phenominal job!!!!

I always thought Malloy was fired because at the end, he was slamming AAR management quite a bit. Rhandi (when I could still stomach her. I can't quite take her ego anymore) was slamming management all the time.

You are the real thing, and we all know it. Many other radio (even some lefties - like Randi) have a lot of ego wrapped up in their shows. You were all about the information- and we all responded to you.... Just look at your following??!!!

Never lose your voice. As the caller stated today, keep speaking truth-to-power and all will end up OK in the end.

I agree... you'll be back in someway and somewhere. Yours is a talent that will not be wasted.

Will Countdown and CNN still keep you as a guest? Are they aware of the time that you'll have on your hands??

Don't worry. We'll follow you wherever you go. I hope you feel our presence -- we're the wind that's got your back....

Anonymous said...

Can't you take the 12-3 slot????

Anonymous said...

Sam, after Al Franken departed you were the ONLY Air America Radio host I listened to.

I will(personally) be boycotting your 'replacement'.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sam,

You are without a doubt my favorite Air America Radio host. I am most unhappy to hear that you will be leaving the M-F AM time slot. You are entertaining while being informative. Although I haven't heard who will be taking over your show, I am sure that they will be a great disappointment in comparison to you. Please tell your bosses at Air America that I believe that they are making a huge mistake by replacing you. It takes time to build an audience and everytime I really connect to a host, they change the programming around. It is really more damaging than the good move they must think it is. I am very interested in politics and very much enjoy Air America, but I can't stand listening to a dry as dust delivery. You are the antithesis of boring.

Best of luck to you in your new timeslot!

Unknown said...

It's funny, I remember Sam having Mark Greene on his show (after he and his bro bought the network), and Sam revising history in terms of why Mark Greene lost to Bloomberg in 2001. Anyone who lived here after 9/11 knows that Mark Greene would have beaten Fernando Ferrer easily had there been no 9/11 to cancel the democratic primary that day, but after 9/11, and during the run-up to the second primary, Greene sealed his fate b/c among other things he rolled-over for Ghoulini and agreed to Ghoulini's demands that his term be extended. All New Yorker's recall that Ferrer stood up and said "no" to Ghoulini's ridiculous demands, thus standing up the bully and rallied to force a runoff. Even though Greene won the runoff enough democratic voters were disillusioned with Green's giving in to Ghoulini that novice politician Mike Bloomberg was able to beat the man who had served as the city's public advocate (ironically Greene once successfully sued Ghoulini on behalf of the public for his racial profiling tactics). Alas, it seems Greene is rolling-over for the "Right" once again.

This move probably signifies Air American slide towards the "middle" (defined best by Thom Hartmann as "republicans who do drugs and want to get laid), and I want no part of it.

Thanks for your work Sam, I wish you only the best (I'll try to catch you on weekends), but I'm canceling my premium membership after I stream your last "casual" Friday show.

Long live the Zoobaz's!

Anonymous said...

Even if you like Sam Seder's politics, you have to admit the following: his screechy monotone made for a tough listen. Moreover, his show was politically monotonous as well, pretty much confined to the tired, tepid musings of centrist Kosnik types. For topical variety, sophisticated commentary, and overall listenability, Thom Hartmann walks all over Seder and anyone else on the weekday lineup.

The other dirty not-so-secret problem at Air America is Randi Rhodes. Her coarse, abrasive rants--coupled to an needy ego of cosmic proportions--is another good reason to turn the dial AWAY from Air America. Moreover, her show lacks topical variety--it consists almost entirely of the following daily spiel: Bush is dumb, Bush is evil, Cheney is evil, Republicans are corrupt, dumb, and evil, etc., etc. Well . . . please tell me something I DON'T know. And on the rare occasions she invites a guest on for an interview, she harangues and lectures the guest instead of letting him/her speak. Truly appalling. Politically, she's a one-note--you'd never guess from listening to her show that the Democrats are complicit in almost every key plank of the Bush agenda, voting first to approve the war and now to fund it, and, now that they are in a majority, not pushing for repeal of the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, or tax cuts for the rich. Randi Rhodes is just a braying shill for the DNC, and this gets pretty old day after day.

The BEST--and, alas, mostly undiscovered--show on AAR is Laura Flanders's RadioNation, absurdly buried on Saturday and Sunday evenings, when few are likely to listen. She's whip-smart, charming, creative, and ranges over a variety of topics and guests in a manner that stimulate the mind and engage the ear. SHE should occupy the afternoon drive slot, and AAR should give the ego-mad boor Rhodes the boot.

PLUS, the station should bring back Mike Malloy in the evenings--he was the closest thing to must-listen radio on AAR. The current evening lineup is a prolonged snore--it makes NPR sound like shock-jock radion by comparison.

I hope Mark Green is prepared to wake up to these realities at some point.

Carolyn Coulter said...

Mr. Seder;

I will certainly miss you! As a progressive in a sea of neocon, fundementalist idiocy here in Colorado Springs, your voice every morning kept me hopeful that there were more folks out there that are as baffled and angered by this administration as I am. Also, I just moved here from Boston, and I miss the accent!
Take care, and good luck on Sundays.

Carolyn Coulter

Anonymous said...

11:20 p.m. et al.,

I agree with your observations to a large degree, but I nonetheless think you're selling Sam Seder very short. Maybe it's just a taste-in-style thing. It's true he has the big-name liberal bloggers on regularly and they can be pretty circumscribed in how they talk about politics and foreign policy, particularly concerning the complicity of the Democrats in a lot of our hawkish, imperialist foreign policy and issues of corporate dominance. And Hartmann certainly has the edge when it comes to encyclopedic historical/philosophical knowledge underpinning the relevant political issues. But Seder is a strong synthetic thinker like Hartmann and shows you the big picture and how the issues fit together in his own way. And he's really funny, whereas Thom... Anyway, I disagree that Sam Seder is monotone. I think his impassioned, even angry delivery works. For me, the three top progressive voices are Seder, Hartmann and Malloy. That would be the ideal line-up, with maybe Stephanie Miller thrown in for dumb-slag humor (For those that do, I don't think it's fair to place Stephanie Miller in the same category with Ed Schultz. She's absolutely hilarious and has the best mimic guy I've ever heard--the Kim Jong-Il sets are stomach-splittingly funny--and she's genuinely progressive, unlike Schultz who's a reactionary blow-hard. Just go back to how he discussed the Israeli war on Lebanon last summer. Uggh).

The week-day evening Air America line-up is a joke, pathetically mediocre (except perhaps for the environmental one--we can't hear enough of that message). And I generally agree with you about Randi Rhodes. Sometimes she can strike a chord and be highly entertaining but often I find her virtually incoherent, and she has a habit of throwing everything AND the kitchen sink into an argument in such a way that there's no cogent rhetorical thread to what she's saying. I like a little more reflection. Sam doesn't say just anything that comes into his head like Randi often seems to...

But I'm definitely a hard-core Sam Seder fan. I wrote an e-mail to Air America comments and left a voice message at 212-871-8290 protesting this colossal mistake on the part of AAR. I urge everyone to do so! I do think if enough people call and write it might have some impact. Not that I'm confident that the decision will be reversed, but we can do our part. Once a week on Sunday is simply not enough for someone of Sam's talent and intelligence. If he stays here I'll listen to him on Sunday, but I sincerely hope he can continue with a regular week-day show in some other venue.

Please Sam, go over to NovaM Radio and join Mike Malloy(!), or some other venue where you can have a regular week-day show. We need your voice!

Anonymous said...

it's a sad week for radio. not much left to listen to in the morning. Imus himself was wasted talk but his guest "salon" can not be duplicated. Sam gave me all the news and tons of laughs on the way to work. everyone always asked where I got my news, now I guess its back to music and stupid phone taps, and stupid talk like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

call AAR at 212.871.8290 and complain, complain, complain!!!!

Anonymous said...

absolutely terrible are the most passionate voice of progressive thought on air america, not bought whatsoever, and deliver the mindset that progressives need to battle neocons/corporatists/thug govt. criminals and mainstream media! None of the other hosts can hold a candle to you and what you have done to lift spirtits of your listeners and to engage them as to what is really happening in this country. Thank you again Sam...

Anonymous said...

Something stinks in tinseltown right now. Sam you did a great show. For some reason, I don't think this will last. Who listens at 4-7 on a Sunday?

Anonymous said...

That's me done with AAR.

If I wanted more of the same old talkback crap I would have been listening to Imus these last two years, not Seder.

Thanks for the last couple of years, Sam, but I spend Sundays with my family, so... so long.

Anonymous said...

SAM SEDER - Sorry to see you go. I listened every morning. You were the best host on AAR. And what the F~(k is a Lionel? What a stupid move for AAR.

Anonymous said...

Sam, I am still completely bewildered. You were the emerging star of this network. The new "Al" that people were thinking of when mentioning AAR. What in the world is the new management thinking???!!!!!!!??!!!

Well, I have a feeling that you and your team will soon be back in the full weekly line-up -- that is, if the network lasts after this completely bad business move!!!!

WE LOVE YOU, SAM and Co! Don't ever forget that. We will be waiting for your Sunday show (at least I have this to use this XM thing that I bought exclusively to record your show) and await your return to regular programming. Believe this, Sam, you are very talent. Talent does not lay dormant for long- once it is heard, discovered, and cherished as we have cherished your show.

AAR Management -- thanks for nothing!

Anonymous said...

I'm just pissed off. You should get maximum exposure, not some BS Sunday show that will hardly get heard. I'm sorry Sam, but you're one of the best, my personal favorite, just hope you push for a a daily slot that will compete against ass wipes Limbaugh, Hannity and other traitors of our country.


An outraged American

Anonymous said...


I'll miss you. I mean, Portland has had you for six freaking hours a day, and I don't mind telling you, that was a little much. But NO Sam??? Dang. I love the weekend shows, and listen a lot, so see you Sunday.

The door has been opened for a reason. Since you've been sold down the river, relax, put your feet up and go with the flow. Something great will come along.

Thanks for the rants.

Your in the evolutionary revolution,
meli mel

Anonymous said...

You will be missed, but better things will be coming soon.
be patience. You've earned it.

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