Tuesday, March 27, 2007

TUESDAY: The First Sign of the Apocalypse

You know things are really coming down when the GOP's OWN talking point is that Alberto Gonzales is just incompetent, not a lying crook. When they're trotting out Robert Novak to write this, you know they're staring down the barrel of eternal damnation. Fortunately, your own personal spirit guide, Sam Seder, is here to lead you unharmed through this morass. Today we'll have Air America's own David Bender, law professor Erwin Chemerinsky, and Markos from Daily Kos. Bon Appetit.


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A recent BBC poll of 28,000 people in 27 countries that sought respondents' assessments of the role of states in international affairs resulted in Israel, Iran and the United States being rated (in that order) as the states with "the most negative influence on the world." Alas, for some that is the new axis of evil!

Anonymous said...

From the turn out here I would folks are underwhelmed.

blah blah blah said...

morning sam and the gang. toniD must be sleepin in today.

blah blah blah said...

executive privilege = guilty guilty guilty

taking the fifth = guilty guilty guilty

let the show trials begin

toniD said...

blah blah blah said...
morning sam and the gang. toniD must be sleepin in today.

March 27, 2007 5:54 AM

Morning Blah 3, I'm here :)

Anonymous said...

Gone-zo. . . he lies and he lies and he lies.

Said he would leave office with his "integrity". Is that a type of car? ha ha

Anonymous said...

great. i'm gonna be part of one of those generations that the history books mock for their ignorance. that's just great.

PunditFight said...

Hello Shadow Bloggers...let the juggernaut begin

Anonymous said...

Hey, if (according to Novakula)Bush is so alone and isolated, wouldn't it be the perfect time for Dems to impeach?

Clinton was impeached. If Bush is not then democracy is messed-up broken and we need to start all over again.

blah blah blah said...

texan4real said...

Said he would leave office with his "integrity".

can't be soon enough for him to tuck it between his legs and here's hoping the door hits him where the good lord split him.

speaking of gonzo, he's coming to zinzinnati today to host a conference on keeping children safe. the morning paper went out of its way to describe his schedule as very packed and that he would not, repeat, would not be taking questions.

guilty guilty guilty

Anonymous said...



pimping my diary:

Crony Gonzales Has BIG SCARY Roots In TX


Anonymous said...

Heard exerpts from novakrakhead's column. Don't want to lose my breakfast, so will pass on his spew.

rethugs say - WAAAAAAAAAA

Anonymous said...

Novaks check must have bounced

Anonymous said...

morning guys. New axis of Evil huh?


We're number 1! We're number 1! Wow that sucks.

toniD said...

Tillman family wants congressional probe By SCOTT LINDLAW, Associated Press Writer
Tue Mar 27, 5:42 AM ET

SAN JOSE, Calif. - Pat Tillman's family firmly rejected the Defense Department's findings into the former NFL star's friendly-fire death in Afghanistan, calling for congressional investigations into what they see as broad malfeasance and a coverup.

"Perhaps subpoenas are necessary to elicit candor and accuracy from the military," his family said in a statement Monday night, after hearing the results of the latest probes.

The men who shot Tillman have always claimed the April 22, 2004, incident was a terrible mistake in the fog of war, and the Army officially agreed Monday, declining to press charges.

But possible punishments still hang over several high-ranking officers who allegedly botched the investigations and key administrative tasks.

Nine Army officers, including four generals, made errors in reporting the friendly fire death to their superiors and to the Tillman family, the Pentagon said. Defense officials said one or more of those officers who provided misleading information as the military investigated could be charged with a crime.


air-ono said...

you've only had about 4 hours sleep

(take care of yourself)

air-ono said...

p.s. sorry for caring
: )

Anonymous said...

I have to take childrun to school anyway


Anonymous said...

what could be better for political theatre than an actor?

air-ono said...

david bender is brilliant to listen too

air-ono said...


Alice said...

Good morning...


Israel has occupied the West Bank and Gaza for 39 years. In 1948, 900,000 Palestinians were expelled from present day Israel. Their 6 million descendants live in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza and the surrounding Arab States. An 8-12 meter high wall stretches 622km annexing 13.1% of the West Bank. Seven students and a camera visited the West Bank for three weeks in June 2006. They drove around the West Bank, spending time in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Aida Camp, Jenin, Ramallah among other areas. This is a glimpse of what they encountered.

Welcome To Inspection Point-1

Welcome To Inspection Point-2

Welcome To Inspection Point-3

air-ono said...

"can we have kippers for breakfast"

mummy dear
mummy dear

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


pimping my diary:

Crony Gonzales Has BIG SCARY Roots In TX


And now this "waste of space" is going around spouting that he is focusing on "protecting children". OH! PLEASE. . . God, I hate these people.

toniD said...

pimping my diary:

Crony Gonzales Has BIG SCARY Roots In TX


March 27, 2007 6:19 AM

Good one Connie. Show's he really doesn't care about the kids. As usual it's a smoke screen for the base.

Anonymous said...

Their 6 million descendants live in refugee camps in the West Bank

At least they're alive. Most of mine aren't.

toniD said...

c-span's Washington Journal is interviewing Mike Farrell, author of A Journey to Actor and Activist.

Alice said...

Slate has an Alberto Gonzalez Deathwatch blog, complete with Gonzo Meter.

toniD said...

On Monday morning’s “Bill Bennett’s Morning in America” radio show, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) claimed that the U.S. “is beginning to succeed” in Iraq and said that “there are neighborhoods in Baghdad where you and I could walk through…today.”


Alice said...


blah blah blah said...

mmmm. kippers. good for sunburn, or at least thats what they told me in bermuda.

air-ono said...

//At least they're alive. Most of mine aren't.//

well, we're all square then

Anonymous said...

how about if she drinks a fifth...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
how about if she drinks a fifth...

Could possibly work as a "truth serum". Good idea!

toniD said...

Removing troops from Iraq is "offending language" to the GOP
by Joe Sudbay (DC) · 3/27/2007 08:39:00 AM ET

Republicans have no plan for Iraq. Never had one. Never questioned the war. Never challenged Bush. Now, they're offended by legislation that would start the process to get our troops out of the civil war:

"The final bill is likely to have the offending language in it," the Senate minority leader said as the Senate prepared to begin debating the war-funding bill, which sets March 31, 2008, as a goal for removing combat troops from Iraq.

At that point, he said, Bush would have to veto the legislation and lawmakers would have to get to work again.
Veto the bill because there's a plan to end the war. That's what will offend the American people.


air-ono said...

sorry, came in half way through (cricket is being televised from the west indies)

where was sam reading from

Anonymous said...

toniD said...
Removing troops from Iraq is "offending language" to the GOP
by Joe Sudbay (DC) · 3/27/2007 08:39:00 AM ET


But sending wounded and maimed soldiers back to Iraq is just the ticket. . . what is wrong with these people. Somebody please tell me.

OH! The insanity!

Unknown said...

Interesting thing about the Hatch Act on Wikipedia:

"Hostility to the Act

The Act was appealed to the Supreme Court in 1947 and 1974, both times claiming it was a violation of free speech, and both times it was upheld.

A proposed amendment, which had the same argument in mind, to permit federal workers' participation in political campaigns passed the House but not the Senate in 1987; in 1990 a similar bill passed both houses but was vetoed by President George H. W. Bush (emphasis mine), and the veto override failed in the House.

Alice said...

Chopin’s last piano found after 150 years

The grand piano Frederic Chopin took on his last concert tour has been found in an English country house thanks to detective work by a Swiss musical scholar.

For more than 150 years after the composer's death, Chopin's piano vanished until Professor Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger researched the ledgers of French pianomaker Camille Pleyel.

air-ono said...

//what is wrong with these people//

they don't play cricket

(cricket is the ticket)
: )

air-ono said...

cheers, georgie-boy

Alice said...

air-ono said...

March 27, 2007 6:57 AM

So who killed the coach?

Anonymous said...

they don't play cricket

(cricket is the ticket)
: )

Crickets are too hard to tune. chirp, chirp!

Alice said...

Indo-Iran gas pipeline will go ahead despite U.S. objections

Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee signaled Monday that New Delhi intends to go ahead with a multi-billion-dollar gas pipeline from Iran via Pakistan despite objections from the United States.

"Talks on this pipeline are going on. When I was in Iran, I had categorically mentioned that we are interested in having this pipeline," Mukherjee said in an interview with the NDTV news network.

"Now negotiations are going on about the prices," said the minister as carried by AFP news agency. The Indian top diplomat made a two-day visit to Tehran last month.

bibimimi said...


Snow's cancer's back.


Cancer blows.

toniD said...

Just reported, Tony Snow does have a recurrance of Cancer. It spread from lower abdomen to his liver.

air-ono said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

other than he chose to fight on the wrong side in afghanistan just what did david hicks do that he deserved to be tortured for five years in guantanomo and now faces a life sentence?

air-ono said...

//Snow's cancer's back.//


(ty, god)

blah blah blah said...

Consumer Confidence 107.2 vs 109.0 consensus, prior 112.5 was a five year high

toniD said...

Senate GOP Says No to Al Gore-Global Warming Concert at Capitol

blah blah blah said...

something i read the other day said the only person who can fire a federal prosecutor is the president. if this is the case why are they wasting everyones time trying to claim the firing was done at a low level and nobody at the white house knows anything about anything.

air-ono said...

//Comment deleted//
sorry, it had to many typos

toniD said...

Here's Fiore on Gonzo:


air-ono said...

doubt if they'll ever find the assailant/s, shell

it's a hit by big gambling interests

it's like who killed marilyn monroe

jackie onasis?

Anonymous said...

there you go.

air-ono said...

//why are they wasting everyones time//

it's their m.o.

Anonymous said...

I find nothing funny about Snows condition. In fact I worry and suspect that its the electrical equipment, or some kind of radiation at the capital that makes everyone so sick. And Ive said that before and these recent events do make me look totally out of line by wondering that. But na getting sicks not funny or cool, I dont care who it is.

Anonymous said...

when is Gonsalez going to go?

He is practically begging to now...I heard that on Riley's show...he doesn't even want to be there!!!!


toniD said...

Will Tony Snow quit his job as an example to the Edwards? It sounds like what the GOP would ask him to do just to make a point.

MilanS. said...


Anonymous said...

Cricket: the game of love and unity

Anonymous said...

Ill throw em in prison, or on a Devils Island or alien moon prison, but they can wait till they get there to get sick as far as Im concerned, and then I dont really want to know cause at that point they are supposed to be old convicted news.

air-ono said...


if you didn't have a gop talking point media, they'd be no obfuscation

but you do

Larry said...


Monica Goodling, a senior Justice Department official involved in the firings of federal prosecutors, will refuse to answer questions at upcoming Senate hearings, citing Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination, her lawyer said Monday.

"The potential for legal jeopardy for Ms. Goodling from even her most truthful and accurate testimony under these circumstances is very real," said the lawyer, John Dowd.

"One need look no further than the recent circumstances and proceedings involving Lewis Libby," he said, a reference to the recent conviction of Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff in the CIA leak case.

The White House, meanwhile, continued to stand by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales despite new calls over the weekend for his resignation and documents that indicate he may have been more involved in the dismissals than he has previously acknowledged.

Democrats have accused the Justice Department and the White House of purging the prosecutors for political reasons. The Bush administration maintains the firings were not improper because U.S. attorneys are political appointees.

Goodling was Gonzales' senior counsel and White House liaison until she took a leave of absence earlier this month. She was subpoenaed last week by the Senate Judiciary Committee along with several of Gonzales' other top aides.

There have been questions about whether Goodling and others misinformed Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty about the firings just before he testified before the Senate committee in February.

Dowd said that since then a senior Justice Department official had privately told a member of the Senate committee that he was misled by Goodling and others before testifying.

Alice said...

All Is Truth

Where has fail'd a perfect return, indifferent of lies or the truth?
Is it upon the ground, or in water or fire? or in the spirit of man?
or in the meat and blood? 10

Meditating among liars, and retreating sternly into myself, I see
that there are really no liars or lies after all,
And that nothing fails its perfect return--And that what are called
lies are perfect returns,
And that each thing exactly represents itself, and what has preceded
And that the truth includes all, and is compact, just as much as
space is compact,
And that there is no flaw or vacuum in the amount of the truth--but
that all is truth without exception;
And henceforth I will go celebrate anything I see or am,
And sing and laugh, and deny nothing.

-Walt Whitman-

toniD said...

Plea of Guilty From Detainee in Guantánamo
David Hicks, an Australian trained by Al Qaeda, is the first Guantánamo detainee to be convicted before a military commission


Anonymous said...

But yeah Id sware youd almost get the feeling that people who visit the capital a lot, maybe ought to ware a lead vest like the apron dentist puts on your chest(when he X-rays your head....) under their bullet proof ones.

toniD said...

Citigroup to Cut at Least 10,000 in an Overhaul
The move is part of a broad effort to cut costs and streamline the bank’s unwieldy global operations.


Alice said...


Sam Seder!

Some of use decided that we've had enough of two party rule in November....


blah blah blah said...

air-ono said:

if you didn't have a gop talking point media, they'd be no obfuscation

not sure what you mean.

air-ono said...

//[wear] a lead vest like the apron dentist puts on your chest(when he X-rays your head....)//

sacre bleu!

he's meant to put one of those on me

(we're all gonna die)

Anonymous said...



Impeachment before the next


or the entire thing is done for...

Anonymous said...

Eh, then everyone would probably come out with lead poisoning. Scratch, lead, vest, idear..... Ill bet if you took a mine shaft canary down the halls of the white house, it wouldnt pass out or die just casually giving an alert of warning that something foul was in the air.... the thing would melt into a puddle of pure pain and suffering while screaming profanities in toungues while projectile deficating on everyone around it, and theyd melt too because of the sheer desolative nature of the place.

Anonymous said...

I own you!

air-ono said...

//not sure what you mean//

if you had responisble media, the gonzales-8 story would be a straight forward matter

instead all voices are given equal weight in the debate

(voices that obfuscate)

Anonymous said...

daniel said...
... halls of the white house,
because of the sheer desolative nature of the place.


Its not the house its the inhabitants. . . they all stink on ice. And don't forget "stinkyboy" bush passes gas for fun when introduced to new interns. UGGGGH!

toniD said...

Daniel, I asked, right after the last Gulf war, if there was a resurgence of Cancer. It seemed to me I was hearing more and more about it. I was especially concerned because my mother was diagnosed with Lung Cancer.

I think the grand scale bombings that happened both times in that area has a play in this cancer thing.

Anonymous said...

Dave Chapell(Im paraphrasing a little),"Listen, were not trying to get down on the man. On the president. Were about good times. BUT......You all have to understand how this looks to us black folk. Here, let me show you what we see, and in a way that will let you see it the way we see it, cause if ou all looked at Bush the way you would say if he was, black Bush, then you might understand why some us might have a problem. Let me show you what I mean, heres what Bush would look like if he were black,".

The the Black Bush were you have Chapell as Black Bush,"Fif. I plead the, fiiiiif. Fi-fi-fi-, fif. I plead the fif. I plead, oh I testifyyyyyyy, I plead the fif. One, two, three four.....FIF!!!!"-Writes FIF down on a sheet a paper, hold it up,"Can you read what it says? Cause it says fif!,".

And the whole Black Bush cabinet members coming out about yellow cake. Dude pulls out some yellow cake on a napkin. One point, instead of the "Fif", they all look puzzled like theyre about to answer, then knock over the water pitcher and high tail it out of the court room ganster hit style.

Anonymous said...

Bush,"Bail! Like we cant lie our way out of this, time to bounce. AAAAAAAGH!".

Anonymous said...

good job with this interview, Sam



Anonymous said...

so Bush hasn't completey wrecked the government infrastructure yet?

that's good to know


Alice said...

I just heard an Air America Radio sound clip of Senator Patrick Leahy proclaiming that Alberto Gonzales "is no Attila The Hun." I feel so much better now. Don't you?

Ode To Alberto
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Will the Dems roll over
And give Gonzales a pass?
Will anyone but Ted critique
His sordid past?

Fond of death, pro-torture,
As his sadistic briefs show.
Tell Leahy and his cohorts they
Should just say no.

(or not...)

Anonymous said...

Greetings All:

MSNBC is reporting that Tony Snow's cancer has spread to his liver

air-ono said...

yes indeedy, miss connie

it's a good one

Anonymous said...

It seems like he has slashed and burned almost everything he is able to get his hands on


air-ono said...

hola & welcome, miss edna

GBC said...

Morning everyone. :)

Iraqi Woman to John Bolton: Who are you fooling? [VIDEO]

An Iraqi woman in the audience of a recent BBC program absolutely rips into John Bolton -- and his flimsy talking point arguments on Iraq -- telling him that she's lost more relatives during the 4 year American invasion than during the 30 years of Saddam's rule.

... and Bolton laughed at on the Daily Show... A double feature!

Anonymous said...

hi Charlie!



Anonymous said...

I mean pulls out some yellow birthday cake, on a napkin, sticks his finger in it, taste it and goes,"Ooooo yeah, thats some pure, yellow cake right there". Guys next to him,"Dont drop that. Thats yellow cake now,". ANswers back,"I know how to handle the yellow cake thats why you gave me it to hold. Im the only one qualified who better handle this cake here."

Later on at the trial or another press conference in the bit,I think hes just starts eating the cake.

GBC said...

Beyond the pale: anti-gay, racist emails from Army recruiter


-- U.S. Army recruiter Sgt. Marcia Ramode, using her military email address to respond to Jersey City resident Corey Andrew, after Ramode learned Andrew was gay.

Patrioterer's sister perhaps?

blah blah blah said...

air-ono said...
//not sure what you mean//

if you had responisble media, the gonzales-8 story would be a straight forward matter

got it. i was getting ready to stick knitting needles in the eyes and giving them a twist to clear things out.

Anonymous said...

Re Klieg lights,,

the average america will associate Klieg light with the Blitzkrieg and connect democrats to Nazis.

It is another example of the repuke talking machine denigrating the average american's intelligence.

toniD said...

Shell, don't know if this will work but it's so cute. It's a kitty shaking it's booty. Hope the animation works.


blah blah blah said...

toniD said...

I think the grand scale bombings that happened both times in that area has a play in this cancer thing.

you might want to check out depleted uranium. a lot of our munitions use it because its the highest density metal available, where density translates to lethality. the fact that things glow in the dark is often overlooked. there are also other heavy metals used in weapons.

i don't think you would be going out on a limb if you connected the govt's refusal to deal with gulf war syndrome and the materials used in the weapons.

air-ono said...

stop muscling in on my turf, connie

i'm the wal-mart greeter here

Anonymous said...

Hey Sam, if there is a Republican tree house the only reason they would have such a thing is to lure children in to molest.

Anonymous said...

Hey air ono,

how you be today?

air-ono said...

//got it.//

i don't explain myself too well

air-ono said...

ready for bed, edna

Anonymous said...

fondel would have been funnier. Check comic note book, search for words that more likely ring comic tuning forks. Check.

Anonymous said...

Just google "Klieg lights Nazi"

you get links linking dems to Nazis. Sooooo subtle

Alice said...

Just when you thought it was safe to emerge from your bunker comes news that Drunky McStagger himself will be speaking in south Florida next month.

He's going to speak on April 28 on the Kendall campus of Miami Dade College, for their commencement.


I mean, I'm not saying that people should go to MDC to protest or anything. I'm just providing directions as a public service. Yeah, just a public service. Mm hmm. That's it.
-posted by Sinfonian

Anonymous said...

//Just google "Klieg lights Nazi"

you get links linking dems to Nazis. Sooooo subtle//



should google bomb that and have it go back to Tony Snow

bibimimi said...

Ya think Snow's bod can take the stress of being close to where lightning will surely strike?


Alice said...

Cute Toni! :)
Yesterday I got a book called Cats In The Sun...it's all photos of the cats in Mykonos...Really great photography...

Anonymous said...

Archibald Gargleballs. Stuff like that I guess. George.....Buuusssssh. Maybe launching wars is his way of compensating, scholl must have been ruff with a name like, Buuuussssh. Even the name sugest feminality without actually naming the part of the anatomy that it refers to. Poor George Buuuush. And Jr too. Awwwwwwww, that must have sucked. Pussy son of Pussy, Awwwwww, that must have made him, so F ing crazy that he kills on whim and launches illegal wars for his own selfish insane reasons. Buuuuussssh.Howie Lickterdong. Ima Poundinghard. Dick Cheney. George Bush.

bibimimi said...


can i get that on a t-shirt?

bibimimi said...

Courteney Cox---You are the Enemy of the Week!!

Anonymous said...

why are we playing a song about porking the bear?

toniD said...

Yesterday Anna Nicole, today Tony Snow.

The prez just said he will fight this and then the prez said we should pray for Tony. I don't remember the prez saying we should pray for Elizabeth Edwards.

toniD said...

Prez into selective praying now.

PunditFight said...

does your daughter like that 'poking the bear' song Sam?

Anonymous said...


good point


Alice said...

Savage......He is The Worst!

Anonymous said...

good point about Muslims not reading the bible, i meant


bibimimi said...

eff that weenersavage!!

Anonymous said...

Remember the outrage that, then VP Al Gore caused when, he make phone calls from his White House office?

Anonymous said...

CSPAN re-ran a Marc 22 hearing from the House Judiciary Committee last nite about the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department. Wade Henderson would be an awesome interview about the politization of the Justice Department.

bibimimi said...

good point about Muslims not reading the bible, i meant


did they find it in the loo?

Lukin Kittenberger said...

More distortion of reality from Savage.

Islamic fundementalist aren't any happier with what they consider sin than our fundementalists are, but the main reason Al Qaida hates us for our involvement in the Middle East.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


toniD said...

House strips Bush of US Attorneys appointment authority Michael Roston
Published: Tuesday March 27, 2007

In a 329-78 vote last night, the House of Representatives followed the Senate and stripped President George W. Bush of the authority to appoint United States Attorneys on an interim basis, ending the ability of the Bush administration to do an end run around the Senate in putting controversial US Attorneys in office.

The bill sponsored by Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA) places a 120-day limit to the term of a United States Attorney appointed on an interim basis. Democrats allege that the previous authority to appoint interim US Attorneys on an unlimited basis, inserted stealthily into the 2006 reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act, was used as a 'loophole' to insert Bush administration political loyalists into office.

Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said the 'awesome powers' of the US Attorneys required Senate confirmation of their appointments.

"The bill before us today...will restore the historical checks and balances to the process by which interim U.S. Attorneys are appointed," he said. "It will repair a breach in the law that has been a major contributing factor in the recent termination of eight able and experienced United States Attorneys and their replacement with interim appointments."


bibimimi said...

Savage is with the ENEMY

Anonymous said...

toniD said...
Yesterday Anna Nicole, today Tony Snow.

The prez just said he will fight this and then the prez said we should pray for Tony. I don't remember the prez saying we should pray for Elizabeth Edwards.


ToniD - consider who "stinkyboy" really prays to - maybe satan?

E. Edwards has support from people that really care about her. We don't anything from "stinkyboy". He can keep his evil to himself.

Anonymous said...

What Savage is doing, is asking his audience to identify with "terrorists". Doesn't that seem odd?

Sunshine Jim said...

Mornin gang!

why is sam playing all these wingnut clips?

i hate it when he does. waste of time IMO.

Anonymous said...

//What Savage is doing, is asking his audience to identify with "terrorists". Doesn't that seem odd? //

for once he makes sense


blah blah blah said...

how is savage even on the air anymore? of all the right wing trash thats out there, his is just over the edge, outside the box, evil hate speak.

Anonymous said...

what is it with the conservatives and poking bears - don;t forget that porno novel that either lynn cheney or scooter wrote about putting a girl in a cage with a bear and how they would poke the bear with a stick to arouse it sexually

GBC said...

hola Connie!



US 76

UK 1

Other 0

Total 77

Avg/day 2.85

# of days 27


Four Americans wounded by roadside bomb in Baghdad

Car Bomb Kills 10 Outside Ramadi in Iraq

4 Bodies found in Mosul

Gunmen kill 3 people in Ishaqi, attack school in Kirkuk

6 bodies found in Diwaniya, 15 in Baghdad

Mortar fire kills 4 civilians in Doura district

Tribal leader's son killed in Abu Ghraib

Marine Reservists Involuntarily Recalled

Australian soldiers 'contaminated'

Multi-National Force – West Forces attacked - 1 marine killed


Anonymous said...

So, according to SavageWeiner, Americans should reject all but conservative opinions, because that's what the Muslim extremists want. When did conservatives decide that appeasement was the appropriate cause of action?

Anonymous said...


If Michael Savidge hates women so much, how can he, and folks like him defend Ann Coulter?

ThunderMonkey said...

Where can I find the "Poking the Bear" song? I can't get it out of my head and I want to send it to my (gulp) Rush Limbaugh-listening relatives.

ThunderMonkey said...

Ann Coulter is a man, baby!

Anonymous said...

Two points so far.

1) Michael Savage is projecting like mad.

2) GW Bush has been looking for someone to slap him on the wrist all his privileged life.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

If Michael Savidge hates women so much, how can he, and folks like him defend Ann Coulter?


Coulter's a man, baby.

Anonymous said...

A fantasy by Scooter Libby


bibimimi said...


Anonymous said...

these people are depraved

it cannot be understated


Anonymous said...

chicken choker

Alice said...

I just heard that a Killer Whale pod went through Monterey Bay...that would have been pretty cool to see...

GBC said...

bibimimi troll'p said...

can i get that on a t-shirt?


Me too, bibi!

Anonymous said...

Alice said...
I just heard that a Killer Whale pod went through Monterey Bay...that would have been pretty cool to see...

They usually stay pretty far off shore. I hope that nothing is wrong.

Anonymous said...

SingSing says:

Erwin Chemerinsky was CYA in his response to the damage done by GonzoRove to the system, saying that it has lasted 200 years and is robust enough to heal from it's politicization.

The trend has been toward fascism and the meaning of the term "MODERATE" has been shifted definitively to the right. Certainly the loudest voices are those that contradict this reality, since they have the largest megaphone, thanks to media consolidation, but that doesn't make their argument true. (THE SYSTEM IS ALREADY DYSFUNCTIONAL AND GETTING WORSE!!! Per capita, what country has the most citizens incarcerated in CORPORATE OWNED or GOV'T PRISONS?)

FEAR of retribution is stifling whistleblowers across the board. Although Chemerinsky and Turley appear bold in their efforts to speak truth to power, their voices are not reaching the majority of populous. More that half of WE THE PEOPLE are still willing to sacrifice liberty for "SECURITY" be it imagined, or tangible.



Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski


William M. Arkin


Greg Szymanski


blah blah blah said...

11:23 U.S. Navy launches show of force off coast of Iran- CBS4.com

CBS4.com is reporting The U.S. Navy on Tuesday began its largest demonstration of force in the Persian Gulf since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, led by a pair of aircraft carriers and backed by warplanes flying simulated attack maneuvers off the coast of Iran. The maneuvers bring together two strike groups of U.S. warships and more than 100 U.S. warplanes to conduct simulated air warfare in the crowded Gulf shipping lanes. The U.S. exercises come just four days after Iran's capture of 15 British sailors and marines who Iran said had strayed into Iranian waters near the Gulf. Britain and the U.S. Navy have insisted the British sailors were operating in Iraqi waters.

Alice said...

texan4real said...

They usually stay pretty far off shore. I hope that nothing is wrong.

March 27, 2007 8:32 AM

Me too..I think they were closer to the mouth of the Bay...so not too close...hopefully.

toniD said...

Two US carriers in Gulf war games for first time since 2003

The US Navy said on Tuesday it is staging major war games in the Gulf with two aircraft carriers for the first time since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, at a time of heightened tension with Iran.

The manoeuvres involve the USS John C. Stennis, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and their battle groups.

They are being held as tensions run high between the West and the Islamic republic over Tehran's nuclear drive and the capture last week of 15 British marines and sailors in a waterway between Iran and Iraq in the northern Gulf.

"Two air wings from the aircraft carriers will conduct air warfare exercises while the surface components will conduct exercises in three general disciplines: anti-submarine, anti-surface and mine warfare," the Fifth Fleet said in a statement.

"This exercise demonstrates the importance of both strike groups ability to plan and conduct dual task force operations as part of the US long-standing commitment to maintaining maritime security and stability in this region."

The Fifth Fleet is based in Bahrain, an island state which lies across the Gulf from Iran.

The United States announced in January that it plans to keep the two carrier battle groups in the Gulf for months to step up the US military presence in the oil-rich region.


toniD said...

Blah 3, jinx!! We did it again!

Anonymous said...

These monoplies know if they legalize bud theyd mose so much money dude. Its an attack on the youth cultures and economically challenge social classes who they deem threatning to their tyranny.


oh yeah, mannnnnnnnn. Yeah man, I mean like totally dude, for sure. Like, totally.

Anonymous said...



bibimimi said...

Me too, bibi!

March 27, 2007 8:30 AM


if yer pushin' the poodle, yer doin' it wrong.

Anonymous said...

Savage has stuff popping into his head... must be Limbaugh's oxycontin.

Anonymous said...

These monoplies know if they legalize bud theyd lose so much money dude. Its an attack on the youth cultures and economically challenge social classes who they deem threatning to their tyranny.


oh yeah, mannnnnnnnn. Yeah man, I mean like totally dude, for sure. Like, totally.

GBC said...

Hey bibi...

You inspired me!

Just ordered it...

Big Pink Poodle Panty Pusher

Anonymous said...

Trying Republicans for any crime is poking the bear


Anonymous said...

daniel said...
These monoplies know if they legalize bud theyd lose so much money dude. Its an attack on the youth cultures and economically challenge social classes who they deem threatning to their tyranny.


oh yeah, mannnnnnnnn. Yeah man, I mean like totally dude, for sure. Like, totally.


They don't want anyone cutting in on their heroine deals.

blah blah blah said...

toniD said...
Blah 3, jinx!! We did it again!

you owe me a coke.

GBC said...

if yer pushin' the poodle, yer doin' it wrong.


I'm so not going there. ;-p

bibimimi said...



blah blah blah said...

stop, glen beck is like nails on a chalkboard, stop

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck is whinier than Hillary, by far.


Anonymous said...

Of the "desert lion" and what he's probably thinking about America: Stop bombing my country and stealing our oil.

Every time Virgil Goode opens his mouth he just demonstrates his stupidity. Supposing they actually did purge "In God we trust" from our money, the correct replacement phrase would be "In Allah we trust"

toniD said...

Congressman Who Defends Rove’s Refusal To Testify Calls On President Clinton To Testify
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, says it’s perfectly acceptable for Karl Rove and other top White House aides to refuse testifying over the U.S. Attorney scandal.

Smith didn’t show up to last week’s hearing when the Judiciary Committee authorized subpoenas against Rove and others. He called the session “political grandstanding” and said he would not help “provide votes for political subpoenas.”

Smith’s principled aversion to political grandstanding and belief in executive privilege was again on display yesterday, when he wrote a public letter to President Clinton asking him to testify about presidential pardons. An excerpt:

Dear President Clinton,

The House Committee on the Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security will hold a hearing on Thursday, March 29, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. in room 2141 of the Rayburn House Office Building on the appropriate use of the presidential pardon authority. I would like to inquire as to your availability to testify at this hearing. […]

You are no stranger to controversial pardons, most notably the pardon of Marc Rich on your last day in office. I can think of no better person than you to speak on this issue. I believe your experience with exercising the pardon authority and defending it from intrusion by Congress would be invaluable to Members of the Subcommittee and I hope you are available to join us for this important hearing.

So, calling on Karl Rove to testify about a scandal involving possible illegal actions after evidence shows Rove and his deputies played a direct role is “political grandstanding.” This letter to Clinton isn’t.

For what it’s worth, President Clinton’s spokesman says Clinton is traveling on Thursday and won’t be available to attend the hearings.


bibimimi said...

Glenn's crackin' like Peter on the Brady Bunch again.

Anonymous said...

excuse me,Hillary is not whiny


she is the anti whine

(im still not voting for her)


blah blah blah said...

GBC said...
if yer pushin' the poodle, yer doin' it wrong.


I'm so not going there. ;-p

aw c'mon, we're all friends here.

Anonymous said...

I just about shit my pants with laughter when Lauren said "Who wants a cupcake?" I want her talking ALL THE TIME.

Anonymous said...

I blame country music. You know if you play Toby Keith Records backwards they sound better.

Anonymous said...

"We're going to be re-examining the broad authorities we granted the FBI in the Patriot Act," Committee Chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy (news, bio, voting record), D-Vt., told Mueller.

Mueller urged the panel not to revise the law.

"The statute did not cause the errors," Mueller said. "The FBI's implementation did."

He said he instituted procedures to police the use of these letters. "What I did not do and should have done is put in a compliance program to be sure those procedures were followed," the FBI chief added.

He said he has now begun to do that, has ordered an audit to determine the full extent of the problem and to determine if any agents should be disciplined.

"We are committed to demonstrating to committee, the Congress and the American people that we will correct the deficiencies," Mueller said.

"I still have very serious qualms," Leahy replied.


toniD said...

Our $9 billion/year missile defense system, made useless by some heavy rain.

Kenzo said...

Good morning Everyone,
Poking the bear? The bear is the symbol of Russia and the Soviet Union. So what the hell is Comrad Fellow Traveler Rushski Limbaugh trying to imprint upon the conservative consciousness?

toniD said...

“By the end of the century up to two fifths of the land surface of the Earth will have a hotter climate unlike anything that currently exists,” according to a new study. “And in the worst case scenario, the climatic conditions on another 48% of the land surface will no longer exist on the planet at all.”


Anonymous said...

Axis of Evil


is there another one somewhere?

Anonymous said...

I wish someone would tell Tucker Carlson that his feeling that Hillary Clinton is "castrating" says alot more about him than her.

Anonymous said...

Republican freind motto,"Do I drag him even though his leg is wounded, or do I shoot him in the leg hoping to slow down the thing after us. Descisions,descision....". POW!!! "See ya Al, dont worry about that 5 bucks you owe me,".
Al,"OW! You basterd!!! Aaaagh the it, or whatever, AAAAaaaaaagh.....".

Anonymous said...

Republicans, masters of throwing their own under the bus, since 2001.

blah blah blah said...

toniD said...
Our $9 billion/year missile defense system, made useless by some heavy rain.

wow. there's no end to the incompetence. worse is that the damn thing still doesn't work unless they fudge the tests.

Sunshine Jim said...

Impeach Cheney First!

(throw the rest in prison)

GBC said...

Big Pink Poodle Panty Pusher Peaches!

toniD said...

The Fifth Made Simple
By Paul Kiel - March 27, 2007, 11:51 AM

Josh broached the issue of Monica Goodling's invocation of the Fifth last night, and since then a number of lawyers have written in to say that it's really not so complicated.

Here's TPM Reader/Lawyer DL:

Although Dowd's letter on Goodling's behalf is a model of lawyerly obfuscation, Ms. Goodling's affidavit, which is attached to the letter, invokes the magic word "self-incrimination," and therefore appears to satisfy the foundation for asserting the privilege.
And another TPM reader, this one a lawyer in D.C., is even more frank:

Monica Goodling does have a good faith basis for pleading the Fifth Amendment - just not the ones in her lawyer's letter that are getting all the attention.
Under the federal False Statements statute, 18 USC 1001, it is a felony to cause another person to make a false statement to Congress. Since McNulty has allegedly told Senator Schumer that he made a false statement to Congress based on information provided to him by Monica Goodling, Goodling could very well be prosecuted for a Section 1001 violation.

All the rest of the crap in her lawyer's letter is intended to sooth as much as possible White House anger at her for invoking the Fifth.


blah blah blah said...

toniD - did you see the article about the islands in the sky are quickly disappearing down in arizona?

historically you could go up into the mountains around the desert and find temperatures 30 degrees lower. over the past few years this phenomena is quickly disappearing.

it really seems like these moronic fuckers won't get it till we get a situation like day after tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Thats of coarse while they drive the bud themselves as they run over the poor, the elderly, the vetrens, children, through schools, over citys, through people houses, peeling out in Iraq and all over.

Have a good'n ye'all.

bibimimi said...

says alot more about him than her.

March 27, 2007 8:53 AM

the dancing fat boy has little self awareness

Anonymous said...

Thats of coarse while they drive the bus themselves as they run over the poor, the elderly, the vetrens, children, through schools, over citys, through peoples houses, peeling out in Iraq and all over.

Have a good'n ye'all.

Sunshine Jim said...

eya GBC!


blah blah blah said...

toniD said:

it is a felony to cause another person to make a false statement to Congress.

hopefully that doesn't apply to the person asking the question :)

Anonymous said...


impeachment should not be pursued so that Bush can drag the country down the toilet even more?

and then while we are all in the sewer together, we can tell our conservative friends, "Well, we told you this guy sucked."



great plan

Anonymous said...

"the Republicans sure did ruin the country! hahahaha

look at how much all our lives suck!

im so glad Bush wasn't impeached so this point could be hammered home"


toniD said...

blah blah blah said...
toniD - did you see the article about the islands in the sky are quickly disappearing down in arizona?

historically you could go up into the mountains around the desert and find temperatures 30 degrees lower. over the past few years this phenomena is quickly disappearing.

it really seems like these moronic fuckers won't get it till we get a situation like day after tomorrow.

March 27, 2007 8:58 AM

I was in Mesa AZ two years ago. We took a drive up into the Mountains SE of Mesa and it was not much cooler. That day , in Mesa, it was 102. The area by the lake on the mountain was 92. Only 10 degrees cooler.

Anonymous said...

The Edwards campaign has become a side-show. Money will soon start to dry up. Hillary must be defeated in the primary. If we go into the general election with a woman candidate, we will see eight more years of the republican veto.

blah blah blah said...

Dems Allege Interference in Phone-Jamming Case
by Peter Overby

All Things Considered, March 26, 2007 · Questions about political pressure in the Justice Department are spilling over into the New Hampshire phone-jamming case.

Five years ago, New Hampshire Republicans jammed the phones of Democratic offices on Election Day, disrupting the Democrats' get-out-the-vote efforts and blocking phone calls from voters seeking rides to the polls. More than two years later, the New England coordinator for the Republican National Committee — who green-lighted the scheme — was charged with a felony and convicted.

But last week, a federal appeals court overturned the conviction.

Democrats allege that Justice Department officials in Washington interfered in the case, and they want Congress to investigate.

air-ono said...

why can't people understand that me & the o.g. are just 2 blokes hitting each other

he walks by & i give a blind-side (for you have to know his location every second of the day if you value your life so i developed esp) hit to the hip and he clips me in the ear

"oi, aussie... leave us greeks alone"

toniD said...

Sen. Webb just spoke about his Aide being arrested for carying a weapon and ammo in his brief case.

Webb didn't say much, although he did say that he didn't give his aid his gun. He's say no more because he didn't want to influence the case against him.

The aide will no longer be an aid after this.

Webb did say he was a proponent of the 2nd Amendment, the right to carry arms and it is legal in Virginia.

He said since 9/11, any government official has the right to defend himself and his family.

air-ono said...

it's mano-o-mano warfare

and i don't like my chances

even though i have a psychological edge

the brain can't function without blood

(it's crazy but it's true)

air-ono said...

//He said since 9/11, any government official has the right to defend himself and his family.//


that's what i'm going to tell airport officials when i arrive in your country armed to the teeth

"i'm on webb's payroll, now fuck off"

Alice said...

Over 240 Arrested Since "Occupation Watch" Launched to Call on Congress to End War Funding

The Senate is preparing to vote this week on a spending bill that would give the President $100 billion more for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but also establish a timeline for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq by next year. We speak with veteran peace activist Kathy Kelly On Capitol Hill, the Senate is preparing to vote this week on a spending bill that would give the President $100 billion more for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but also establish a timeline for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq by next year. On Friday the House passed a similar bill by a margin of 218 to 212.

A total of 14 Democrats voted against the bill including eight who oppose any more funding of the war. The eight anti-war Democrats were, Maxine Waters, Lynn Woolsey, Diane Watson and Barbara Lee, all of California, Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, John Lewis of Georgia, Mike McNulty of New York and Mike Michaud of Maine.

Many anti-war activists were pushing Congress to reject all future funding of the war. Last month, the group Voices For Creative Nonviolence launched the Occupation Project. Activists around the country traveled to congressional offices and conducted sit-ins while calling on lawmakers to stop funding the war.

Over 240 peace activists have been arrested since the Occupation Project began.

Kathy Kelly - the co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence - joins us here in New York. In 1997 Kathy Kelly founded Voices in the Wilderness which campaigned against the U.S. sanctions in Iraq. She has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize three times. Her latest book is called "Other Lands Have Dreams: From Baghdad to Pekin Prison."

* Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence.


bibimimi said...

AG = Henry Blake?

"Radar, what am I signing?"

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