Thursday, March 15, 2007

Straight Talk Express ... Again!

McCain's rolling out the Straight Talk Express again! Woo-hoo! Nothin' pulls in those primary voters like a bus!

Desperate times...


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Anonymous said...

This time ... think McCain will DRIVE the bus? [fingers crossed]

air-ono said...

ask mc-cain to listen to:

America's homeless veterans

//200,000 veterans are believed to be homeless. Yet the Veterans' Administration has one of the largest budgets in the US government - second only to defence.//

the linkie

Anonymous said...

Halliburton: From Bush's Favorite
to a National Disgrace
Posted: Thursday, March 15, 2007

It is a symbol of American cronyism, the beneficiary of lucrative Iraq contracts thanks to its relationship with Dick Cheney. Now Halliburton is relocating to Dubai - and US politicians are outraged.

by Andrew Buncombe

The story begins in 1919 with Erle Halliburton sitting up late one night with his wife, Vida, worrying about money. Squeezed together in their one-room home in the Oklahoma dustbowl town of Wilson, the couple were trying to work out how to meet the next payment on Halliburton's fledgling business, the New Method Oil Well Cementing Company.

Anonymous said...


Without Sport blogs (and IMHO in MM's case the lesson of Silicon Valley, too, most likely) - no DailyKos.

Its the Sport sites who had it all together long before dkos existed . The similarity to my old grazing ground struck me the moment I checked out dkos a couple years ago. Identical.

"It's hard not to be struck by the similarity--in tone, and rhetoric-- between these blogs and Daily Kos. Moulitsas himself has noticed the parallel. "If I'm not thinking about politics, I'm thinking about sports," he once told Wired magazine. "I've realized blogs are most effective when talking to partisan audiences. What we have in the sports world, like in the political world, is people want to be heard, they want to give their opinion."

Noticed the parallel? Hah, I bet MM used to opinionate and challenge the webmaster at my fav. sport site ... ok maybe not ;-))

btw. the webowner was a computer techie which, of course, is a must if one wants to rule the www.

Anonymous said...

Oh McCain, McCain...
straight-talk? I can hear the sweet jingle in the Daily Show's pockets already...Some people just make it too easy.

Anonymous said...

Desperate Times. Call for Comments!


Kos Call -
here is the link

Alice said...

A Constructive Plot to Return Guantanamo Bay to Cuba in the Near Future

“The grant of the foregoing Article [regarding the leasing of Guantanamo] shall include the right to use and occupy the waters adjacent to said areas of land and water, and to improve and deepen the entrances thereto and the anchorages therein, and generally to do any and all things necessary to fit the premises for use as coaling or naval stations only, and for no other purpose.” Article II of the Agreement Between the United States and Cuba for the Lease of Lands for Coaling and Naval stations; February 23, 1903.

Washington may be Loosing its Right, let Alone its Political Ability to Maintain its Control over Guantanamo

air-ono said...

you're out of your tree with your silly beef

//For America's number one liberal blogger politics is like sports: It's all about winning.//

of course, it's all about winning...

the difference is how you win

air-ono said...

hope your back is on the mend
: )

mine is about to be back on the bed
(even though i sleep on my front)

Anonymous said...

I'm lookin' good!!!

bibimimi said...

Not Sam said...
This time ... think McCain will DRIVE the bus? [fingers crossed]

can i win any money on the mccain march mad guy pool?

Anonymous said...

from the Countdown transcript (Moore is Bush's Brain author:


"But ultimately, what this whole thing was about was hiding the fact that George W. Bush had a DWI, or, in some cases, I guess it‘s called DUI, record on his arrest, his driving record. And they didn‘t want that exposed. So Gonzales worked his hardest to keep him out of that jury pool.

OLBERMANN: Were there Gonzales-gates in Texas, marginally or more than marginally (INAUDIBLE) comparable to what we‘re going through now? And if so, how did he survive them?

MOORE: Well, I don‘t think that you could say there was anything like a Gonzales-gate, Keith. I mean, we‘re talking about a guy who sort of suffers from the heartbreak of ineffectuality. He didn‘t really exist until he hooked up with Bush.

And the thing you have to understand about this relationship is, George Bush moved in a world where he wasn‘t really exposed to ethnic minorities. And so he was always reaching out to develop these relationships. And this one, for Al Gonzales, turned out to be a relationship of utility as well. He was an average individual who saw a chance to hook up with somebody who was going somewhere.

And he ultimately became George W. Bush‘s legal houseboy and followed him all the way to Washington by doing the things that he knew George Bush wanted done. The problem is that along the way, he turned the law into something political, which is precisely what it‘s not supposed to be.

OLBERMANN: Legal houseboy not far from the terminology that John Dean used on this program, of course, the Nixon White House ..."
read on

Anonymous said...

Thank God, none of those evil neo-con imperialist Republicans will win in 2008....and we'll get Hillary....


WASHINGTON, March 14 -- Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton ☼ foresees a "remaining military as well as political mission" in Iraq, and says that if elected president, she would keep a reduced military force there to fight Al Qaeda, deter Iranian aggression, protect the Kurds and possibly support the Iraqi military.

In a half-hour interview on Tuesday in her Senate office, Mrs. Clinton said the scaled-down American military force that she would maintain would stay off the streets in Baghdad and would no longer try to protect Iraqis from sectarian violence -- even if it descended into ethnic cleansing.

In outlining how she would handle Iraq as commander in chief, Mrs. Clinton articulated a more nuanced position than the one she has provided at her campaign events, where she has backed the goal of "bringing the troops home."

She said in the interview that there were "remaining vital national security interests in Iraq" that would require a continuing deployment of American troops.

Unknown said...

hee! i'm wiped out!

i sealed Bgurls front window yesterday and cleaned it this AM and re-tweaked myself even with being careful. i'm in bed with the laptop, two fuzzybutts and a cuppa coffee. the combination can be quite challenging but the doggers are snoozing currently.

been through this for thirty years. i'm officially disabled but i've been able to make it on my own so far. it is getting easier to tweak it though.

i need a chassis rebuild big time.

but i don't think that'll ever happen.

i'll be on the up side tomorrow and back to sitting down in a few.

Anonymous said...

In his most recent book, Perilous Power, Chomsky says that he thinks argument and discussion about what happened on 9/11 is welcome by the administration. They look at it like another "JFK" type topic, that they can use to distract from other issues. Like the stealing of Iraq's oil. I think he may have a point.

But I think that an open debate is essential, nonetheless.
I'm not surprised Kos prevents any debate on the subject. I never liked DailyKos, actually. The power of the internet seems to be when regular people get together and talk like regular people, while sharing information and ideas that are interesting to them, not act like journalists and editorial writers. Why pretend to be like the mainstream media? Kind of misses the point, in my opinion.

So was the administration negligent, or directly responsible... what amazes me is that with the debate being within those parameters, why do we need to go any further? No matter what we all think about the administrations complicity or responsibility, I think we can all agree that at the very least, they were negligent, and that is enough.
Or it should be enough...

Anonymous said...

Seeing guys get hit in the nuts with something is really, really funny!

Alice said...

Mexican Protesters Call for End to War

Protesters demanded 'No more war!' and called Mexican President Felipe Calderon a 'lapdog' of the U.S. on Wednesday, wrapping up days of often violent protests that dogged President Bush's five-nation tour of Latin America.

As the U.S. leader's plane took off Wednesday, about two dozen protesters circled Merida's central Zocalo plaza shouting 'Bush understand this, Mexico doesn't want you!' and 'Calderon is a lapdog of the imperialists!'

They demanded the release of dozens of fellow demonstrators who were rounded up the night before during a violent clash with some 200 riot police in the same square.

On Wednesday, protester and university professor Mauricio Macosay denounced the police response as 'brutal' and 'exaggerated' and said many of those detained had been marching peacefully.

He and others marched through the streets, stopping briefly at the municipal palace and chanting: 'Freedom for political prisoners!'

Anonymous said...

Alice said...
Mexican Protesters Call for End to War

As the U.S. leader's plane took off Wednesday, about two dozen protesters circled Merida's central Zocalo plaza...

So, uh....24 people.

Anonymous said...

"Don't do it, son! It's dark and dirty in there!"

"I'm going in Mom! There's an opening!"

Unknown said...

i'd say getting together 24 people with that much courage is an accomplishment.

"They demanded the release of dozens of fellow demonstrators who were rounded up the night before during a violent clash with some 200 riot police in the same square.

On Wednesday, protester and university professor Mauricio Macosay denounced the police response as 'brutal' and 'exaggerated' and said many of those detained had been marching peacefully.

He and others marched through the streets, stopping briefly at the municipal palace and chanting: 'Freedom for political prisoners!'"

Anonymous said...


Hey Jim,

Unknown said...

it is enough for some Dada.

it's more about how many people have figured it out enough to make a decision than what they know.

Anonymous said...

looks like the tide has been turning in a postive way for a CHANGE! What kind of country and world and life do we want? We want our country to be restored and intact where we all can pursue happiness. We want peace on earth damnit and we want to save the planet and ourselves from environmental disaster. We want to move forward. And it looks like we will accomplish all of this with being aware, with righting the wrongs, with taking action and having the right mindset. We can and will make ourselves, our country, our world better. no more of the darkside shit and ignorance is bliss shit. Power to the people right on!

toniD said...

No time! Have a great rest of the afternoon.


Unknown said...

eya NC

always loved that painting.

Alice said...

That's correct anonymous.

Now minus 18, & we have the score I'd give your bad attitude...

Unknown said...

"Power to the people right on!"

sounds even better with ten million people shouting it out.

bibimimi said...




bibimimi said...

"I'm going in Mom! There's an opening!"

March 15, 2007 1:42 PM

Brave boy. He'll be missed.

Unknown said...

Cya T!

be careful!

Unknown said...

eya BB! Afternoon,

what ever you say is good enuff for me.

the doggers is pissed at me for not playing with em.

they're being polite but i can tell.

Anonymous said...

Sunshine said...
eya NC
always loved that painting.
March 15, 2007 1:55 PM


I did good with those music links. :)

Anonymous said...

NC said...

bbl -

Unknown said...

waiting for the kids in the hood to drop by and give me a ride to the post oddffice.

i don't want to drive and they have a car now!

trying to get some CB letter supplies. for the next month or so.

Unknown said...

"I did good with those music links. :)"

yupper! u sure as hell did.

WTG bud, WTG!

Unknown said...

"When we think of friends, and call their faces out of the shadows, and their voices out of the echoes that faint along the corridors of memory, and do it without knowing why save that we love to do it, we content ourselves that that friendship is a Reality, and not a Fancy-- that it is builded upon a rock, and not upon the sands that dissolve away with the ebbing tides and carry their monuments with them."

Mark Twain
- Letter to Mary Mason Fairbanks

bibimimi said...

they're being polite but i can tell.

March 15, 2007 2:09 PM

they arrrrrrrr plotting agin ya!

perhaps a chewed slipper or a stolen bran muffin

Anonymous said...

I should be clear to everyone but just in case it is not ...

My comments re Sports Sites and the obvious similarities to the dkos site are about the construction of the dkos website and the construction of the dkos website only. I cited the article which also wrote about the comparison.

Anyone who for some reason or another wants to believe its a kos attack is mistaken.

So Just to make sure again ....

Is all about the construction of the dkos site and NOT about politics, winning, losing, power, money, wrong quotes, Hillary Clinton, Sam, the MyDD site, Obama, chocolate ice cream, smart and dumb bloggers, Janeane, cats and dogs, nitwits ...

Anonymous said...

Not Sam said...

This time ... think McCain will DRIVE the bus?

It may come to it. Even his biggest sycophant, tweety, now loves Rudy Giuliani. Aaaawww.

Maybe McCain should dress up as a drag queen more often ...

Unknown said...

eya Bridge!

ya BB,

they're after my grilled cheese sammitch!

i can tell...

they're watching me like mini- wolves.

Anonymous said...

#6Vig said...
There's nothing there.



Alice said...

Activists 'Purify' Site After Bush Visit how they quote mark the word purify...

Anonymous said...

Of course U.S. attorneys are political

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Those who subscribe to the notion that U.S. attorneys are above the political fray are potential customers for a sweet real estate deal in the Okefenokee Swamp.

Just to clear things up a bit, U.S. attorneys get their jobs by being either loyal workers or contributors to the success of their political party or knowing someone with strong political connections to the White House. They may or may not be great attorneys. That really has very little to do with it. They are pure and simple political appointees who serve at the pleasure of the president and are subject to dismissal at any time despite the false security of a four-year term.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I got the address wrong.

You send me one. Same as before but at my server.

Alice said...

ok...I just sent it...didja get it?

Anonymous said...


they put "bad spirits" in quotes, too.

Bad spirits are bad spirits. Nothing to quote about.


Alice said...

Total wimps, bridge...

That's why I was glad to see the ufo story & research article in our very local paper..

Cat Chew said...

bibimimi troll'p said...

That reminds me of this from The Guardian:

The incident marked the genesis of the Rove-Bush axis and it was in Washington that Rove met the younger Bush. He fell, politically speaking, in love. "Huge amounts of charisma, swagger, cowboy boots, flight jacket, wonderful smile, just charisma - you know, wow," Rove recalled years later. In 1977, Rove was sent to Texas, in theory to run a political action committee, but according to one Texan political consultant who knew him at the time, "It was really to baby-sit Bush back when Bush was drinking".

air-ono said...

it's a silly beef, anyway

why even mention it if not as a backdoor aside

so it's based on a sports format...
big deal!

you want them to re-invent the wheel

silly bridge

Catharine said...

The incident marked the genesis of the Rove-Bush axis and it was in Washington that Rove met the younger Bush. He fell, politically speaking, in love. "Huge amounts of charisma, swagger, cowboy boots, flight jacket, wonderful smile, just charisma - you know, wow," Rove recalled years later. In 1977, Rove was sent to Texas, in theory to run a political action committee, but according to one Texan political consultant who knew him at the time, "It was really to baby-sit Bush back when Bush was drinking".

March 15, 2007 3:59 PM


I'd read that before ... when the page scandal was going on in October ... it came up again .... heh... pun intended

Anonymous said...


Catharine said...

March 15, 2007 -- Former Iranian Deputy Defense Minister Ali Reza Asghari may be a further casualty of the outing by the Bush White House and its neo-con media allies of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson and her Brewster Jennings and Associates front company, according to knowledgeable Turkish sources. "Asghari may have been a CIA 'HVA' (high value asset)," according to one source close to the Turkish intelligence service, MIT.


Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen my script?

Alice said...

Earth to David Broder, Come in, Cosmonaut Broder…

The dean of Washington Post political columnists says that reports of the GOP’s impending demise are premature. Maybe so. The evidence Broder gives, though, suggests just the opposite:

Support for President Bush and his policies remains high among Republicans. His overall job rating among GOP voters is 75 percent, “and by overwhelming numbers they approve of his handling of foreign policy, the war in Iraq and the management of the economy.”

That does not suggest a party wracked by anxiety or guilt…

Is it really a sign of health for Republicans that they still think everything is fine with the Bush administration and the Iraq War?

Anonymous said...

the raid of the immigrants - absolutely heartbreaking:

"Witnesses inside the plant described a horrifying scene of one the largest immigration raids ever conducted in the area. The workers—most of them Guatemalans and Salvadorans, working as seamstresses—were ordered to remain at their sewing machines as authorities reviewed their immigration status. Mayhem ensued as some attempted to flee, only to be turned back by police and the bitter winter cold outside the factory.

Tina Pacheco, a supervisor with 14 years at MBI, described the situation to the Boston Globe. “When we realized what was going on, a lot of people were screaming and crying. They told American citizens to stand in one area and the people without papers to stand in another area. It was terrible, they were crying and didn’t know what was going to happen.”

article here

Catharine said...

March 15, 2007 -- Guest Anonymous Column --

Giuliani, Clinton Battered Candidates as 9/11, OKC bomb Unravel.

According to the anodine USA Today, Republican presidential candidate Rudolph Giuliani couldn't find time in his busy schedule to seek the endorsement of the the International Association of Firefighters, which will host a bipartisan candidate forum in March. But the New York press reports that the former mayor was not invited, citing the group's press release: "The fundamental lack of respect that Giuliani showed our FDNY members is unforgivable - and that's why he was not invited. Our disdain for him is not about issues or a disputed contract, it is about a visceral, personal affront to the fallen, to our union and, indeed, to every one of us who has ever risked our lives by going into a burning building to save lives and property."


Catharine said...

With the recent revelation of CNN and BBC reporting, on Sept. 11, 2001, that World Trade Center 7, also known as the Saloman Brothers Building, had collapsed before it actually fell, suspicions about Giuliani's advance knowledge of what was obviously a preplanned demolition have again come to the fore. Was it, as seems likely, the mayor's emergency management office that warned the firefighters and news agencies the building would collapse? On 9/11, WTC7 became the third, after WTC1 and WTC2, steel frame building to ever collapse.

Alice said...

Sick huh,'ve heard about 9 yr old Kevin from Canada I guess...? & his Iranian born parents being taken off a plane & all locked up together in a detention center? His mother & father were both tortured...

Poor baby...he sounded so scared on DN this morning...

It's front page news for weeks now in Canada...but not here of course...

Catharine said...

On the Democratic side, the junior senator from New York is an easy target for opponents who know the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City under her husband's watch was an inside job. As Terry Nichols and former FBI officials add new revelations to the many others that have been piling up since April 1995, Hillary Clinton is open to accusations of being married to the author of a grave terrorism event or, at the very least, to a participant in its cover-up. President Clinton's eulogies for the victims may soon be seen for what they were - cynical lies laying the groundwork for laws legalizing a crackdown. Once the gloves come off in the 2008 campaign, Hillary will find herself needing to likewise cover-up this misdeed and defend the gaping wounds in her character.

Catharine said...

alice ...

It's front page news for weeks now in Canada...but not here of course...

March 15, 2007 4:19 PM



Anonymous said...

My last living relative, my uncle Oscar, called me from his death bed today to tell me that my parents had never told me that I am a Gnome.

Catharine said...

March 15, 2007 -- A couple of observations.

Former "Al Qaeda" number 3 man, Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, is reportedly confessing to a number of terrorist attacks at his Military Commission trial (Combatant Status Review Tribunal in Pentagon "Newspeak") in Guantanamo Bay. He claims responsibility for 9/11 "A to Z." He also claimed he planned the 1993 World Trade Center van bombing, Richard Reid's attempted shoe bombing of a trans-Atlantic flight from Paris to Miami, the Bali bombing, an attack on an Israeli-owned hotel in Mombasa, Kenya and an attempted missile attack on an Israeli passenger plane at Mombasa airport. Mohammed also claimed that he was behind attempted attacks on the Library Tower in Los Angeles, the Sears Tower in Chicago, the Empire State Building in New York, the New York Stock Exchange, the Panama Canal, NATO headquarters in Brussels, Israel's port of Eilat, nuclear power plants in the United States, U.S. embassies in Indonesia, Australia, and Japan, Israeli embassies in Australia, Azerbaijan, Philippines, and India, Big Ben in London, and London's Heathrow Airport. He also claimed that he was behind plots to assassinated Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf, Pope John Paul II, President Jimmy Carter, and President Bill Clinton (why is it that Democrats are always targeted by these terrorists?) Left off the list were the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya (Mohammed must have been on vacation then) and the USS Cole (that was Sudan's doing according to a Federal judge in Norfolk, Virginia).

Tomorrow, Mohammed may claim responsibility for the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby, the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson, Avian flu, the sinking of the Andrea Doria, and the Challenger and Columbia disasters.

Catharine said...

There was apparently a proposal at the recent America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) meeting in Washington to invite Israel to join the United States as the 51st state. Delegates rejected the idea after they learned that Israel would be limited to only two U.S. Senators.



Catharine said...

March 14, 2007 -- Last May, WMR reported that presidential counselor Karl Rove and the White House pressured special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to put on ice a grand jury indictment of Rove. "Legal experts" claimed that there was no way that either Rove, the White House, or Attorney General Alberto Gonzales could pressure Fitzgerald. As we now know from recent news from the Justice Department, these "experts" were woefully wrong.

On May 20, 2006, we reported, "Rather than keep Rove out of the public eye, the White House put him out in front of the neocon American Enterprise Institute on Monday, had him arm twisting GOP members of Congress during the week, and had him fly to Lake County, Illinois Friday night for a GOP fundraiser and pep talk. Washington insiders report that if the White House were confident that Rove would soon be indicted, they would refrain from having him out among GOP ranks taking part in future embarrassing photo ops.

Catharine said...

Which brings us back to yesterday's item about the power of the Special Counsel as opposed to that of an Independent Special Counsel. Even Watergate independent counsel Archibald Cox was not immune enough to prevent him from being fired by Richard Nixon. (Although the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General refused to fire Cox and resigned, the dirty work was carried out by the Solicitor General, Robert Bork). Fitzgerald is merely protected by a series of Justice Department administrative directives and not by anything even close to an Independent Counsel Statute. In taking on the most powerful and unconstitutional administration in the history of the United States, Fitzgerald's brief is certainly vulnerable to pressure from the White House."

Catharine said...

We now know that Gonzales, Rove, and ex-White House counsel Harriet Miers conspired to fire a number of U.S. attorneys for political reasons. Those fired include H. E. "Bud" Cummins, U.S. Attorney for eastern Arkansas, who was dismissed to make way for Tim Griffin, a political aide to Karl Rove. John McKay, former U.S. Attorney for western Washington, was fired for not indicting Democrats for fraud in the close 2004 Washington gubernatorial race. There was no evidence of any fraud, yet the White House wanted to engage the Justice Department in a political witch hunt. Former U.S. Attorney Carol Lam of San Diego was fired over her aggressive pursuit of ex-GOP Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham, now in prison for accepting bribes. Lam was fired as her investigation expanded to include California Republican congressmen Jerry Lewis and Ken Calvert.

air-ono said...

walked by the tattooist this morning
and there was a classic yakuza-jap tatt

but not as hardcore
as this

Catharine said...

Others fired included New Mexico U.S. Attorney David Iglesias, whose firing was prompted by political pressure from New Mexico Republican Senator Pete Domenici and Representative Heather Wilson (they felt that he should have prosecuted Democrats in voter fraud, much like the pressure exacted on McKay in Washington); Nevada U.S. Attorney David Bogden; U.S. Attorney Kevin Ryan of San Francisco; and Arizona U.S. Attorney Paul Charlton, who was investigating Arizona Republican Representative Rick Renzi; and Margaret Chiara, U.S. Attorney for Western Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. The most egregious firing was that of interim U.S. Attorney for Guam and the Northern Marianas Frederick Black, dismissed because of his investigation of now jailed GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff and human trafficking from Asia to sweatshops in Saipan. Although the media is reporting that eight U.S. Attorneys were fired by the White House -- identified from the Justice Department-White House e-mail exchanges -- the earlier 2002 firing of Black makes that number at least nine.

Anonymous said...


re Rove
I read this before and I just don't get it:

"younger Bush. He fell, politically speaking, in love. "Huge amounts of charisma, swagger, cowboy boots, flight jacket, wonderful smile, just charisma - you know, wow," Rove recalled years later."

WOW-material, Bush?
What is it with these men?

Olbermann discussed Gonzales and Bush with the Bush's Brain author on Countdown yesterday. Did you see it. Was v. interesting. I posted part of the transcript upthread.

Alberto Gonzales, brilliant lawyer? Hardly. Just a lucky camper.

Anonymous said...

I am still handsome!!!

Catharine said...

but not as hardcore
as this

March 15, 2007 4:36 PM


I love how he still where's his shades ... even in only his diaper...

true yakuza

Catharine said...

bridge said...

Olbermann discussed Gonzales and Bush with the Bush's Brain author on Countdown yesterday. Did you see it. Was v. interesting. I posted part of the transcript upthread.


Oh! No, I missed that... darn.

Catharine said...

Gonzales' chief of staff Kyle Sampson, who resigned on Monday, sent a March 2005 e-mail to the White House listing all 93 U.S. Attorneys in three categories: "Bold = Recommend retaining; strong U.S. attorneys who have managed well, and exhibited loyalty to the president and attorney general. Strikeout = Recommend removing; weak U.S. attorneys who have been ineffectual managers and prosecutors, chafed against administration initiatives, etc. Nothing = No recommendation; have not distinguished themselves either positively or negatively."

Anonymous said...

Two Turtles by Annabelle's.

Anonymous said...

Very sick, Shells

also they are being locked up for profit I read. The immigration policies are so broken - and few people care. I can't stand it.


I didn't know about the feud between Giuliani and the Fire Fighters. Heard it in detail on Hardball yesterday.

You are from New York, right? I am at the West Coast but I think most Americans don't know much about the problems he has with the Fire Fighters because he is always introduced as the 9/11 hero.

Waiting for Cicero said...

Read this. It's worth it.

What would Valerie say?, by Larry Johnson.
My take:

Former CIA officer Johnson takes the time to preemptively shoot down any of the bullshit that will be thrown at Ms. Wilson tomorrow, when she appears before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Mr. Johnson and another former CIA officer will reportedly accompany Ms. Wilson to the proceedings, in a show of moral support.

I highly suggest tuning in to the hearings, which will begin at 10:00 am EDT (7:00 am PDT)

Anonymous said...

"Delegates rejected the idea after they learned that Israel would be limited to only two U.S. Senators."

How many delegates do they want?

Anonymous said...

Greetings to all MR bloggers from beautiful Block Island!

Because I love you, here is my recipe for Block Island Quahog Chowder...

7 1/2 pounds red spuds, cut into 1/2-inch dices
Water, to cover
1 heaping tablespoon white pepper
1 heaping tablespoon salt
1 1/2 pound ground salt pork
1 1/2 Spanish onion, diced
1 quart chopped quahogs
1 quart quahog juice
1 heaping tablespoon fresh thyme

In large stock pot, cover potatoes with water by 2 inches. Add salt and pepper, and bring to boil then reduce to a simmer.
In large skillet, heat the salt pork. Add the onion and saute. When onions are translucent, add to the simmering potatoes.

Add quahogs, quahog juice, and thyme to the potatoes. Simmer for 30 minutes or until potatoes are cooked through.

New Owner said...

hello everyone, long time no see. Any news on when our Sam will get his big-boy blog back?

Cathy in Seattle

Alice said...


Hi :) How's everything with you?

Unknown said...

eya Csea!

Anonymous said...

A widening skandal...

Every Republican tree has a cat in it ....

"Republicans are fretting, and Democrats are fantasizing, about what the debacle foretells for the next year and half.

"We've only had subpoena power for the last six weeks and every tree that we've barked up so far has had a cat in it," said a senior Democrat who spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak publicly. "Imagine where we'll be after six months."" read on

Unknown said...

wel we figger the new blog should be operational by 2010, 2011 at the latest.

Alice said...

random irrelevant

Anonymous said...

Sam days at AAR are now numbered.

toniD said...

Evening all!

Gonzales emailed Rove about replacing the Attorneys in 2005. Breaking news on CNN

Just got home and news already

Alice said...

Veleda was a völva (female shaman) of the Germanic tribe of the Bructeri who achieved some prominence during the Batavian rebellion of 69 - 70 CE that was headed by the Romanized Batavian chieftain Civilis, when she correctly predicted the initial successes of the rebels against Roman legions. Her name means "she who sees".

The name may actually be a generic title for a prophetess (cf. Old Norse vala). Veleda enjoyed wide influence over the tribe of the Bructeri and beyond, for the inhabitants of the Roman settlement at Cologne accepted her arbitration in a conflict with the Tencteri, an unfederated tribe in Germany. When the Batavian leader Civilis captured the legionary base at Castra Vetera (near modern Xanten in Niederrhein, Germany), the commander of the Roman garrison, Munius Lupercus, was sent to Veleda, though he was killed en route. When the pretorian trireme was captured, it was rowed upriver as a gift to Veleda.

In 77 CE the Romans either captured her, perhaps as hostage, or offered her asylum. According to Statius, her captor was Rutilius Gallicus. A Greek epigram has been found at Ardea, a few kilometres south of Rome, that satirizes her prophetic powers.

Veleda's story was fictionalised by Lindsey Davis in The Iron Hand of Mars (1992) and Saturnalia (2007) and by Poul Anderson in Star of the Sea (1991)

Anonymous said...

On 911 THREE steel framed skyscrapers totally collapsed just fractions of a second slower than free fall speed. That's IMPOSSIBLE without the use of explosives that burn hot enough to melt steel. Period. No object falls at free fall speed if ANYTHING is slowing it down in ANY way. It's a Law of Physics. Those who don't believe THAT probably DO believe pigs fly. Controlled demolision brought the buildings down. There's no other explaination. Once you accept that you have to question everything else you've been told. The perpatraitors are mass-murders. The motive is unlimited power. The consequences are years of war.

Anonymous said...

Sunshine said...

wel we figger the new blog should be operational by 2010, 2011 at the latest.


I'm wondering if Sam's waiting to see if the new management is doing anything website/blogwise before he spends his time mussing around with tech-y nonsense. Just a guess...

Is there a Sam newsletter thingy, and did anyone get it? I haven't signed up yet, but if its happening, I will.

Can't stay, back in a bit....


Just want to mention, Rosie O'Donnell is even cooler than I thought. I give her a lot of credit.


toniD said...

Officials: Mohammed ‘confessions’ exaggerated. “Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s claims that he was responsible for dozens of successful, foiled and imagined attacks in the past 15 years relies on a loose definition of the word ‘responsible.’ Officials say the 9/11 mastermind was key to some plots but a bit player in others.”

UPDATE: Earlier today, ThinkProgress noted that the Pentagon had redacted Mohammed’s statements on torture in his confession statement. Human Rights Watch has called on the deleted transcript to be made public.


Alice said...

Mexico rights chief blames govt for Oaxaca abuses

The Mexican government was an accomplice in the killing of 20 people in last year's conflict in the tourist city of Oaxaca and permitted torture and illegal arrests, a rights watchdog said on Thursday.

In a report on the conflict in which leftist activists tried to bring down Oaxaca's governor, Mexico's National Human Rights Commission said federal, state and municipal officials were responsible for human rights violations.

"Authorities and public officials ... either by action or omission caused rights violations," including the right to life of 20 people, Jose Luis Soberanes, head of the autonomous state agency, said on presenting the report to the Senate's rights commission.


Guatemala: Photos from indigenous protest of Bush visit

Alice said...

Google to make search data anonymous
After 18 to 24 months, it's not about you anymore

toniD said...

Second Republican calls for Gonzales resignation. USA Today: “For the Justice Department to be effective before the U.S. Senate, it would be helpful” if Gonzales resigned, Sen. Gordon Smith (R-OR) said.


Rohrabacher becomes #3: CBS:

More Republicans called for his ouster, and one Republican strategist close to the White House told CBS News that Gonzales is “finished.”

Congressman Dana Rohrbacher became the latest Republican to say Gonzales should go, reports CBS News White House correspondent Jim Axelrod. “Even for Republicans this is a warning sign … saying there needs to be a change,” said Rohrbacher. “Maybe the president should have an attorney general who is less a personal friend and more professional in his approach.”


Anonymous said...

Air America Radio Appoints VP Of Programming

Air America Radio has announced its first new major hire since being purchased by the Green Family Media – David Bernstein will join the network as vice president of Programming.

Bernstein is a 32-year radio veteran; having held programming and news management positions at leading stations such as WOR, WBZ, WRKO, WHDH, WPRO, WDBO, WAAF and WTIC. He is currently the owner/president of Bernstein Talent, a consulting firm for radio talk show hosts. He will begin overseeing all Air America programming beginning March 19.

“David is just the Rx that the doctor ordered,” agreed Air America President Mark Green and COO Scott Elberg. “He has a successful track record of over two decades of building ratings and branding talk radio. Because his ability to work with high profile talent is unparalleled, David will be a vital part of Air America 2.0.”

"To quote Mark Green, I’m an Air American," said Bernstein. "So c’mon, let’s get going!”

toniD said...

Evening Shell!!!

Anonymous said...

Get pork...

on your fork!

Get jiggy with piggy!

Alice said...

Hi Toni! Funny link you sent :)


Wouldn't it be really messed up if all this add bs that doctors are telling children they have is just a way to screw up indigo & crystal children?

toniD said...

Schumer: White House Holding ‘Active And Avid Discussion’ Over Gonzales Resignation »
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) held a press conference moments ago to react to new emails showing that Karl Rove and Alberto Gonzales had a deeper role in the U.S. Attorney scandal than they originally acknowledged.

Schumer told reporters, “I know, from other sources, that there is an active and avid discussion in the White House whether [Gonzales] should stay or not,” adding that “the odds are very high that he will no longer be the attorney general.”

Schumer also revealed that the emails leaked today came from a disgruntled Bush administration official. “One of the reasons everything is getting out here is that there are people, particularly in the Justice Department, who have been so disgusted with what’s happening that information is getting out,” Schumer said. “And I think the White House and the Justice Department know it’s gonna get out whether they release it or not.”

Watch it:


toniD said...

Just last month, a top Justice Department official told Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) in a letter that the “Department is not aware of Karl Rove playing any role in the decision to appoint [Rove ally Tim] Griffin” as U.S. Attorney in Arkansas. But recent reports have provided evidence that “all roads lead to Rove“:

– “[T]he idea of firing all 93 U.S. attorneys was raised by White House adviser Karl Rove in early January 2005, indicating Rove was more involved in the plan than previously acknowledged by the White House.”

– “White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said Rove relayed complaints from Republican officials and others to the Justice Department and the White House counsel’s office.”

– In recently-released emails, former Gonzales chief of staff Kyle Sampson writes, “I know that getting [Griffen] appointed was important to Harriet, Karl, et cetera.”

– When a GOP chairman in New Mexico complained about a U.S. Attorney, Rove reportedly told him, “He’s gone.”

– News reports indicate that Rove’s office may have been involved in problems involving the U.S. Attorney from Washington state, John McKay.


toniD said...

Alice said...
Hi Toni! Funny link you sent :)


Wouldn't it be really messed up if all this add bs that doctors are telling children they have is just a way to screw up indigo & crystal children?

March 15, 2007 7:46 PM

Indigo & crystal children? Sorry Shell, I don't understand what you mean. Splain please.

Alice said...


*sorry T...just thinking outloud again.. :)

Alice said...

Well you've read Edgar you won't be freaked out...lemme find a proper explanation..brb..

Anonymous said...


Queensbridge Locals Want Rats To Scurry Away

toniD said...

Breaking: New E-Mails Show Rove, Gonzales Had Deeper Role In U.S. Attorney Firings
ABC News reports that new emails reveal that the plan for firing U.S. Attorneys originated in the White House. Both Karl Rove and Alberto Gonzales discussed the idea of firing all 93 U.S. attorneys in early January 2005. From the article:

New unreleased e-mails from top administration officials show the idea of firing all 93 U.S. attorneys was raised by White House adviser Karl Rove in early January 2005, indicating Rove was more involved in the plan than previously acknowledged by the White House.

The e-mails also show Attorney General Alberto Gonzales discussed the idea of firing the attorneys en masse while he was still White House counsel — weeks before he was confirmed as attorney general.

The e-mails directly contradict White House assertions that the notion originated with recently departed White House counsel Harriet Miers and was her idea alone.


toniD said...

Hi NC :)

How're you doing tonight?

Did you hear that crime across the nation has risen to double digits of what it was back in 2000?

I heard that on CNN just a bit ago.

toniD said...

Evening Crank!

Alice said...

Anonymous said...

Dem Sen Christopher Dodd is running for Prez in 2008.

Any Dodd supporters here?

He voted yes on Iraq but wants his vote back:

"Dodd voted in favor of the resolution authorizing the use of force in Iraq, but said the question of where the country will go now is far more important than the mistakes that might have been made five years ago.

"I'm one who voted for it. I regret that," Dodd said. "I wish I could have the vote back. I made a mistake."

Alice said...

The Attributes of a Crystal Child - by Sharyl Jackson
(As first printed in Children of the New Earth Magazine -

..."How do we recognize these new children or some of the few adult Crystals who, as forerunners, anchored the necessary energies? They are not out and about raising havoc, they are quietly living in relative obscurity. I have had the pleasure and the honor, as well as the frustration, of raising one of these early Crystal pioneers who is now 28 years old. My personal experience, my intuition, and hints provided by Steve Rother and the Group are what I have used to compile a list of attributes of the children of the Crystal vibration. Please keep in mind that these attributes are not all inclusive, nor does every Crystal child necessarily exhibit every quality..

Probably .org or .info are betterbut I haven't looked...

I've read about people who have held a crystal child and they explained what that felt like to them.

Anonymous said...

toniD said...
Hi NC :)
How're you doing tonight?
//double digits//
March 15, 2007 8:05 PM

- Doesn't surprise me.

Anonymous said...

It's Pernod...

NOT Sterno!

toniD said...

Alice said...

March 15, 2007 8:12 PM

Interesting Shell.

Some of the symptoms of indigo children could describe Bush and his admin. That's a scary thought.

Anonymous said...

air-ono said...

America's homeless veterans
//200,000 veterans are believed to be homeless. //

March 15, 2007 11:53 AM


Thanks for posting this program.

Excellent recommendation!

Alice said...

Which ones, Toni?

toniD said...

Shell, here's the ones I thought might be Bushy....

They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)

They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.

They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).

They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").

Alice said...

I can see how it seems like that...but I can also see the just blurt it out here..sometimes I see some correlations between know what forget would take me forever to put it into words..

But yeah..I see what you're saying..

toniD said...

Alice said...
I can see how it seems like that...but I can also see the just blurt it out here..sometimes I see some correlations between know what forget would take me forever to put it into words..

But yeah..I see what you're saying..

March 15, 2007 8:35 PM

Indigo kids on the blog! Heh!

toniD said...

The neopubs are starting to eat their own....

Vengeful DeLay to target 'rising phoenix' Gingrich in book: Novak Mike Sheehan
Published: Thursday March 15, 2007

Conservative columnist and CIA leak figure Robert Novak says that disgraced ex-Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX) will, in an upcoming memoir, visit his wrath upon former colleague Newt Gingrich.

"Gingrich's attempted phoenix-like rise from his own political ashes to a presidential candidacy will run next week into a harsh assessment" by DeLay, writes Novak in The Washington Post.

"The former majority leader's forthcoming memoir," Novak continues, "assails Gingrich as an 'ineffective' House speaker with a flawed moral compass."

The twice-divorced Gingrich admitted last week that even while leading the charge to have former President Bill Clinton impeached over the Lewinsky scandal, he himself was carrying on an extramarital affair.

DeLay's memoir stresses that "our leadership was in no moral shape to press" for Clinton's impeachment, Novak reveals.

"It is now public knowledge that Newt Gingrich was having an affair with a staffer during the entire impeachment crisis," Novak quotes DeLay, noting that the Texas Republican wrote well before Gingrich's first-time admission to infidelity.

"Clearly, men with such secrets are not likely to sound a high moral tone at a moment of national crisis," DeLay writes.

Well I can't say I'm not enjoying this.

Alice said...

Chavez offers Bush whole new ball game

Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan president, hopes to play baseball with US President George W. Bush when the two men are old and explained that his constant verbal abuse hurled at the American leader was "nothing personal".

"One day, if maybe George Bush and I survive all of this, we will reach old age, and it would be good to play a game of dominos, or street baseball," the fiery ally of Cuba's Fidel Castro said on his weekday radio programme.

Mr Chavez, who who has referred to Mr Bush on various occasions as a devil, donkey or drunkard - said that his opposition was due to "ethical, political, historic and geopolitical" reasons.

Mr Chavez also claimed that Venezuelan financial aid to Latin America has surpassed American commitments.

He said that cheap Venezuelan oil deals around the region amounted to $4.8 million a day in financial assistance solely through oil shipments, or $1.6 billion a year.

The Chavez government is estimated to have pledged a total of $5 billion to the region in donations, loans and bond purchases. Mr Bush confirmed recently that US aid to Latin America last year was $1.6 billion.


See, now that is smart. imo...either he does see,(what I would call), 'the bigger picture', or he's making a purely political move like conbo brought up yesterday, or he is being 'catholic' or 'religious' about it...hmmm...or something else...

toniD said...

Important: Huge Problem with KSM Confession
In his confession, KSM claims:

"I was responsible for planning, training, surveying, and financing for the New (or Second) Wave of attacks against the following skyscrapers after 9/11: ...Plaza Bank, Washington state"

The Plaza Bank was not founded until 2006 according to their official Web site:

" Founded in early 2006, with a vision of creating the leading commercial bank in the Pacific Northwest, Plaza Bank’s story quickly captured the hearts and passion of some of the region’s leading business minds. From Jack Creighton, former CEO of Weyerhaeuser and United Airlines, to former Seattle Mariner Edgar Martinez, and nationally acclaimed salon operator Gene Juárez, the story of a bank founded to bring “class to the mass” simply could not be contained."

I think we can say for quite certain that whomever is being held as KSM was either caught recently or that his entire confession is a fraud.

Update: Noah has more


toniD said...

Chávez: I could
be US president
Venezuelan leader tells Barbara Walters: Bush and Rice 'killing people.'


nut-meg said...

hey im on the air!

Anonymous said...

NC said...

Police officer thought to be vigilante killed in Rio

toniD said...

Kucinich: 'Impeachment may well be the only remedy which remains to stop a war of aggression against Iran' Ron Brynaert
Published: Thursday March 15, 2007

During a speech on the House floor on Thursday, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) declared that "impeachment may well be the only remedy which remains to stop a war of aggression against Iran." The 2004 presidential candidate, who is running again in 2008, told RAW STORY that his House floor statement "speaks for itself."

"This House cannot avoid its constitutionally authorized responsibility to restrain the abuse of Executive power," Kucinich said on the floor today. "The Administration has been preparing for an aggressive war against Iran. There is no solid, direct evidence that Iran has the intention of attacking the United States or its allies."

Kucinich noted that since the US "is a signatory to the U.N. Charter, a constituent treaty among the nations of the world," and Article II states that "all members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state," then "even the threat of a war of aggression is illegal."

"Article VI of the U.S. Constitution makes such treaties the Supreme Law of the Land," Kucinich continued. "This Administration, has openly threatened aggression against Iran in violation of the U.S. Constitution and the U.N. Charter."


Anonymous said...

"Edwards to call for Cabinet-level post to fight poverty"


Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards on Thursday outlined what he called "an audacious plan" to tackle global poverty that includes educating 23 million children in poor countries and creating a Cabinet-level position to oversee other initiatives.

Seeking to link poverty in other countries to the United States' national security, Edwards argued that militant extremists in nations torn apart by poverty and civil war have replaced government educational systems and are teaching young people to hate the United States.

Edwards called for spending $3 billion a year to extend primary education to millions of children in developing countries. Combating terrorism should begin in classrooms, not battlefields, he said.


nut-meg said...

That Leap Frog thing really upsets me...

Anonymous said...

Rio has a murder rate of around 40 per 100,000 people a year -- one of the highest in Latin America

nut-meg said...

I miss the old blog...

toniD said...

Crank Bait said...
On Day Two, Supreme Leader Crank Bait will declare that all pot holes are actually smooth roadways.

March 15, 2007 8:34 PM

Supreme Leader may want to stay hidden so he is not jammed into one of those "smooth road" potholes!

Alice said...


Anonymous said...

Rights groups say police often help militias in clashes with drug gangs rather than act against both sides.

Such clashes have killed around 20 people this month, while a wave of gang violence at the end of December, apparently in retaliation for police support of the militias, killed 19 people in one day.

Anonymous said...

Meat me in St. Louis!!!

Anonymous said...


Hey Alice,

What's the deal?
Why the interest in Latin America?

toniD said...

Greenspan warns subprime woes could spread By Ros Krasny
Thu Mar 15, 5:07 PM ET

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said on Thursday there was a risk that rising defaults in subprime mortgage markets could spill over into other economic sectors.

In a wide-ranging question-and-answer session at the Futures Industry Association meeting, Greenspan conceded it was "hard to find any such evidence" about spillover from stressed mortgages yet, but: "You can't take 10 percent out of mortgage originations without some impact."

"I'd expect it to -- I'm waiting -- but the spillovers are just not there," he said. Some problems have turned up in collateralized debt markets, Greenspan added.

Greenspan said the housing downturn appeared to stem more from the recent stagnation in housing prices after years of appreciation than from a decline in mortgage quality but said he was not downplaying problems in so-called subprime loans.

Subprime woes were "not a small issue," said the 81-year-old policy kingpin emeritus.

The current problems seemed to result primarily from buyers who had come into lofty housing markets late in the game, Greenspan said, only after huge price run-ups that made homes less affordable.

Default rates in the subprime segment of the U.S. mortgage market have jumped in recent months as the housing industry slowed and prices fell.

At least 20 lenders in the subprime mortgage sector, which serves borrowers with poor credit histories at high interest rates, have gone out of business as a result.


Alice said...

toniD said...

Chávez: I could
be US president
Venezuelan leader tells Barbara Walters: Bush and Rice 'killing people.'


March 15, 2007 8:52 PM

Oooooh...juicy..thanks, Toni..


Hi too..

Unknown said...


boy! did we miss you!

so glad to see you back!

(a dar happy dance to greet you!)

Alice said...

Good question, NC...Ummm....because in order to blog here I felt at one time that I needed to contribute news...and at that time I decided that the US news was far too *something* for my taste when I read it...So when I would read the Latin news at the time, it felt somewhat better to I focused my attention there...

But honestly..I don't live there, so it's difficult to say from my own experience what it feels like in any one of those countries....

Alice said...

Let alone be any other person..

Anonymous said...

Crank Bait said...
On Day Two, Supreme Leader Crank Bait will declare that all pot holes are actually smooth roadways.

March 15, 2007 8:34 PM


Sounds like the BQE. :)

toniD said...

Crank Bait said...

Is that a glowing accolade in your pants or are you just glad to see your Supreme Leader's giant stipend?

March 15, 2007 9:13 PM

Mae warned me about you!

Sunshine Jim said...

i enjoyed the mexican people i met when we were cruising the coast as teenagers.

lovely people and fun too.

with a serious side to them as well.

Sunshine Jim said...

On day three

Crankbait will be known as "Your Immensity"

toniD said...

My best friend is Mexican. She's taking me out to Brunch on Sunday for my birthday.

Her parents were from Guadalajara. I've not been there but I like the song.

Sunshine Jim said...

can we start celebrating your B'day now?

yer what now, 39 or so?

Anonymous said...

Alice said...
Good question
March 15, 2007 9:11 PM


It might not be a bad idea to
post a few local stories from
time to time. They may provide some insight and perspective.

toniD said...

Factor This: O'Reilly Sued Over Name-Calling Incident
Posted Mar 15th 2007 12:44PM by TMZ Staff
Filed under: Celebrity Justice, Anna Nicole Smith

Prince Frederic Von Anhalt, one of the men claiming to be the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby, is royally pissed over a few choice words that Bill O'Reilly used to describe him on air, and now he wants $10 million to ease his pain.

In a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, the prince says that O'Reilly called him a "fraud," among other things, during a February 23 broadcast.

Von Anhalt claims that O'Reilly "knew that the statements were false," and used them to "directly injure his reputation in a substantial portion of his community."

The prince is the 9th and current husband of Zsa Zsa Gabor.

A rep from FOX News tells TMZ, "We haven't received the lawsuit yet, therefore we cannot comment."


Alice said...

I have to go look now..I think T's birthay should be in my contacts...



The fundamental principle, is the reconciliation of the opposites. We cannot choose one opposite over another. We must experience the relationship between the two and reconcile them into a higher synthesis. This does not mean to be in the middle. For instance, the proper balance between wealth and poverty is not the mathematical average between $1,000,000 and $1, ie $500,000. There are people who are poor at $1,000,000 others who are rich at $1. Reconciling the opposites is not that simple.

Let us begin by identifying the pairs of opposites. They are literally beyond number, but tradition has given us 7 pairs that between them, cover the whole of human of experience.

What does it mean to reconcile the pairs of opposites? Already we are struggling to find words to explain the concept, let alone the experience. And this is the point, it is an experience that we must have. That is why these pairs are processes that we must go through. If words fail, nevertheless tradition gives a clue to the meaning of these processes of transformation:

toniD said...

Sunshine Jim said...
can we start celebrating your B'day now?

yer what now, 39 or so?

March 15, 2007 9:31 PM

Celebrate, good times, come on!!!

39? Hah! Don't I wish!!

I'm still not old enough to get medigap insurance.

Alice said...

I'm about one day ahead of you, NC...I've been thinking about know..for living in California...I wonder just how 'red' my county really is compared to the rest of the state....

Alice said...

Here's one,P just told me he saw today...Tami is a member of our group ...

The cats suffer

To the Editor:
Has anyone else noticed the enormous amount of feral cats in Tuolumne County? The number continues to grow and the cats suffer. Sonora Cat Rescue is one example that is doing an excellent job in trying to get all cats altered. This is a daunting task especially in spring and summer

toniD said...

Shell, did you hear that CA is changing it's primary date to February in 08? Guv Ah-nold signed the bill today.

Sunshine Jim said...

well we're glad you're here T!

Happy B'day!

A Flute of champagne to start off the celebration?

toniD said...

GOP Allen To Discuss '08 Run For Warner's Senate Seat
The Washington Times | John McCaslin | March 15, 2007 05:50 PM

Inside the Beltway has learned that former Sen. George Allen, Virginia Republican, will host a private dinner in Old Town Alexandria in the coming days to discuss whether to seek the Senate seat now held by senior Republican Sen. John W. Warner, if the five-term incumbent were to step down in 2008.
Mr. Allen lost his seat in November to Democrat James H. Webb Jr. Speculation of late also had Mr. Allen considering a run for Virginia governor in 2009, a post he also previously held.


Anonymous said...

Alice said...
The cats suffer
March 15, 2007 9:42 PM


Over here, everyone suffers.

Alice said...

toniD said...

Shell, did you hear that CA is changing it's primary date to February in 08? Guv Ah-nold signed the bill today.

March 15, 2007 9:43 PM

No, I hadn't heard that. How will this affect (or effect, I never know), anything?

Alice said...

No. Due to some unfortate oversight your b-day isn't in your file, Toni..what's the bdate of your birthday Toni? I mean I've only celebrated it at least twice now...when is it?

toniD said...

Alice said...
No. Due to some unfortate oversight your b-day isn't in your file, Toni..what's the bdate of your birthday Toni? I mean I've only celebrated it at least twice now...when is it?

March 15, 2007 9:52 PM

It's sanwiched between St. Patricks and St. Josephs Days.

March 17...St. Pats
March 18...St. Toni
March 19... St. Joe

toniD said...

Well if Crank can be Supreme Leader, I can be a Saint for a day:)

Alice said...

toniD said...

It's sanwiched between St. Patricks and St. Josephs Days.

March 17...St. Pats
March 18...St. Toni
March 19... St. Joe

March 15, 2007 9:54 PM

Nice work, T...I feel an onslaught of Crank coming on.....:)

p.s. I think you just made a serious blog infraction... :)

Anonymous said...


Weather's miserable again.
May save a few lives...

I've got to get some rest.

Alice said...

Anonymous said...


Weather's miserable again.
May save a few lives...

I've got to get some rest.

March 15, 2007 10:02 PM

That reminded me of Eyore on Winnie The Pooh...

Goodnight, NC..xoxo

toniD said...

Night NC, sleep well.

I'm getting there myself. Have to work again tomorrow afternoon. And have we been busy. All the Spring programs.

Anonymous said...

"debunking911 said...

One more thing, Many of the leaders of the conspiracy movement are raypublicans and libertarians."


Well, I think it's safe to say that you believe that the Bush administration was not complicit in the events of 911.

What I am interested in, though, is if you think the Bush administration was negligent in their preperation and response to the events of 911, and if it's possible to you that though they may not have orchestrated it, they certainly have taken advantage of it in the aftermath, using at part of their reasons for going to war, and to strip away our constitutional rights and the rights afforded by the Geneva conventions and so forth.

Anonymous said...

using it as part of there reasons for going to war.

toniD said...

Can't fight it anymore.


It's that champaign that Jim gave me.

Night all!

Sunshine Jim said...

night gang, love ya all!

Alice said...

Or, Snuffaluffagus...

Alice said...

This is part 3 of what I hoped would not be a 3 part series exposing the too close for comfort PARTISAN relationship between the political operations of the Bush administration, ultra-Conservative Veterans groups (such as the American Legion and Rolling Thunder), the Department of Defense, and NEOCON fundraisers and public support groups like Move America Forward.

To some degree there is nothing wrong with being partisan and the free speech and first amendment right that entails, HOWEVER, when it is a concerted effort by one political party with partisan motivation to circumvent our election laws, and their non-profit status by claiming to be both non-profit and non-partisan organizations when they clearly ARE
It was the Boston Globe that reported coordinated partisan political action between the Bush administration, ultra-conservative Veterans groups, and Move America Forward. This is what the FEC must closely monitor regarding the partisan political actions of Rolling Thunder, the Bush administration, Move American Forward and any associated organs, plus any Veterans Service Organizations with a non-profit charter clearly taking a political stand or action that is not a “veteran’s issue.” If a violation of their non-partisan, non-profit status has been done, they must be penalized and ordered to disband regardless if the group is liberal, right-wing, left-wing or a church. Writing in the Boston Globe, Nina J. Easton and Susan Milligan noted that, as "a conservative group called Move America Forward launched a multicity bus and car caravan under the banner 'You Don't Speak for Me, Cindy'," the White House was also doing damage control. The MAF caravan took off from San Francisco the same day that President Bush addressed the annual convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Salt Lake City. [25]

When one goes to Move America Forward’s website, which in itself is controversial (see LINK above)

Alice said...

(Since I won't be able to get away with this forever, I suppose..)

a A steel dashboard!!! That's an ooooooold car!


Anonymous said...


Nothing is true, all is permitted.

What really did happen to Ambrose Bierce?...

Anonymous said...

debunking911 said...
Conspiracy Theorists bring up the fact that the towers were the first steel high rises to fall from fire in history. The fact is the towers had other firsts that day they never seem to include.


m the a-c: Of course not. It's not in their interests to include every piece of evidence, like anyone whose case is bullshit.


debunking911 said...

Also, the collapse wasn't at free fall as conspiracy theorists suggest.

m the a-c: Of course not. They're morons.

They claim that controlled demolitions explosions demolished the buildings and that steel is almost indestructible. It's so preposterous that it's offensive to someone who has 5 functioning brain cells. The buildings were unstable BEFORE their collapses. They were rattling, shifting, swaying, etc. The conspiracy morons can't account for that, so they don't mention it.

Like most conspiracy theories, it is disproven when you scratch .01 centimeter of its surface off.

Thank you for your intelligent posts.

Alice said...


A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controlling.

air-ono said...

Profile Views 2,300

Profile Views 32

ok, so i'm nearly #1,
comparatively speaking...
and alice is languishing

air-ono said...

m for moron

conveniently sweeps incriminating evidence under the rug

you fool

everything at the wtc is pulverised
(including the black-boxes)
but lookie here...
it's a passport

able to survive tall buildings collapsing in a single bound


air-ono said...

no anomalies that day

no sir...

tons of lies, but no anomalies

Anonymous said...

Wearing nothing is divine
Naked is a state of mind
I take things off to clear my head
To say the things I haven't said
I live inside the elements
The earth and sky are my best friends
Water is the evidence
That washes me from end to end

With my naked eye
I saw all the falling rain
Coming down on me
With my naked eye
I saw all if I said it all
I could see

It's not a choice I tried to make
It's not a thought I couldn't take
Something told me it was time
To give you yours and leave me mine
My vision started to be clear
I watched the sunlight coming near
I knew the day I knew the night
I knew I could regain my sight
And it feels alright

Last night I came into your home
To break some ice and throw some stones
I asked if we could be alone
I had some troubles of my own
Knew I had to say goodbye
To all the old things held inside
If I let the moment fly
I knew they'd all be magnified

And it feels alright

Came around after dark
You are nothing but a lark
Know I snuck in like a narc
I knew I had to leave my mark
Wanted to be satisfied
I tried to be dignified
Wearing nothing is divine
Naked is a state of mind

And it feels alright

It feels alright

air-ono said...

anomaly #1:

the #1 bullshit administration in the free world is given a free pass that day

on 9/11 the administration told the absolute truth

it was so truthful that particular day, that there was no need to even investigate the "incident"

until they were pressured by the widows of 9/11 to conduct one

air-ono said...

//It feels alright//

i'm topless, too
: )

air-ono said...

so that explains the lack of views i receive


i knew *sniff* it

air-ono said...

[ballroom dancing]

shelly's doing the tango

and i'm doing the pogo

Alice said...

air-ono said...

//It feels alright//

i'm topless, too
: )

March 15, 2007 11:22 PM


Anonymous said...

Nothing is more dissapointing than watching the 911 debate unfold. The whole thing is clearly a distraction. I'm talking about both sides. It's irrelevant at this point, and what matters is how the administration used the events of that day. But the whole thing will be rehashed for years to come. Because there is no justice.

I think it's a testament to the powerlessness that the American public feels.

air-ono said...

who's the anarchist now, schmoopy

i realise the tango is very subversive if done right

but i wanna destroy passers-by

(you slag)

air-ono said...




Alice said...

Is Australia All Just Croc Hunters and Kylie Minogue? it?

air-ono said...

//The whole thing is clearly a distraction.//

it's front & centre, booby

Alice said...

air-ono said...

yes, it is

you got a problem with that...

well have you

Alice said...

Do you feel powerless, dada?

air-ono said...


hmmm, yes
i've heard of that mythical town

it's in mozambique,
i believe

air-ono said...

fence sitter
fence sitter

split - your - pants

fence sitter
fence sitter

eat an ant

air-ono said...

i might travel to alice springs

just to do a shit there
: )

Alice said...

Willful Ignorance is the American Way


Whoa...The Nevil Shute novel...I see that book all the time at work..I found an edition in German..the original language I thinkit was German...something Scandanavian maybe...a town like alice...

air-ono said...

//In 1985/1986, 70% of the prison population was Aboriginal.//

australia wide
in alice springs

they live in deplorable conditions

not for lack of money
(they get plenty)

it's a sad, sad tale of a people who have lost their culture
(their way of life)

they spend their money on booze...
child rape is rampant

Alice said...

Just alice springs I believe....

The stuff I've been looking at does mention alcohol....

I haven't been able to sleep well this week... :(

air-ono said...

for most of our history the aboriginals were shot like dogs

now they're over compensated
(easy money)

it's q.e.d. that people don't live on bread (material possessions) alone

without purpose in life...
you waste away

Alice said...

On a scale of 1-10, how powerful do you feel to make changes in your government, ono?

air-ono said...

you got a whopping 12 hours the other night

so you're down to like...

air-ono said...

me, persoanlly


Alice said...

all aboriginals receive money from the govt for their mistreatment?

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