Priest and nuns jailed for crucifying novice By Michael Leidig in Vaslui Last Updated: 2:13am GMT 20/02/2007
An orthodox priest and four nuns were yesterday convicted of killing a young nun who they gagged and strapped to a crucifix during a five-day exorcism ritual in Romania.
Father Petru Corogeanu, who has been excommunicated by the Romanian Orthodox Church since the killing in 2005, was sentenced to 15 years. The nuns, who helped "guard" the novice, received lesser sentences. They all have 10 days to appeal or will have to begin their sentences.
passiveconsumer said... 'Priest and nuns jailed for crucifying novice.' By Michael Leidig in Vaslui Last Updated: 2:13am GMT 20/02/2007
Yikes! And I was feeling bad about all the folks we execute, here, in Amerika. And, a lot of them are not even guilty! (At least, they're black, mostly...) But nobody's bitchin' about that, these days. Too much goin' on in Romania's DARK church to take notice, I guess. We're alway's worrying about everybody else's crap, while we prance with a shitty smell, and egg on our face.
Ballroom dancing? If it ain't rock n' roll, fo'get about it.
Barack Obama states his view of Israel's war on Lebanon last summer:
"I don't think there is any nation that would not have reacted the way Israel did after two soldiers had been snatched. I support Israel's response to take some action in protecting themselves."
So what?...."The Nation" is as Hard Left as they get. Senator Obama is appealing to ALL Americans and the anti-Israel leftists just need to get over it.
Ouch, Sammy, I always save at least one piece of sign-up mail so I can at least guess which e-mail account I signed in with for a website.
Um, maybe you could create a new emergency blog (how 'bout and this time save the welcome message they send you.
Aside from that, you have continued to be fabulous, I'm happy to say.
My only problem is that it turns out that having you in this spot really messes me up with all the errands I used to do in the afternoon. Turns out the signal from the wireless headphones don't even reach to the postbox on the corner.
BTW, the Katherine Harris stuff is amusing and all (I will never forgive that woman), but I kinda miss that Miz Jane Anne girl you used to work with and I was wondering if you could have her on some time....
Update on Court Rulings today. Of course this one has not been aired yet by the MSM.
U.S. appeals court backs Bush, denies Gitmo detainees POSTED: 10:58 a.m. EST, February 20, 2007
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Guantanamo Bay detainees may not challenge their detention in U.S. courts, a federal appeals court said Tuesday in a ruling upholding a key provision in President Bush's anti-terrorism law.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled 2-1 that civilian courts no longer have the authority to consider whether the military is illegally holding foreigners.
The helmet liners and the body armor and the Humvee armor are linked to the VA and Walter Reed deal. They really don't want wounded troops, they cost too much. It's better and cheaper if they're dead
NC, i have to disagree. i think paying taxes does confer the right to vote, at least on municipal issues. i know this issue well from the point of view of the legal non-citizen. that right can be corrupted, of course, but so can anyone's right to vote.
"each visually horrific “home page” bleating out some awful pop music and tagged with the illiterate gibberish comments (or cut-and-pasted rap lyrics) and half-naked cam-phone pictures of America’s fattest teens."
C'mon people, get it together with your web sites and the ability to post on them. If you can't even get that together with an easy to get to web site(without a long address)you'll never be seen as credible.
I just want to say, whatever the subject you do a really great job of educating the audience.
I enjoy listening to the show. Al is gone but I hope you will remain with Air America so as to illuminate and make more understandable the issues from the right.
See other blogs out there that are also putting their spin on things:
Keep up the good work, you continue to "enlighten our darkness". I love politics and enjoy all discussions on the issues. Al is gone, but I hope you will be around for a while yet.
Where the heck are ya? My sleep sched ule is all messed up but the good part was that I could listen to you in the early a.m. hours. Right now I tune in and it's Mr Hartman. Now, don't get me wrong, I like Mr Hartman, but I really like your take on things. Plus you make me laugh and we all need that.
Lost children! Such a sad lot. Has this experience taught you anything? Do you need a life? February 20, 2007 7:59 PM
Lost children? I'm enjoying these changes! Beats the hell out of a neocon, grey-day, repetitious parrot's life meaured by $ signs. Add that one up on your calculator.
Failure as a virtue, now that's a novel idea. AAR must be a very virtuous company by now. Not to mention Al, Janeane, and Blue States Blogs. If this outfit gets any more virtuous, we will be blogging on the back of an napkin at Starbucks while listening to Alan Colmes on the radio.
Anonymous said... Failure as a virtue, now that's a novel idea. AAR must be a very virtuous company by now. Not to mention Al, Janeane, and Blue States Blogs. If this outfit gets any more virtuous, we will be blogging on the back of an napkin at Starbucks while listening to Alan Colmes on the radio.
February 21, 2007 3:50 AM
I can tell, anon, that you are not a "roll with the punches" type person. Better get used to adversity. There's some coming thanks to bushco!
Roll with the punches, another novel idea. A strategy to be employed whilst getting your ass kicked. The next step is roll up in a ball on the floor and protect your head. Do you remember Al's and Janeane's very first show? Oh how things have changed.
Three years after Air America vowed to save the country from Rush Limbaugh and George W. Bush, the progressive radio network has downshifted to the more modest immediate goal of saving itself.
The operation, which has had financial trouble from the start, is being officially purchased in bankruptcy court this week for $4.25 million, and critics say this proves it hasn't worked.
"Air America tried to do what we do and failed because they weren't any good," Limbaugh said. "$4.25 million? That's embarrassing. I have more than that in my checkbook."
Anonymous said... The operation, which has had financial trouble from the start, is being officially purchased in bankruptcy court this week for $4.25 million, and critics say this proves it hasn't worked.
"Air America tried to do what we do and failed because they weren't any good," Limbaugh said. "$4.25 million? That's embarrassing. I have more than that in my checkbook."
February 21, 2007 5:58 AM
The arrogance of the ugly American.
Same thing happened in the thirties and many of these arrogant rich jumped out windows because they didn't know how to handle the crash!
Through the years, as you watch others succeed beyond their wildest dreams, you will be able to look back and see Air America failed because it is crappy radio. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
Did you guys notice that kons have at least one moment of comic relief when they call Sam's show?
Yesterday, the guy who claimed that he didn't care about Britney Spears began to philosophize about her situation. Today, we hear "Could yew move a lil' bit?" "Ah'm at work."
The guy who called in complaining about habeas corpus at Gitmo apparently doesn't realize that most of the detainees weren't picked up on any battlefield. A lot of them were innocent bystanders who were sold to us for a bounty by Afghan warlords.
The emotion is FEAR. Xenophobia, Nationalism, they both boil down to fear. Reinforcement of the notion of US vs THEM is a leftover emotional state from infancy when the baby first realizes that ME and YOU are not the same - and that YOU can hurt ME. That is infantile emotionalism. The idea is to mature into the understanding that even though we are different people, we are in this together. One people.y
The U.S. Constitution expresses a bunch of rights that people have anywhere, anytime, and under any circumstances...nothing about borders or nationality etc...
Sam could done better at handling the two "conservative" callers between 9:45 and 10:00 Feb. 21, who said Guantanamo detainees shouldn't have habeas corpus/fair trials.
The callers said the detainees had been picked up in Afghanistan "trying to kill American soldiers." If that were true, that's what the trial would show. If we believe it's true just because the American government or American soldiers "say so," then we shouldn't need habeas corpus in the U.S., with U.S. citizens. We should just believe the police and the government when they say an American citizen committed a crime.
I just wanted to make a comment on "Brian" from the end of last hour. He was demonstrating his ignorance of the American justice system: the difference between the JAG court system, the criminal trial and the civilian trial system. But he did have an issue with "giving all the money to them" that has some validity. His misunderstanding of the situation is very sad though.
"The drug dealer we gave a bunch of money to" he was referencing was one of the silent atrocities that the Justice system is perpetrating under Gonzales. It is the case of Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos. These are two border patrol agents, who in the course of doing their job, have gotten caught up in some sort of political game being played by this administration and the Justice department. There is a conspiracy of some sort going on, but the story is getting almost NO attention. What EXACTLY going on is still a mystery. The Iraqi conflict is getting all attention from the media (whether good or bad). It's actually acting as a smokescreen to some really horrible things that are going on here at home (try El Paso, TX). I highly recommend that everyone take a look at this is. Just google "Compean" or "Ramos" as "boder patrol agents" or go to the Friends of the Border Patrol page.
Sam could done better at handling the two "conservative" callers between 9:45 and 10:00 Feb. 21, who said Guantanamo detainees shouldn't have habeas corpus/fair trials.
February 21, 2007 7:24 AM
If he ended the calls with "plus, you're a moron"....
sorry, but that's about as good as Seder gets, William.
--Love the SamCam but would you please mic the crew so the audience can hear the conversations.--
yes! the commercial break conversations are my favorite part. let it fly, baby!
oh, and sam... i work from home and sometimes choose to shower later. i sit, working at my computer, in my bathrobe and sometimes when you look at the camera i think you can see me in my robe. i know you're a married man so i'll keep it closed. :o)
Anonymous said... --Love the SamCam but would you please mic the crew so the audience can hear the conversations.-- -------------------- Can I 'splain a technical thing about radio? The crew needs to push a button to talk to Sam. That is because legally they MUST listen to the "on-air signal" (FCC rules). This is why you can't hear them all the time.
Plus, they need to push buttons to do other things, like run commercials so AAR gets paid, as you know.
Fun things to do with Dewey and others obsessed with Clinton's sexuality: So, who are you gonna vote for? The guy who had an affair and then got divorced (McCain), the guy who married his cousin, got divorced, had an affair and then a really nasty public divorce (Guiliani) or the guy who had an affair, divorce, affair and divorce (Gingrich)?
Can I 'splain a technical thing about radio? The crew needs to push a button to talk to Sam. That is because legally they MUST listen to the "on-air signal" (FCC rules). This is why you can't hear them all the time.
Plus, they need to push buttons to do other things, like run commercials so AAR gets paid, as you know.
The older retired gentleman from Staten Island who wasn't collecting Social Security has a private pension which means he probably worked for an organization that didn't pay into FICA (public school teachers, for example, don't pay into FICA). So, if he's short the 40 quarters necessary to collect from SS, then he can't collect. But, that's not the important issue or question.
The important question is, if he had paid into it, would he collect it along with his private pension and still consider himself a conservative and loyal republican? Social Security, afterall, is a liberal notion and system enacted during Democratic administrations that has worked well for many, many people for many, many decades.
Also, I wish you would have pursued the notion that critics of the Administration are not disloyal to the USA but, on the contrary, given the democratic-republic foundations of our government, are true loyalists to the concept of governance of the people, for the people, by the people. It is through the critical debate that we arrive at consensus as long as we respect majority rule.
Tom Denver, CO
PS I listen via iTunes streaming radio and watch when the SammyCam is on. I wish the SammyCam was compatible with QuickTime video.
Inheritance Tax: It's very simple. It's quite possible (in fact likely) that the heirs of someone like Walton, will never have to do anything to further the family business. Yes it's true that the *earner* of the wealth, ie; the one who produces something for the profit, pays taxes on it (nevermind loop-holes and such) during their lifetime.
The question here is: Should the heir not have to pay taxes for wealth that, theoreticaly, and likely, they never had to lift a finger for? Of course not! That's all the more reason to tax it, even more than earned income!
If the heir did work to further the family business, then they should have a paycheck, account, or whatever, that they have already been paying taxes on. An inheritance is a *gift* from your predecessors. Gifts are taxed.
I haven't heard this issue approached from this angle, and I thought I would run it by you.
XM radio is a sample of my daily fax to XM radio asking them to take Ed Schultz off my Air America radio. If a bunch of us faxed every day as the show started perhaps we could force a change. XM's fax number is: 202.280.4500.
Here is a copy of my fax today:
XM Programming Center and Corporate Headquarters 1500 Eckington Place, NE Washington, D.C. 2002 Fax: 202.380.4500
Feb. 21, 2007
Dear Madam or Sir:
I want Thom Hartman! This horrible, grating, nasty voice of Ed Schultz’s has got to go. He immediately makes me think of Rush Limbaugh, who is a pig. C-Span is better to listen to than Ed Schultz. In fact, I would rather listen to a pen of pigs squealing than listen to Ed. Schultz.
a flat chested girl tho brainy prayed for big boobs and a life more zany but god feeling used and a wee bit amused sent her george bush and dick cheney
Look at the numbers. Big Ed Schultz has pulled down consistantly positive ratings, even against Limbaugh, every time he has been tried.
Maybe if Air America actually tried to APPEAL to an audience, instead of limit it to a smaller and smaller percentage of not only Democrats, but even liberals, they might not have filed bankruptcy and needed a bail-out.
A lot of us love Ed...he's both progressive AND rational AND mainstream, and much better suited to your Ameri-Left Channel 167 than many on there today.
When I hear that 'Iceland Health' commercial, when they ask what the secret is to long life for Icelanders, I immediately think 'rampant alcoholism'. They drink n the schoolyards there. I could roll with that.
Ed Schultz detests AAR, but has the nerve to get pissy when an AAR host suggests that people who got satelite radio just to hear AAR make that known to the radio service because he wants to be on an AAR BRANDED station!?
Shouldn't he be able to get his own channel, or be on another talk channel, or go after Limbaugh's spots, as popular as he is, rather than whining to get on the AAR channel?
Why must I listen to this nonsense about "Fredo" Gonzales pontificating that we have no right to habeas corpus? Isn't anyone familiar with the 9th and 10th Amendments? We the People have all the powers that aren't specifically given away.Why don't we just stand up and tell these fascists to take a hike?
got your point anonymous, I wrote it assuming that the info would be passed on to Sam's tech people (if he has none, I'd be willing to help in some capacity).
also, i provided some alternative "planets." :-)
on February 17, 2007 6:32 PM dada said... Thanks for the info, Gilbert.
on February 17, 2007 7:42 PM sunshine said... very cool gilbert. and thanks!
I can't find the Sam Johnson comments I heard on the way to work on Tuesday. I understood it was to be on the web site. My e-mail is Tx, Bob
Where can I get a transcript of the 2/21 show -- in particular the part where Sam talked about what is quintissencially American - not the soil, but the freedoms themselves. He said it so perfectly - I really need it word for word.
" i have heard that Nature's a harlot Legs open and flat on Her back that She's naked, unbridled and shameless and prone to unnatural acts"
And prone to unnatural acts..
Good poem. Always reminds me of the book of the law: " a shrinking and despised harlot shall she crawl through dusk wet streets, and die cold and an-hungered.
But let her raise herself in pride! Let her follow me in my way! Let her work the work of wickedness! Let her kill her heart! Let her be loud and adulterous! Let her be covered with jewels, and rich garments, and let her be shameless before all men!
Then will I lift her to pinnacles of power..."
Well, you know what they say; "oil's well that ends well."
Sirius stopped carrying C-Span, so I switched to XM. I was mystified as to why Thom Hartmann was pre-empted by XM. I could not get answers until going online to see what listeners knew.
C-Span said that Sirius wanted to have the right to pre-empt their programming with sports events and that's why they could not come to an agreement with Sirius.
One sentence in an article on the merger (either NYTimes or Washington Post) mentioned that they wanted to complete the merger while the Bush Administration is still in office.
Connecting the dots -- I'm wondering if the Satellite Radio giants don't think they'd get some special consideration for trimming down the progressive voices and access to the workings of Congress.
Will they ever consider having TWO progressive stations? That way there could be Air America and Talk Left, so that Ed Schultz et al. would not be substituting for the Air America personalities.
"Outrageous" Armed Raid on Iraqi Journalists' Union
The International Federation of Journalists today condemned as "outrageous and inexcusable" the action of American soldiers who carried out an armed raid on the Baghdad offices of the Iraq Syndicate of Journalists. United States soldiers caused destruction and havoc last night when they broke into the offices of the Syndicate, which is a member of the IFJ's global union network. They destroyed furniture, ransacked the offices, arrested state-employed security guards, and confiscated 10 computers and 15 small electricity generators destined for the families of killed journalists.
Medved, Savage...You absolutely need to use the 360 closet door effect when talking about these two from now on, Seder!
Plus, this is the same mentality that gets homosexuals AND women stoned to death in conservative Islamic societis. We wouldn't want to tempt the men or make them uncomfortable.
BTW, have you ever read the chronicles of Michael Savage and Allen Ginsberg?
Your Staten Island conservative regular just said that the Baghdad job was just for Americans because of the lost lives on 911. We all know that Iraq had nothing to do with 911. He also said that the British bombings came after the start of the Iraq war so didn't count as a reason for British involvement in Iraq. Seems to me he has it exactly the wrong way round! But wait.... I'd forgotten that conservative thinking doesn't have to be logical...
I just sent you an email, Sam, saying pretty much the same thing I am saying here.
A few weeks ago you called on a sensitive caller who called in on an unrealted subject to come out and say he was gay. He was not even talking about homosexuality.
Then not too many days ago you said something like, "does that mean Hillary is gay?"
This morning your conversation is drenched in talk about homosexuality.
Sam, this could be a sign of YOUR own latent homosexuality. If not, why is it on your mind so much? It can't get in your conversation so much without it being on your mind a lot! Me? Married since 1961, 2 kids, no homosexual contacts ever. Why don't you do something with your valuable time on the air than to concern yourself with so much talk about "gay?" Other than all that keep up the good work!
Dear Friend, First let me say that if this article offends you I offer you my most humble apology.
Otherwise I am hoping you will send this to everyone you know!
The right wing crowd, plus some hoping to field a different Democratic candidate for President has been pushing this idea that Hillary Clinton owes the American People an apology and she sure as hell DOES NOT!! See the N.Y. Times article below as to why not.
The Republicans have a way of repeating something over and over and over and people, conservative and progressive alike have a way of believing it.
Remember that crap about Kerry being a flip flopper? Well too many people believed it for my good.
Do you remember how GW Bush won the governorship over Ann Richards in 1993. Karl Rove undermined Richards by starting a whisper campaign, repeating and getting others to say and repeat that Richards was a lesbian and would fill the state government with lesbians. Everyone believe it.
Now we are faced with this same sort of repetetive slamming of Hillary Clinton, saying she owes the American people an apology.
Read what David Brooks of the New York Times wrote about it on February 14, 2007 and then send it to everyone you can. Thank you. Stan Rocklin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wednesday, February 14, 2007 NO APOLOGY NEEDED, BY DAVID BROOKS
Far be it from me to get in the middle of a liberal purge, but would anybody mind if I pointed out that the calls for Hillary Clinton to apologize for her support of the Iraq war are almost entirely bogus?
I mean, have the people calling for her apology actually read the speeches she delivered before the war? Have they read her remarks during the war resolution debate, when she specifically rejected a pre-emptive, unilateral attack on Saddam? Did they read the passages in which she called for a longer U.N. inspections regime and declared, “I believe international support and legitimacy are crucial”?
If they went back and read what Senator Clinton was saying before the war, they’d be surprised, as I was, by her approach. And they’d learn something, as I did, about what kind of president she would make.
The Iraq war debate began in earnest in September 2002. At that point Clinton was saying in public what Colin Powell was saying in private: emphasizing the need to work through the U.N. and build a broad coalition to enforce inspections.
She delivered her Senate resolution speech on Oct. 10. It was Clintonian in character. On the one hand, she rejected the Bush policy of pre-emptive war. On the other hand, she also rejected the view that the international community “should only resort to force if and when the United Nations Security Council approves it.” Drawing on the lessons of Bosnia, she said sometimes the world had to act, even if the big powers couldn’t agree. She sought a third way: more U.N. resolutions, more inspections, more diplomacy, with the threat of force reserved as a last resort. She was triangulating, but the Senate resolution offered her a binary choice. She voted yes in order to give Powell bipartisan leverage at the U.N.
This is how she’s always explained that vote, and I confess that until now, I’ve regarded her explanation as a transparent political dodge. Didn’t everyone know this was a war resolution? But now, having investigated her public comments, I think diplomatic leverage really was on her mind. I also know, from a third person, that she was spending a lot of time with Powell and wanted to help.
On Nov. 8, 2002, the Security Council passed a unanimous resolution threatening Saddam with “serious consequences” if he didn’t disarm.
The next crucial period came in March 2003, as the U.S. battled France over the second Security Council resolution. Clinton’s argument at this point was that inspections were working and should be given more time. “It is preferable that we do this in a peaceful manner through coercive inspection,” she said on March 3, but went on, “At some point we have to be willing to uphold the United Nations resolutions.” Then she added, “This is a very delicate balancing act.”
On March 17, Bush gave Saddam 48 hours to disarm or face attack. Clinton tried to be critical of the Bush policy while being deferential to the office of the presidency. She clearly had doubts about Bush’s timing, but she kept emphasizing that from her time in the White House, she knew how unhelpful it was for senators to be popping off in public on foreign policy.
At one press event in New York, she nodded when Charles Rangel said Bush had failed at the U.N. But when reporters asked Clinton to repeat what Rangel had just said, she bit her tongue. On March 17, as U.S. troops mobilized, she issued her strongest statement in support of the effort.
Clinton’s biggest breach with the liberal wing actually opened up later, in the fall of 2003. Most liberals went into full opposition, wanting to see Bush disgraced. Clinton — while an early critic of the troop levels, the postwar plans and all the rest — tried to stay constructive. She wanted to see America and Iraq succeed, even if Bush was not disgraced.
When you look back at Clinton’s thinking, you don’t see a classic war supporter. You see a person who was trying to seek balance between opposing arguments. You also see a person who deferred to the office of the presidency. You see a person who, as president, would be fox to Bush’s hedgehog: who would see problems in their complexities rather than in their essentials; who would elevate procedural concerns over philosophical ones; who would postpone decision points for as long as possible; and who would make distinctions few heed.
Today, the liberal wing of the Democratic Party believes that the world, and Hillary Clinton in particular, owes it an apology. If she apologizes, she’ll forfeit her integrity. She will be apologizing for being herself.
Hilary doesn't represent the interest of the United States...
but those of ... israel.
She's another lieberman in drags...
Attacking Iran is in israel's interests... OK, we get it.
Please explain how it would ever by any stretch of the imagination or spin be in America's interest?
Watch'em, they'll try to convince you that green is really blue... and most of you morons will probably swallow it and put it on account of YOUR colorblindness...
It's hopeless.
***Look at them then bashing me for antisemitism...***
how ironic, ain't it? Look it, the new standard of patrriotism isn't your love of Country per se... that's so pre 9-11... but your subservience and allegiance to... israel.
I want my county back.
I want all the dual passport zionist vermin in MSM, hollywood, Inc. and democratic party out of my country.
I am for America's interests first.. and only.
***FUCK ISRAEL, FUCK the jews!***
***No difference between jews and zionists, that's just a ruse,*** just like "support the troops"... in the end israel always comes first for any and all jews... and America, and its "beloved" troops are disposable and expandable...
We've been taken over by this vermin.
And although I used to think I liked Bill, I now realize he worked for the same old boss, same as the new boss. By: PaulRevere13 on February 22, 2007 at 12:27am Flag: [abusive]
Love Russ Feingold. & love the way Sam Cedar hates torture! But there is one thing I hate about Sam that I think he can fix: He mispronounces many people's names OVER and OVER, for instance, John Boehner. This is crass and hostile and frankly comes across and uninformed and ignorant, like George Bush and "nucular" instead of "nuclear." Sam, don't be like George Bush! Fix up all your mispronunciations and we'll enjoy you more! Thank you!
To continue on the "honesty" stream of thought, I am not really as offended about Hardaway's statement as I would be if he said, "but I don't hate gays."
to me, hillary clinton owes an apology for voting to close debate on the election results in 2004. after giving her nice little speech, that was really slimy.
Exxon Cut Profits in Run-Up to November Election Exxon, Shell and Marathon Oil slashed fourth quarter refining margins to ... from an 18% drop in refining margins, according to the company's profit report today. ... more hits from:
..obviously, I'm hetero, but any sort of ignorant hatred of that sort offends me-- not to the extent that it does most liberals. I don't campaign against it. It's just there. Deal with it or rationalize it.
Hey - I got a Nielsen TV diary to fill out this week.
What are some good shows? I tend to just watch Reno911, Colbert Report or Daily Show, the Simpsons, and Anna Nicole Smith on CNN. Flip This House is okay.
They let you enter what a visitor to your house watches too, so tell me if there is anything you particularly like today
Will media report how Giuliani is milking 9-11, "America's Mayor" image they helped create for massive PR, financial gain?
Since 2002, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) has traveled nationwide and around the world to deliver countless speeches on the topics of "leadership" and "crisis management" at business conferences, motivational seminars, fundraisers, and universities. In these addresses -- for which he charges a reported $100,000 apiece -- Giulani regularly speaks at length about his first-hand experiences during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. As Media Matters for America has noted, significant questions surround Giuliani's record on homeland security and public safety, including his performance during, before, and after the 9-11 attacks. Nonetheless, the media have routinely advanced the depiction of Giuliani as a "hero of 9/11" and "America's Mayor," bolstering his image and enhancing his credibility. Now, as he explores a run for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, will the media properly scrutinize how Giuliani has capitalized on this image -- legitimate or not -- for substantial personal profit?
According to the Associated Press, in 2002, Giuliani's estimated income from the lecture circuit exceeded $8 million. This would indicate that he gave more than 80 speeches that year, assuming he consistently collected his reported $100,000 speaking fee. Various reports have indicated that Giuliani has maintained a similarly brisk schedule of speaking engagements in the years since, including an estimated 20 paid speeches since he announced his presidential exploratory committee on November 15, 2006. In a February 7 article, the Chicago Tribune detailed the luxurious treatment Giuliani requested from one of his hosts, a state university:
Since he left office, Giuliani has leveraged his image as "America's mayor" to his decided financial advantage and in ways that belie his man-of-the-people persona.
He commands $100,000 for a speech, not including expenses, which his star-struck clients are happily willing to pay. In one speech last year at Oklahoma State University, Giuliani requested and received travel on a private Gulfstream jet that cost the school $47,000 to operate. His visit essentially wiped out the student speakers annual fund.
Like other high-priced speakers in the private sector, Giuliani routinely travels in style. Besides the Gulfstream, which is a standard perk on the big-time speakers circuit, his contract calls for up to five hotel rooms for his entourage, including his own two-bedroom suite with a preferred balcony view and king-size bed, in the event of an overnight stay.
The Tribune further reported that Giuliani's contract for this address restricted "what questions he might be asked":
The Oklahoma contract also required a sedan and an SUV, restrictions on news coverage and control over whom Giuliani would meet, how he would be photographed and what questions he might be asked.
Against all advice he insisted in moving the Emergency Command Center to the World trade Center.
What an ass.
And now he makes millions despite his bad judgment [I am sure someone paid him in one form or another to get him to rent out the space there, and spend millions of the city's money building it].
And what did he even do for anyone [or their families] that DID lose their lives there?
In fact, he didn't offer honest testimony at the 9-11 hearings. No investigations were done. nothing.
Have you noticed how many dagos are vying for more power lately?
Pelosi, Giuliani...
Hey, I'm not anti-dago or nothin'. I just think that maybe we should consider that they would have Italy's bottom line in mind. I want to caution people before it's too late.
No difference between jews and zionists, that's just a ruse,*** just like "support the troops"... in the end israel always comes first for any and all jews... and America, and its "beloved" troops are disposable and expandable...
We've been taken over by this vermin.
And although I used to think I liked Bill, I now realize he worked for the same old boss, same as the new boss. By: PaulRevere13 on February 22, 2007 at 12:27am Flag: [abusive]
Hey, at least this guy is honest...." ~~~~~~
Well some people are convinced that the tail wags the dog. I find myself suspecting that it's feigned ignorance, to stir up an emotional reaction. Are people really that stupid? I don't know. It doesn't take much googling to find the Rabbis against Zionism.
Sam, check me on this, but wasn't there a football player named Medved from the University of Washington that came out of the closet after he finished in the NFL?
Oprah hosted O'Reilly to discuss molestation without raising his remark that child had "fun" with his captor
On the February 21 edition of her nationally syndicated talk show, Oprah Winfrey hosted Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly during a discussion about child molestation but failed to question O'Reilly about his suggestion that Shawn Hornbeck -- the young boy who was abducted at age 11, held for four years and then found by police in Missouri -- may have willingly remained with his captor because he was having "a lot more fun than what he had under his old parents."
Winfrey did note that O'Reilly had speculated about why Hornbeck did not flee, but did not explain to her viewers the extent and full content of O'Reilly's comments. During his February 21 appearance, O'Reilly told Winfrey that Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome "is the key to the [Michael] Devlin case and the Shawn Hornbeck situation" and that the assertion by the "idiot media people" that Hornbeck suffered from Stockholm Syndrome is "a bunch of crap." Winfrey then asked: "Is that why you asked the question, 'Why [didn't?] he run?' " -- to which O'Reilly replied: "Right, right. Because people have to know how bad this is."
Do unemployed men require a blog? Probably not. Unless it is free like this one. And you never have to open a new thread, like this one. And you can forget you have a blog like this one.
just wondering why all this hot rhetoric towards iran? is this scare tactis from the bush admin. sure it is. humm, wonder who it's intended for, us maybe, how bout the gulf states? i don't mean mississippi. why are they ordering 60, yes 60,000,000,000 thats billion usd. $$$$$ in military hardware at the IDEX arms fair in abu dhabi this week. check it out tom ripley, analyst @ janes defence weekly or just google or alta vista search idex arms fair .
In reality it is a simple thing. It is a death watch. Air America has been on life support for years. But now we can see the death tremors. Air America is a 90 year old man and we await it's demise. The death of Air America will bring the force back into balance. (sorry but they have been showing all the Star Wars movies all week on HBO). Air America should have been gone long ago. It is an affront to the Gods of capitalism. It is unnatural to prop up an economic failure in our system. You owe us a corpse, and we shall have it. Bring out your dead! (I rented that one last weekend).
hopefully the US will be nuked soon and I am in the core zone when the attack happens
but if we do get nuked by Iran i hope i am not in the outer circle of it because then I will be messed up because of all the radiation but unable to die with my genes all spliced and stuff
If that happens then I will move to a cave and run out and scare people who walk by
And they will say-look at the monster! look! and I will drool.
"but if we do get nuked by Iran i hope i am not in the outer circle of it because then I will be messed up because of all the radiation but unable to die with my genes all spliced and stuff"
Why Iran? Because that's who you're told will do it.
To Be Installed February 26 in El Mayor, Baja California; March 13 in Huitepec, Near San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas
By Subcomandante Marcos, EZLN Translated by Narco News February 22, 2007
FEBRUARY 20, 2007
The indigenous Cucapá people, the indigenous Quilihua people, the Other Campaign in Baja California, the Independent Francisco Villa Popular Front – UNOPII, the Party of Communists, Socialist and Worker Unity – UNIOS, the Good Government Council of the Chiapas Highlands and through its Sixth Commission, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation…
The Indigenous National Congress, the Other Campaign on both sides of the northern border, the Zezta International, the national and international community in defense of indigenous culture and peace with justice and dignity for the original peoples, the civil organizations and environmental groups of the five continents, the peoples of Mexico and the world, and the alternative media to organize and participate directly or through representatives in…
Cucapás, Quilihuas and Zapatistas united In defense of the original peoples and Mother Earth
In Baja California, in the Cucapá indigenous community of El Mayor, the peace encampment will have the mission of accompanying the Cucapá and Quilihua indigenous peoples of the Northwest of Mexico. It will be formally installed on February 26, 2007, at 9:30 a.m., with a traditional ceremony by the indigenous Cucapás. The encampment will be maintained during the months of February, March, April and May of this year of 2007 during the fishing season. The Sixth Commission of the EZLN will be present with one of its Zapatista indigenous delegations of maximum authority beginning in mid-March 2007 until the end of fishing season. The regulations and conditions for participation and attendance in this place will be determined by the Cucapá people. For this encampment we exhort all people who are going to attend to resolve the conditions of their food and lodging by their own means in a manner that does not burden the hard life conditions of the Cucapá and Quilihua peoples. Those peoples and other originals and migrants located in the northwest of our country will offer food and original crafts at fair prices to the participants of the encampment. The regulations for the encampment, decided by the Cucapá and Quilihua, will be able to be consulted in the Internet page of the Sixth Commission of the EZLN (
In Chiapas, on Huitepec Hill, outside of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, in the ecological reserve under the protection of the Zapatista Good Government Council of the Chiapas Highlands, the encampment will have the mission of protecting an important forest region in danger of being looted by international soft-drink and paper manufacturers. This encampment will be made known, in time, by the Good Government Council of the Chiapas Highlands and will be able to be consulted in the Internet page
We invite the alternative and free media to be present and, with their knowledge and abilities, link both encampments and contribute that way to the defense of nature and its original guardians, the Indian peoples, and the unity of the Northwest and Southwest of the Mexico from below.
We invite the national and international press to report and broadcast, first hand, the life conditions and history of the Indian peoples of the Northwest of Mexico for whom the evil governments only have disrespect and oblivion.
From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos México, February of 2007
"It is unnatural to prop up an economic failure in our system. You owe us a corpse, and we shall have it. Bring out your dead! (I rented that one last weekend)."
Go tell it to Rupert Murdoch. Go cry to Rev. Moon.
Tell it to Japan and China, propping up your economy.
Your hypocrisy is without bounds. You're like a horse that puts the blinders on himself. You must be a master of self-hypnosis, Mr. commissar.
Sorry that was so long..but was a Communique from my boyfriend...
I like the term Good Government Council's he uses...
Do you happen to have any idea how to put music up somewhere to make it stream? Is that stream on your site? I'm not sure I understand the difference totally..I wonder if it's when you use the .pls extension or something...?
heya alice. I don't mind at all. I say take advantage of the long posting ability of this site while we've got it. Soon we'll be back to the 50 line cut-off.
I don't know how to stream, that site sets it up for you... but if i find out I'll let you know
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1009 Newer› Newest»"Administration Releases New National Intelligence Estimate"
"We figure with recent advancements we should have some around here pretty soon, though recent tests indicate a net negative IQ of -11)
the spores you mean, cuz they sure kept us in mushroom city as far as the network details.
Sunshinse: i miss it and the peeps we'll lose.
I miss it, too, Jim. I tried to log on, tonight. Ghost town.
I'm hoping the peeps will all carry on. Something tells me everybody will show, sooner or later. Hopefully, sooner.
i never thought i'd say this but, Ballroom dancing on pbs is pretty much the funniest thing I've seen in a year.
like a c.guest movie mixed w/ tv carnage.
i mean...
come on...
its the world championship for m.a.t.s sake!
me and Bgurl took ballroom dancing classes a coupla years ago.
we barely learned the steps. those peeps are superb!
even shuffling along like we did was a workout for me...
holy shit.
they're playing "smells like teen spirit" for a foxtrot on this thing.
soryy Kurt.
six colored pictures, all in a row,
of a marigold
I gt no problem with any form of dancing.
its the level of commitment and passion that makes me giggle.
Priest and nuns jailed for crucifying novice
By Michael Leidig in Vaslui
Last Updated: 2:13am GMT 20/02/2007
An orthodox priest and four nuns were yesterday convicted of killing a young nun who they gagged and strapped to a crucifix during a five-day exorcism ritual in Romania.
Father Petru Corogeanu, who has been excommunicated by the Romanian Orthodox Church since the killing in 2005, was sentenced to 15 years. The nuns, who helped "guard" the novice, received lesser sentences. They all have 10 days to appeal or will have to begin their sentences.
you know how hollywood keeps running out of ideas and rehashing the some old crap?
guess it works with christians too.
I'm out, they're startin to kick in. the door. of percepshun.
g'night ferns!
passiveconsumer said...
'Priest and nuns jailed for crucifying novice.'
By Michael Leidig in Vaslui
Last Updated: 2:13am GMT 20/02/2007
Yikes! And I was feeling bad about all the folks we execute, here, in Amerika. And, a lot of them are not even guilty! (At least, they're black, mostly...) But nobody's bitchin' about that, these days. Too much goin' on in Romania's DARK church to take notice, I guess. We're alway's worrying about everybody else's crap, while we prance with a shitty smell, and egg on our face.
Ballroom dancing? If it ain't rock n' roll, fo'get about it.
Our next president should be an individual of significant discipline and personal constitution.
Obama's Other Big Challenge
Giving up cigarettes is tough, even if you're not running for President
tuesday ~ Galactic Moon 14 (8- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
white lunar mirror ~ kin 158
with the LUNAR tone of CHALLENGE.
guided by the power of HEART.
☼ ~ hoo muluc ☼
The Nation
Now That's Audacity by Max Blumenthal
Barack Obama states his view of Israel's war on Lebanon last summer:
"I don't think there is any nation that would not have reacted the way Israel did after two soldiers had been snatched. I support Israel's response to take some action in protecting themselves."
So what?...."The Nation" is as Hard Left as they get. Senator Obama is appealing to ALL Americans and the anti-Israel leftists just need to get over it.
Ouch, Sammy, I always save at least one piece of sign-up mail so I can at least guess which e-mail account I signed in with for a website.
Um, maybe you could create a new emergency blog (how 'bout and this time save the welcome message they send you.
Aside from that, you have continued to be fabulous, I'm happy to say.
My only problem is that it turns out that having you in this spot really messes me up with all the errands I used to do in the afternoon. Turns out the signal from the wireless headphones don't even reach to the postbox on the corner.
BTW, the Katherine Harris stuff is amusing and all (I will never forgive that woman), but I kinda miss that Miz Jane Anne girl you used to work with and I was wondering if you could have her on some time....
Love and kisses,
morning gang
Blog still Fubar'd :(!
Just posted this to my blog:
Our Conservative Supreme Court
The Supreme Court throws out $79.5 Million Tobacco Verdict. Throws out punative damages against Phillip Morris, according to CNN just now.
And more about Scalia:
Sam, will you marry me?
Morning everyone. :)
[Is this thing on...?]
No. It isn't. ;-p
can't post on the MRR blog...
Here's news:
Just updated my blog...
Update on Court Rulings today. Of course this one has not been aired yet by the MSM.
U.S. appeals court backs Bush, denies Gitmo detainees
POSTED: 10:58 a.m. EST, February 20, 2007
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Guantanamo Bay detainees may not challenge their detention in U.S. courts, a federal appeals court said Tuesday in a ruling upholding a key provision in President Bush's anti-terrorism law.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled 2-1 that civilian courts no longer have the authority to consider whether the military is illegally holding foreigners.
eya gang!
bloggy no worky.
morning, everyone.
"U.S. appeals court backs Bush, denies Gitmo detainees
POSTED: 10:58 a.m. EST, February 20, 2007"
well, fuck.
" My councilman wants to give legal
non-citizens the right to vote...
February 20, 2007 8:25 AM"
good morning, NC. i'd like to have that right here.
The helmet liners and the body armor and the Humvee armor are linked to the VA and Walter Reed deal.
They really don't want wounded troops, they cost too much. It's better and cheaper if they're dead
we're over at Tonid's
this thread here keeps losing my sign on...
i'll keep us posted here as we shift around
the word verification is driving me blind....
ToniD opened a new thread for todays bloggin.
heres the URL
I'll check in here through out the day,
Toni's does'nt have this word verification hassle so use it instead of this one to yak.
well keep this one for contact and yak too.
NC, i have to disagree. i think paying taxes does confer the right to vote, at least on municipal issues. i know this issue well from the point of view of the legal non-citizen. that right can be corrupted, of course, but so can anyone's right to vote.
i should get to bed. enjoy the day, NC.
It's been updated for the arrival of Big Ed....
Love everybody.
"each visually horrific “home page” bleating out some awful pop music and tagged with the illiterate gibberish comments (or cut-and-pasted rap lyrics) and half-naked cam-phone pictures of America’s fattest teens."
and that's just the good stuff!
over at Tonid's having coffee and cookies,
she invites everyone over to join us
Sams sites were attacked by the same people that attacked my internet connection and are watching me.
What is the problem with the site?
C'mon people, get it together with your web sites and the ability to post on them. If you can't even get that together with an easy to get to web site(without a long address)you'll never be seen as credible.
Nobody said...
Sams sites were attacked by the same people that attacked my internet connection and are watching me.
What is the problem with the site?
February 20, 2007 6:00 PM
Hey Observer, if Nobody wants to nutty out that probably is his way of dealing with his depression & paranoia.
We all have our demons and ways of dealing with it.
Whats with all these web & blog site problems these days?
some of it is DOS attacks, some green techies, some paid trolling and a few minor hassles.
no biggie, we're forced to deal with it and adapt.
theres an upside right there...
i tried to post on the other blog but it's a trick!
it looks like it is working but in fact, no it is not
looks like I miss some good Nobody drama!
people have been attacking my email so im starting to wonder if its not all some wacked out conspiracy
i keep getting emails from people who want me to hold money for them
an obvious set up!!!!
ill not fall for their tricks!
where have all the bloggers gone?
We all have our demons and ways of dealing with it.
Whats with all these web & blog site problems these days?
February 20, 2007 6:42 PM
communism has risen its ugly head once more... this time to wreak havoc on the internet
will we ever be rid of that hostile foe?
you people don't understand
i have been forced to spend all my time at the daily kos
i am now a trusted user
i feel like such a traitor
please fix the blog Sam
we're over at ToniD's bloggie
i said and I qoute:
"I am actually an alien"
and someone recomended my comment
wtf? i do not understand their pleasant ways
yes I realize it is not really my blog
Lost children! Such a sad lot. Has this experience taught you anything? Do you need a life?
Flame First, Think Later
Sam Seder:
I just want to say, whatever the subject you do a really great job of educating the audience.
I enjoy listening to the show. Al is gone but I hope you will remain with Air America so as to illuminate and make more understandable the issues from the right.
See other blogs out there that are also putting their spin on things:
Keep up the good work. I learn a great deal on the days that I have a chance to tune in.
Al is gone but I hope you will remain to "help us along the way ans the presidential election gets closer.
Keep up the good work, you continue to "enlighten our darkness". I love politics and enjoy all discussions on the issues. Al is gone, but I hope you will be around for a while yet.
Where the heck are ya? My sleep sched ule is all messed up but the good part was that I could listen to you in the early a.m. hours. Right now I tune in and it's Mr Hartman. Now, don't get me wrong, I like Mr Hartman, but I really like your take on things. Plus you make me laugh and we all need that.
Lost children! Such a sad lot. Has this experience taught you anything? Do you need a life?
February 20, 2007 7:59 PM
Lost children? I'm enjoying these changes! Beats the hell out of a neocon, grey-day, repetitious parrot's life meaured by $ signs. Add that one up on your calculator.
Failure as a virtue, now that's a novel idea. AAR must be a very virtuous company by now. Not to mention Al, Janeane, and Blue States Blogs. If this outfit gets any more virtuous, we will be blogging on the back of an napkin at Starbucks while listening to Alan Colmes on the radio.
Anonymous said...
Failure as a virtue, now that's a novel idea. AAR must be a very virtuous company by now. Not to mention Al, Janeane, and Blue States Blogs. If this outfit gets any more virtuous, we will be blogging on the back of an napkin at Starbucks while listening to Alan Colmes on the radio.
February 21, 2007 3:50 AM
I can tell, anon, that you are not a "roll with the punches" type person. Better get used to adversity. There's some coming thanks to bushco!
Roll with the punches, another novel idea. A strategy to be employed whilst getting your ass kicked. The next step is roll up in a ball on the floor and protect your head. Do you remember Al's and Janeane's very first show? Oh how things have changed.
I'm glad I took typing in high school because otherwise no one would know what I'm thinking.
Three years after Air America vowed to save the country from Rush Limbaugh and George W. Bush, the progressive radio network has downshifted to the more modest immediate goal of saving itself.
The operation, which has had financial trouble from the start, is being officially purchased in bankruptcy court this week for $4.25 million, and critics say this proves it hasn't worked.
"Air America tried to do what we do and failed because they weren't any good," Limbaugh said. "$4.25 million? That's embarrassing. I have more than that in my checkbook."
Anonymous said...
The operation, which has had financial trouble from the start, is being officially purchased in bankruptcy court this week for $4.25 million, and critics say this proves it hasn't worked.
"Air America tried to do what we do and failed because they weren't any good," Limbaugh said. "$4.25 million? That's embarrassing. I have more than that in my checkbook."
February 21, 2007 5:58 AM
The arrogance of the ugly American.
Same thing happened in the thirties and many of these arrogant rich jumped out windows because they didn't know how to handle the crash!
Through the years, as you watch others succeed beyond their wildest dreams, you will be able to look back and see Air America failed because it is crappy radio. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
Did you guys notice that kons have at least one moment of comic relief when they call Sam's show?
Yesterday, the guy who claimed that he didn't care about Britney Spears began to philosophize about her situation. Today, we hear "Could yew move a lil' bit?" "Ah'm at work."
Paragraph on Sam hits the mark too.
The guy who called in complaining about habeas corpus at Gitmo apparently doesn't realize that most of the detainees weren't picked up on any battlefield. A lot of them were innocent bystanders who were sold to us for a bounty by Afghan warlords.
The emotion is FEAR. Xenophobia, Nationalism, they both boil down to fear. Reinforcement of the notion of US vs THEM is a leftover emotional state from infancy when the baby first realizes that ME and YOU are not the same - and that YOU can hurt ME. That is infantile emotionalism. The idea is to mature into the understanding that even though we are different people, we are in this together. One people.y
"them illegal drug alien"
"the ALCU"
Great job, buddy.
Forget the Geneva Conventions..
The U.S. Constitution expresses a bunch of rights that people have anywhere, anytime, and under any circumstances...nothing about borders or nationality etc...
Sam, did you hear Sweeney wants to run again?
Sam, did you hear Sweeney wants to run again?
Sam Seder is the voice America needs. Thank you Sam for your incredible work! Keep on rockin'!
can i get a *whut*!?
Hi Sam, everyone. Mike Lupica makes a good point here about Hillary and her detractors.
Sam could done better at handling the two "conservative" callers between 9:45 and 10:00 Feb. 21, who said Guantanamo detainees shouldn't have habeas corpus/fair trials.
The callers said the detainees had been picked up in Afghanistan "trying to kill American soldiers." If that were true, that's what the trial would show. If we believe it's true just because the American government or American soldiers "say so," then we shouldn't need habeas corpus in the U.S., with U.S. citizens. We should just believe the police and the government when they say an American citizen committed a crime.
--William Meyer
hey sam, did your wife ever get those boots?!
I just wanted to make a comment on "Brian" from the end of last hour.
He was demonstrating his ignorance of the American justice system: the difference between the JAG court system, the criminal trial and the civilian trial system. But he did have an issue with "giving all the money to them" that has some validity. His misunderstanding of the situation is very sad though.
"The drug dealer we gave a bunch of money to" he was referencing was one of the silent atrocities that the Justice system is perpetrating under Gonzales. It is the case of Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos. These are two border patrol agents, who in the course of doing their job, have gotten caught up in some sort of political game being played by this administration and the Justice department. There is a conspiracy of some sort going on, but the story is getting almost NO attention. What EXACTLY going on is still a mystery.
The Iraqi conflict is getting all attention from the media (whether good or bad). It's actually acting as a smokescreen to some really horrible things that are going on here at home (try El Paso, TX). I highly recommend that everyone take a look at this is. Just google "Compean" or "Ramos" as "boder patrol agents" or go to the Friends of the Border Patrol page.
Sam: "Fuck MoDo!"
I hear ya.
"Earth tone bull shit about Gore. Who gives a shit?"
Sam, I love you. are looking good.....
The terrible cold will go away. I got mine late December and this week I am feeling better for the first time.
morning gang!
786 posts this thread.
Please mention this on the air. It seems all of us bloggers are evil mofos, according to the White House Press Corps (and shockingly David Gregory)...
But really, does this surprise anyone? We've never gotten any respect anyway.
William Meyer said...
Sam could done better at handling the two "conservative" callers between 9:45 and 10:00 Feb. 21, who said Guantanamo detainees shouldn't have habeas corpus/fair trials.
February 21, 2007 7:24 AM
If he ended the calls with "plus, you're a moron"....
sorry, but that's about as good as Seder gets, William.
Maybe that great American from Staten Island was working off the books for several years - NOT PAYING HIS TAXES!
Me an Toni are over at her place.
(we have fresh coffee!)
Sammy HR not paying into quarters means he didnt pay into SS on his job - he was a govt employee
Teacher, cop etc etc
Love the SamCam but would you please mic the crew so the audience can hear the conversations.
how many 'quarters' does one need?
hypocricy thy name is "W"
eya CrunchyKnee!
are we being "uppity" enough yet?
with all the crap in the world they still talkin bout Shultz?
--Love the SamCam but would you please mic the crew so the audience can hear the conversations.--
yes! the commercial break conversations are my favorite part. let it fly, baby!
oh, and sam... i work from home and sometimes choose to shower later. i sit, working at my computer, in my bathrobe and sometimes when you look at the camera i think you can see me in my robe. i know you're a married man so i'll keep it closed.
love your show. keep up the good work.
Let's completely withdraw and declare victory!
i miss the Queens Drum Solo...
so WE don't get air time and dewey does?
Go back in the closet Dewey!
Anonymous said...
--Love the SamCam but would you please mic the crew so the audience can hear the conversations.--
Can I 'splain a technical thing about radio? The crew needs to push a button to talk to Sam. That is because legally they MUST listen to the "on-air signal" (FCC rules). This is why you can't hear them all the time.
Plus, they need to push buttons to do other things, like run commercials so AAR gets paid, as you know.
Okay, that's it.
At least on this blog, I can blog - the old one won't let me from any of my three computers -all on a verizon server btw -
promise me Dewey and Maron will be in the same segment
Fun things to do with Dewey and others obsessed with Clinton's sexuality: So, who are you gonna vote for? The guy who had an affair and then got divorced (McCain), the guy who married his cousin, got divorced, had an affair and then a really nasty public divorce (Guiliani) or the guy who had an affair, divorce, affair and divorce (Gingrich)?
the old one is not functioning for anyone.
Sam aint pushing this link so not much traffic here.
shame eh? i like hearing from the blog gang.
Can I 'splain a technical thing about radio? The crew needs to push a button to talk to Sam. That is because legally they MUST listen to the "on-air signal" (FCC rules). This is why you can't hear them all the time.
Plus, they need to push buttons to do other things, like run commercials so AAR gets paid, as you know.
Okay, that's it.
February 21, 2007 8:32 AM
Thank you Dale.
Support the troops - Pay your taxes!
Sam --
The older retired gentleman from Staten Island who wasn't collecting Social Security has a private pension which means he probably worked for an organization that didn't pay into FICA (public school teachers, for example, don't pay into FICA). So, if he's short the 40 quarters necessary to collect from SS, then he can't collect. But, that's not the important issue or question.
The important question is, if he had paid into it, would he collect it along with his private pension and still consider himself a conservative and loyal republican? Social Security, afterall, is a liberal notion and system enacted during Democratic administrations that has worked well for many, many people for many, many decades.
Also, I wish you would have pursued the notion that critics of the Administration are not disloyal to the USA but, on the contrary, given the democratic-republic foundations of our government, are true loyalists to the concept of governance of the people, for the people, by the people. It is through the critical debate that we arrive at consensus as long as we respect majority rule.
Denver, CO
PS I listen via iTunes streaming radio and watch when the SammyCam is on. I wish the SammyCam was compatible with QuickTime video.
Hello Sam,
Inheritance Tax: It's very simple. It's quite possible (in fact likely) that the heirs of someone like Walton, will never have to do anything to further the family business. Yes it's true that the *earner* of the wealth, ie; the one who produces something for the profit, pays taxes on it (nevermind loop-holes and such) during their lifetime.
The question here is: Should the heir not have to pay taxes for wealth that, theoreticaly, and likely, they never had to lift a finger for? Of course not! That's all the more reason to tax it, even more than earned income!
If the heir did work to further the family business, then they should have a paycheck, account, or whatever, that they have already been paying taxes on. An inheritance is a *gift* from your predecessors. Gifts are taxed.
I haven't heard this issue approached from this angle, and I thought I would run it by you.
Great Show! Cheers.
Hi Sam, love your show!!, great job you are doing!! Hey, when Dewee calls again, open the closet door, he sounds like he needs to come out too!!...
Bolton's book on UN = CYA
eya gang!
Me an some of the MRR gang are over at ToniD's
come on over to her place for a bit.
it's easier to post there
(we have fresh coffee!)
CrunchyKnee said...
...some like it with intelligence.
February 21, 2007 7:55 AM
What intelligence? Heard Seder on Friday get OUTED him as a closeted socialist by a caller....
Sam's "final word"..."You're a moron!"
The guy's a veritable Socrates, huh?
traffic slowing down here?
no biggie. Brekkers and back to it
i'll be finished with this project today.
here for a bit more
XM radio is a sample of my daily fax to XM radio asking them to take Ed Schultz off my Air America radio. If a bunch of us faxed every day as the show started perhaps we could force a change.
XM's fax number is: 202.280.4500.
Here is a copy of my fax today:
XM Programming Center and Corporate Headquarters
1500 Eckington Place, NE
Washington, D.C. 2002
Fax: 202.380.4500
Feb. 21, 2007
Dear Madam or Sir:
I want Thom Hartman! This horrible, grating, nasty voice of Ed Schultz’s has got to go. He immediately makes me think of Rush Limbaugh, who is a pig. C-Span is better to listen to than Ed Schultz. In fact, I would rather listen to a pen of pigs squealing than listen to Ed. Schultz.
you gotta admit
when it comes to avoiding responsibility
"W" has it down
a flat chested girl tho brainy
prayed for big boobs and a life more zany
but god feeling used
and a wee bit amused
sent her george bush and dick cheney
Posted by: RWiley at February 20, 2007 8:23 PM
The Portland Tribune did a story about the lawyers defending the detainees at Guantanamo.
Attorneys find little hope at Guantanamo.
It's heartbreaking.
Here's a copy of the fax I sent to XM...
Dear Sirs,
Look at the numbers. Big Ed Schultz has pulled down consistantly positive ratings, even against Limbaugh, every time he has been tried.
Maybe if Air America actually tried to APPEAL to an audience, instead of limit it to a smaller and smaller percentage of not only Democrats, but even liberals, they might not have filed bankruptcy and needed a bail-out.
A lot of us love Ed...he's both progressive AND rational AND mainstream, and much better suited to your Ameri-Left Channel 167 than many on there today.
BTW, he'll stomp O'Reilly too.
When I hear that 'Iceland Health' commercial, when they ask what the secret is to long life for Icelanders, I immediately think 'rampant alcoholism'. They drink n the schoolyards there. I could roll with that.
(vitamin V)
Ed Schultz detests AAR, but has the nerve to get pissy when an AAR host suggests that people who got satelite radio just to hear AAR make that known to the radio service because he wants to be on an AAR BRANDED station!?
Shouldn't he be able to get his own channel, or be on another talk channel, or go after Limbaugh's spots, as popular as he is, rather than whining to get on the AAR channel?
AAR loses money.
Ed makes money.
If push comes to shove who do you think XM will drop?
New owners are going to be looking for new ideas. Sam is in trouble. AAR will not stay-the-course.
bigedrulessamdrools said...
February 21, 2007 10:30 AM
Are you "Holmey" from the Schultz blog?
//UPDATE: Okay, okay. It's not fixed. Keep grilling Sam's web producer here.//
You have a web producer?
Really? hahahaha
btw, i couldn't hear the show as I was asleep at that time, but it sounds like you went after Maureen Dowd. Nice. :)
miss the other blog and hearing your show!!!!
soon! :)
Why must I listen to this nonsense about "Fredo" Gonzales pontificating that we have no right to habeas corpus? Isn't anyone familiar with the 9th and 10th Amendments? We the People have all the powers that aren't specifically given away.Why don't we just stand up and tell these fascists to take a hike?
on February 17, 2007 3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
Sure thing Gil - Why not offer Sam plans to build his own
space shuttle?
I'm no rocket scientist but perhaps Sam can get some ideas here:
Billy Bob builds a space ship
got your point anonymous, I wrote it assuming that the info would be passed on to Sam's tech people (if he has none, I'd be willing to help in some capacity).
also, i provided some alternative "planets."
on February 17, 2007 6:32 PM
dada said...
Thanks for the info, Gilbert.
on February 17, 2007 7:42 PM
sunshine said...
very cool gilbert. and thanks!
dada & sunshine...
Thanks and you're welcome!
Sam has never accepted any help except form Anatopia
who is seems to be missing.
Send Sam an Email and offer, he can only ignore you. He does that well these days.
It looks a though Sam has chosen this blog to be his Masada.
//Why must I listen to this nonsense about "Fredo" Gonzales pontificating that we have no right to habeas corpus?//
Who are to speak of the great Fredo that way? Do you have a big important job that allows you torture people like he does?
I thought not.
You're lucky to be living in the United States and anything else is just frosting on the cake.
rAnatopia got married!
Sam likes us but he is also scared of us.
I blame goatboy for this.
Sam-ask one of your blogger friends for help-one of the people you have had on your show.
I can't find the Sam Johnson comments I heard on the way to work on Tuesday. I understood it was to be on the web site.
My e-mail is
Tx, Bob
There's that crazy psyduck again.
Seems like sometimes I get logged in with my old account. Don't know what makes that happen.
Look, Chandler! Look Ross! Joey's got a Duck!
i have heard that Nature's a harlot
Legs open and flat on Her back
that She's naked, unbridled and shameless
and prone to unnatural acts
Where can I get a transcript of the 2/21 show -- in particular the part where Sam talked about what is quintissencially American - not the soil, but the freedoms themselves. He said it so perfectly - I really need it word for word.
I haven't heard of transcripts being available. Probably a DIY project. You can download show segments.
Sam Seder Podcast - Recent Episodes
" i have heard that Nature's a harlot
Legs open and flat on Her back
that She's naked, unbridled and shameless
and prone to unnatural acts"
And prone to unnatural acts..
Good poem. Always reminds me of the book of the law: " a shrinking and despised harlot shall she crawl through dusk wet streets, and die cold and an-hungered.
But let her raise herself in pride! Let her follow me in my way! Let her work the work of wickedness! Let her kill her heart! Let her be loud and adulterous! Let her be covered with jewels, and rich garments, and let her be shameless before all men!
Then will I lift her to pinnacles of power..."
Well, you know what they say; "oil's well that ends well."
Merger concerns:
Sirius stopped carrying C-Span, so I switched to XM. I was mystified as to why Thom Hartmann was pre-empted by XM. I could not get answers until going online to see what listeners knew.
C-Span said that Sirius wanted to have the right to pre-empt their programming with sports events and that's why they could not come to an agreement with Sirius.
One sentence in an article on the merger (either NYTimes or Washington Post) mentioned that they wanted to complete the merger while the Bush Administration is still in office.
Connecting the dots -- I'm wondering if the Satellite Radio giants don't think they'd get some special consideration for trimming down the progressive voices and access to the workings of Congress.
Will they ever consider having TWO progressive stations? That way there could be Air America and Talk Left, so that Ed Schultz et al. would not be substituting for the Air America personalities.
"Outrageous" Armed Raid on Iraqi Journalists' Union
The International Federation of Journalists today
condemned as "outrageous and inexcusable" the action of
American soldiers who carried out an armed raid on the
Baghdad offices of the Iraq Syndicate of Journalists.
United States soldiers caused destruction and havoc last
night when they broke into the offices of the Syndicate,
which is a member of the IFJ's global union network. They
destroyed furniture, ransacked the offices, arrested
state-employed security guards, and confiscated 10
computers and 15 small electricity generators destined for
the families of killed journalists.
yes! feingold. god, i wish he were running for president.
Sundance Channel Marks Fourth Anniversary of Iraq War With Television Premieres of The Road To Guantanamo and The Ground Truth
UFPJ 4th Anniversary of Iraq War
Hey Jenise, Good Morning/Evening!
morning gang!
morning, tonid. morning, sunshine.
i'm realizing i need to get busy getting a permit to protest for march 19. i'm thinking mourning rather than protesting this time.
good luck on the Mourning Procession j.
oh good god, some days i'm just really happy i'm far away from these people! un-frickin-believable.
nipple shirts and chaps!
wraps and smoothies! o mi gawd!
Sammy, you should have added your "I don't even think Steven would be my first choice" joke. (with Medved)
eya M the A-C!
we're also posting at Toni's site.
easier posting without that word verification silliness.
Medved, Savage...You absolutely need to use the 360 closet door effect when talking about these two from now on, Seder!
Plus, this is the same mentality that gets homosexuals AND women stoned to death in conservative Islamic societis. We wouldn't want to tempt the men or make them uncomfortable.
BTW, have you ever read the chronicles of Michael Savage and Allen Ginsberg?
michael savage is a genius?! wow. i've actually heard that guy before.
"How a Jewish kid from the Bronx went from swimming naked with Allen Ginsberg to spewing the ugliest bile on talk radio."
goodun eh?
thanks for digging that out.
was just over at MRR.
posts still disappearing there.
Hi Sam,
Your Staten Island conservative regular just said that the Baghdad job was just for Americans because of the lost lives on 911. We all know that Iraq had nothing to do with 911.
He also said that the British bombings came after the start of the Iraq war so didn't count as a reason for British involvement in Iraq.
Seems to me he has it exactly the wrong way round! But wait.... I'd forgotten that conservative thinking doesn't have to be logical...
I just sent you an email, Sam, saying pretty much the same thing I am saying here.
A few weeks ago you called on a sensitive caller who called in on an unrealted subject to come out and say he was gay. He was not even talking about homosexuality.
Then not too many days ago you said something like, "does that mean Hillary is gay?"
This morning your conversation is drenched in talk about homosexuality.
Sam, this could be a sign of YOUR own latent homosexuality. If not, why is it on your mind so much? It can't get in your conversation so much without it being on your mind a lot! Me? Married since 1961, 2 kids, no homosexual contacts ever.
Why don't you do something with your valuable time on the air than to concern yourself with so much talk about "gay?"
Other than all that keep up the good work!
Rocky in Phoenix
Dear Friend, First let me say that if this article offends you I offer you my most humble apology.
Otherwise I am hoping you will send this to everyone you know!
The right wing crowd, plus some hoping to field a different Democratic candidate for President has been pushing this idea that Hillary Clinton owes the American People an apology and she sure as hell DOES NOT!! See the N.Y. Times article below as to why not.
The Republicans have a way of repeating something over and over and over and people, conservative and progressive alike have a way of believing it.
Remember that crap about Kerry being a flip flopper? Well too many people believed it for my good.
Do you remember how GW Bush won the governorship over Ann Richards in 1993. Karl Rove undermined Richards by starting a whisper campaign, repeating and getting others to say and repeat that Richards was a lesbian and would fill the state government with lesbians. Everyone believe it.
Now we are faced with this same sort of repetetive slamming of Hillary Clinton, saying she owes the American people an apology.
Read what David Brooks of the New York Times wrote about it on February 14, 2007 and then send it to everyone you can. Thank you.
Stan Rocklin
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Far be it from me to get in the middle of a liberal purge, but would anybody mind if I pointed out that the calls for Hillary Clinton to apologize for her support of the Iraq war are almost entirely bogus?
I mean, have the people calling for her apology actually read the speeches she delivered before the war? Have they read her remarks during the war resolution debate, when she specifically rejected a pre-emptive, unilateral attack on Saddam? Did they read the passages in which she called for a longer U.N. inspections regime and declared, “I believe international support and legitimacy are crucial”?
If they went back and read what Senator Clinton was saying before the war, they’d be surprised, as I was, by her approach. And they’d learn something, as I did, about what kind of president she would make.
The Iraq war debate began in earnest in September 2002. At that point Clinton was saying in public what Colin Powell was saying in private: emphasizing the need to work through the U.N. and build a broad coalition to enforce inspections.
She delivered her Senate resolution speech on Oct. 10. It was Clintonian in character. On the one hand, she rejected the Bush policy of pre-emptive war. On the other hand, she also rejected the view that the international community “should only resort to force if and when the United Nations Security Council approves it.” Drawing on the lessons of Bosnia, she said sometimes the world had to act, even if the big powers couldn’t agree.
She sought a third way: more U.N. resolutions, more inspections, more diplomacy, with the threat of force reserved as a last resort. She was triangulating, but the Senate resolution offered her a binary choice. She voted yes in order to give Powell bipartisan leverage at the U.N.
This is how she’s always explained that vote, and I confess that until now, I’ve regarded her explanation as a transparent political dodge. Didn’t everyone know this was a war resolution? But now, having investigated her public comments, I think diplomatic leverage really was on her mind. I also know, from a third person, that she was spending a lot of time with Powell and wanted to help.
On Nov. 8, 2002, the Security Council passed a unanimous resolution threatening Saddam with “serious consequences” if he didn’t disarm.
The next crucial period came in March 2003, as the U.S. battled France over the second Security Council resolution. Clinton’s argument at this point was that inspections were working and should be given more time. “It is preferable that we do this in a peaceful manner through coercive inspection,” she said on March 3, but went on, “At some point we have to be willing to uphold the United Nations resolutions.” Then she added, “This is a very delicate balancing act.”
On March 17, Bush gave Saddam 48 hours to disarm or face attack. Clinton tried to be critical of the Bush policy while being deferential to the office of the presidency. She clearly had doubts about Bush’s timing, but she kept emphasizing that from her time in the White House, she knew how unhelpful it was for senators to be popping off in public on foreign policy.
At one press event in New York, she nodded when Charles Rangel said Bush had failed at the U.N. But when reporters asked Clinton to repeat what Rangel had just said, she bit her tongue. On March 17, as U.S. troops mobilized, she issued her strongest statement in support of the effort.
Clinton’s biggest breach with the liberal wing actually opened up later, in the fall of 2003. Most liberals went into full opposition, wanting to see Bush disgraced. Clinton — while an early critic of the troop levels, the postwar plans and all the rest — tried to stay constructive. She wanted to see America and Iraq succeed, even if Bush was not disgraced.
When you look back at Clinton’s thinking, you don’t see a classic war supporter. You see a person who was trying to seek balance between opposing arguments. You also see a person who deferred to the office of the presidency. You see a person who, as president, would be fox to Bush’s hedgehog: who would see problems in their complexities rather than in their essentials; who would elevate procedural concerns over philosophical ones; who would postpone decision points for as long as possible; and who would make distinctions few heed.
Today, the liberal wing of the Democratic Party believes that the world, and Hillary Clinton in particular, owes it an apology. If she apologizes, she’ll forfeit her integrity. She will be apologizing for being herself.
Hilary doesn't represent the interest of the United States...
but those of ... israel.
She's another lieberman in drags...
Attacking Iran is in israel's interests... OK, we get it.
Please explain how it would ever by any stretch of the imagination or spin be in America's interest?
Watch'em, they'll try to convince you that green is really blue... and most of you morons will probably swallow it and put it on account of YOUR colorblindness...
It's hopeless.
***Look at them then bashing me for antisemitism...***
how ironic, ain't it? Look it, the new standard of patrriotism isn't your love of Country per se... that's so pre 9-11... but your subservience and allegiance to... israel.
I want my county back.
I want all the dual passport zionist vermin in MSM, hollywood, Inc. and democratic party out of my country.
I am for America's interests first.. and only.
***FUCK ISRAEL, FUCK the jews!***
***No difference between jews and zionists, that's just a ruse,*** just like "support the troops"... in the end israel always comes first for any and all jews... and America, and its "beloved" troops are disposable and expandable...
We've been taken over by this vermin.
And although I used to think I liked Bill, I now realize he worked for the same old boss, same as the new boss.
By: PaulRevere13 on February 22, 2007 at 12:27am
Flag: [abusive]
Hey, at least this guy is honest....
Rocky in Phoenix
February 22, 2007 7:54 AM
"Me? Married since 1961, 2 kids, no homosexual contacts ever."
Now why would you have to throw that in there, Rocky? It has nothing to do with your point.
Why do you feel the need reassure Sam that you're not gay?
That's sounds pretty gay to me.
(star emphasis is mine)
There is so much more that's important to talk about, Sammy. Can we get off the gay stuff and back to important things?
Medved is one of the most unimportant talkers... you're just publicizing him.
New thread up at ToniD's site.
come on over and join us.
Love Russ Feingold. & love the way Sam Cedar hates torture! But there is one thing I hate about Sam that I think he can fix:
He mispronounces many people's names OVER and OVER, for instance, John Boehner. This is crass and hostile and frankly comes across and uninformed and ignorant, like George Bush and "nucular" instead of "nuclear."
Sam, don't be like George Bush! Fix up all your mispronunciations and we'll enjoy you more! Thank you!
To continue on the "honesty" stream of thought, I am not really as offended about Hardaway's statement as I would be if he said, "but I don't hate gays."
JIK : )
to me, hillary clinton owes an apology for voting to close debate on the election results in 2004. after giving her nice little speech, that was really slimy.
Exxon Cut Profits in Run-Up to November Election
Exxon, Shell and Marathon Oil slashed fourth quarter refining margins to ... from an 18% drop in refining margins, according to the company's profit report today. ...
more hits from: - 13 KB
Hilary deff a member of the Mil/Ind flag suckers.
i'm hoping she gets down to other business soon and responds to antiwar pressure.
..obviously, I'm hetero, but any sort of ignorant hatred of that sort offends me-- not to the extent that it does most liberals. I don't campaign against it. It's just there. Deal with it or rationalize it.
"i'm hoping she gets down to other business soon and responds to antiwar pressure."
would be nice, wouldn't it?
Hey - I got a Nielsen TV diary to fill out this week.
What are some good shows? I tend to just watch Reno911, Colbert Report or Daily Show, the Simpsons, and Anna Nicole Smith on CNN. Flip This House is okay.
They let you enter what a visitor to your house watches too, so tell me if there is anything you particularly like today
So when will the real blog be back up?
maybe the real blog is miffed
that the back up blog
is still listed at the top of the page
bluslfyf jbenet
christine said...
You might enjoy Countdown with Keith Olbermann on MSNBC. It's informative and fun.
Another prog talk controversy
Stephanie Miller to replace Dr. Mike mornings on kphx 1480 and affiliates.
People don’t want comedy in the am.
I always (fondly) thought of Dr. Mike as
Alfred E. Newcomb
peqcsflc jbenet
christine said...
Hey - I got a Nielsen TV diary to fill out this week.
udytfpe jbenet
Yes, when IS that blog gonna be fixed?
Will media report how Giuliani is milking 9-11, "America's Mayor" image they helped create for massive PR, financial gain?
Since 2002, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) has traveled nationwide and around the world to deliver countless speeches on the topics of "leadership" and "crisis management" at business conferences, motivational seminars, fundraisers, and universities. In these addresses -- for which he charges a reported $100,000 apiece -- Giulani regularly speaks at length about his first-hand experiences during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. As Media Matters for America has noted, significant questions surround Giuliani's record on homeland security and public safety, including his performance during, before, and after the 9-11 attacks. Nonetheless, the media have routinely advanced the depiction of Giuliani as a "hero of 9/11" and "America's Mayor," bolstering his image and enhancing his credibility. Now, as he explores a run for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, will the media properly scrutinize how Giuliani has capitalized on this image -- legitimate or not -- for substantial personal profit?
Did I mention that I dislike Giuliani?
According to the Associated Press, in 2002, Giuliani's estimated income from the lecture circuit exceeded $8 million. This would indicate that he gave more than 80 speeches that year, assuming he consistently collected his reported $100,000 speaking fee. Various reports have indicated that Giuliani has maintained a similarly brisk schedule of speaking engagements in the years since, including an estimated 20 paid speeches since he announced his presidential exploratory committee on November 15, 2006. In a February 7 article, the Chicago Tribune detailed the luxurious treatment Giuliani requested from one of his hosts, a state university:
Since he left office, Giuliani has leveraged his image as "America's mayor" to his decided financial advantage and in ways that belie his man-of-the-people persona.
He commands $100,000 for a speech, not including expenses, which his star-struck clients are happily willing to pay. In one speech last year at Oklahoma State University, Giuliani requested and received travel on a private Gulfstream jet that cost the school $47,000 to operate. His visit essentially wiped out the student speakers annual fund.
Like other high-priced speakers in the private sector, Giuliani routinely travels in style. Besides the Gulfstream, which is a standard perk on the big-time speakers circuit, his contract calls for up to five hotel rooms for his entourage, including his own two-bedroom suite with a preferred balcony view and king-size bed, in the event of an overnight stay.
The Tribune further reported that Giuliani's contract for this address restricted "what questions he might be asked":
The Oklahoma contract also required a sedan and an SUV, restrictions on news coverage and control over whom Giuliani would meet, how he would be photographed and what questions he might be asked.
eya Catharina!
we're at ToniD's too!
easier to post...
That Giuliani is lucky he's alive.
Against all advice he insisted in moving the Emergency Command Center to the World trade Center.
What an ass.
And now he makes millions despite his bad judgment [I am sure someone paid him in one form or another to get him to rent out the space there, and spend millions of the city's money building it].
And what did he even do for anyone [or their families] that DID lose their lives there?
In fact, he didn't offer honest testimony at the 9-11 hearings. No investigations were done. nothing.
Have you noticed how many dagos are vying for more power lately?
Pelosi, Giuliani...
Hey, I'm not anti-dago or nothin'. I just think that maybe we should consider that they would have Italy's bottom line in mind. I want to caution people before it's too late.
"m the a-c said:
No difference between jews and zionists, that's just a ruse,*** just like "support the troops"... in the end israel always comes first for any and all jews... and America, and its "beloved" troops are disposable and expandable...
We've been taken over by this vermin.
And although I used to think I liked Bill, I now realize he worked for the same old boss, same as the new boss.
By: PaulRevere13 on February 22, 2007 at 12:27am
Flag: [abusive]
Hey, at least this guy is honest...."
Well some people are convinced that the tail wags the dog.
I find myself suspecting that it's feigned ignorance, to stir up an emotional reaction.
Are people really that stupid? I don't know. It doesn't take much googling to find the Rabbis against Zionism.
Sam, check me on this, but wasn't there a football player named Medved from the University of Washington that came out of the closet after he finished in the NFL?
Cancion De Todo Va Mal, Le Mans
New legislation to make libraries and schools block MySpace - House bill introduced Feb. 16th
Oprah hosted O'Reilly to discuss molestation without raising his remark that child had "fun" with his captor
On the February 21 edition of her nationally syndicated talk show, Oprah Winfrey hosted Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly during a discussion about child molestation but failed to question O'Reilly about his suggestion that Shawn Hornbeck -- the young boy who was abducted at age 11, held for four years and then found by police in Missouri -- may have willingly remained with his captor because he was having "a lot more fun than what he had under his old parents."
Winfrey did note that O'Reilly had speculated about why Hornbeck did not flee, but did not explain to her viewers the extent and full content of O'Reilly's comments. During his February 21 appearance, O'Reilly told Winfrey that Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome "is the key to the [Michael] Devlin case and the Shawn Hornbeck situation" and that the assertion by the "idiot media people" that Hornbeck suffered from Stockholm Syndrome is "a bunch of crap." Winfrey then asked: "Is that why you asked the question, 'Why [didn't?] he run?' " -- to which O'Reilly replied: "Right, right. Because people have to know how bad this is."
Call your governors and ask them to claim their soldiers that are languishing in Walter Reid, and bring them back home to get good care.
Someone had this idea yesterday on Randi's show apparently.
What a great idea!
It's been catching on across the country!
Call now!
Mercury is retrograde from
February 14 until March 8th.
It's a good time to correct communication-related mistakes.
Anonymous said...
Mercury is retrograde from
February 14 until March 8th.
It's a good time to correct communication-related mistakes.
February 22, 2007 2:00 PM
Actually... I think you can bet on the fact that Sam will not get the blog fixed until a week past it at the very least.
I feel Sam is waiting to see if he has a job before putting any effort into the blog. If Sam gets the bad new bye-bye bloggie.
Do unemployed men require a blog? Probably not. Unless it is free like this one. And you never have to open a new thread, like this one. And you can forget you have a blog like this one.
just wondering why all this hot rhetoric towards iran? is this scare tactis from the bush admin. sure it is. humm, wonder who it's intended for, us maybe, how bout the gulf states? i don't mean mississippi. why are they ordering 60, yes 60,000,000,000 thats billion usd. $$$$$ in military hardware at the IDEX arms fair in abu dhabi this week. check it out tom ripley, analyst @ janes defence weekly or just google or alta vista search idex arms fair .
Be very careful with your words as this blog is under surveillance just like I am.
Nobody said...
Be very careful with your words as this blog is under surveillance just like I am.
February 22, 2007 6:05 PM
Look out Nobody, here come the people in gray to take you away! ;)
If that were n, he'd give me a call, send me an email, or skype me.
But it isn't n.
The snarkmeisters really hate us. They spend all their time here attacking, trying to tear us down.
We must be doing something right.
Right, snarkmeisters?
Watch that blood pressure...
I don't know about that dada as Nobody imagines a lot of things that aren't there. His track record of credibility is very poor.
Anyway, our ability to post to our regular blogs has been down for a long time. :(
i wish the other blog was working
i don't know why
you would think it wouldn't matter
but it does damnit
"'Tis the voice of the Jubjub!" he suddenly cried.
(This man, that they used to call "Dunce.")
"As the Bellman would tell you," he added with pride,
"I have uttered that sentiment once.
In reality it is a simple thing. It is a death watch. Air America has been on life support for years. But now we can see the death tremors. Air America is a 90 year old man and we await it's demise. The death of Air America will bring the force back into balance. (sorry but they have been showing all the Star Wars movies all week on HBO). Air America should have been gone long ago. It is an affront to the Gods of capitalism. It is unnatural to prop up an economic failure in our system. You owe us a corpse, and we shall have it. Bring out your dead! (I rented that one last weekend).
The Ghosts of Abu Gharab is on hbo's mortifying to say the least...
It really makes me think about the concept of personal responsibility.
what is the use
today or tommorrow
the news is obviously not in working order
but the difference is i grown used to it
i am no longer shocked or dismayed
it is the way it is for now
hopefully the US will be nuked soon and I am in the core zone when the attack happens
but if we do get nuked by Iran i hope i am not in the outer circle
of it because then I will be messed up because of all the radiation but unable to die with my genes all spliced and stuff
If that happens then I will move to a cave and run out and scare people
who walk by
And they will say-look at the monster! look! and I will drool.
evening gang.
i'm poking around in odd corners,
finding wonderful treasures and oddities.
post 909
this thing putting along just fine too.
for example, amazing woodworking...
John Butler, Ocean (live)
They took each other by the hand,
And danced a stately saraband;
Their laughter echoed thin and shrill.
Sometimes a clockwork puppet pressed
A phantom lover to her breast,
Sometimes they seemed to try to sing.
Sometimes a horrible marionette
Came out, and smoked its cigarette
Upon the steps like a live thing.
Then, turning to my love, I said,
"The dead are dancing with the dead,
The dust is whirling with the dust."
But she--she heard the violin,
And left my side, and entered in:
Love passed into the house of lust.
"but if we do get nuked by Iran i hope i am not in the outer circle
of it because then I will be messed up because of all the radiation but unable to die with my genes all spliced and stuff"
Why Iran? Because that's who you're told will do it.
International Invitation to Peace Encampments on Zapatista and Cucapá Territory
To Be Installed February 26 in El Mayor, Baja California; March 13 in Huitepec, Near San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas
By Subcomandante Marcos, EZLN
Translated by Narco News
February 22, 2007
FEBRUARY 20, 2007
The indigenous Cucapá people, the indigenous Quilihua people, the Other Campaign in Baja California, the Independent Francisco Villa Popular Front – UNOPII, the Party of Communists, Socialist and Worker Unity – UNIOS, the Good Government Council of the Chiapas Highlands and through its Sixth Commission, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation…
The Indigenous National Congress, the Other Campaign on both sides of the northern border, the Zezta International, the national and international community in defense of indigenous culture and peace with justice and dignity for the original peoples, the civil organizations and environmental groups of the five continents, the peoples of Mexico and the world, and the alternative media to organize and participate directly or through representatives in…
Cucapás, Quilihuas and Zapatistas united
In defense of the original peoples and Mother Earth
In Baja California, in the Cucapá indigenous community of El Mayor, the peace encampment will have the mission of accompanying the Cucapá and Quilihua indigenous peoples of the Northwest of Mexico. It will be formally installed on February 26, 2007, at 9:30 a.m., with a traditional ceremony by the indigenous Cucapás. The encampment will be maintained during the months of February, March, April and May of this year of 2007 during the fishing season. The Sixth Commission of the EZLN will be present with one of its Zapatista indigenous delegations of maximum authority beginning in mid-March 2007 until the end of fishing season. The regulations and conditions for participation and attendance in this place will be determined by the Cucapá people. For this encampment we exhort all people who are going to attend to resolve the conditions of their food and lodging by their own means in a manner that does not burden the hard life conditions of the Cucapá and Quilihua peoples. Those peoples and other originals and migrants located in the northwest of our country will offer food and original crafts at fair prices to the participants of the encampment. The regulations for the encampment, decided by the Cucapá and Quilihua, will be able to be consulted in the Internet page of the Sixth Commission of the EZLN (
In Chiapas, on Huitepec Hill, outside of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, in the ecological reserve under the protection of the Zapatista Good Government Council of the Chiapas Highlands, the encampment will have the mission of protecting an important forest region in danger of being looted by international soft-drink and paper manufacturers. This encampment will be made known, in time, by the Good Government Council of the Chiapas Highlands and will be able to be consulted in the Internet page
We invite the alternative and free media to be present and, with their knowledge and abilities, link both encampments and contribute that way to the defense of nature and its original guardians, the Indian peoples, and the unity of the Northwest and Southwest of the Mexico from below.
We invite the national and international press to report and broadcast, first hand, the life conditions and history of the Indian peoples of the Northwest of Mexico for whom the evil governments only have disrespect and oblivion.
From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
México, February of 2007
"I don't know about that dada as Nobody imagines a lot of things that aren't there. His track record of credibility is very poor."
Nope. But keep trying, maybe you'll convince one person. Probably yourself.
"It is unnatural to prop up an economic failure in our system. You owe us a corpse, and we shall have it. Bring out your dead! (I rented that one last weekend)."
Go tell it to Rupert Murdoch. Go cry to Rev. Moon.
Tell it to Japan and China, propping up your economy.
Your hypocrisy is without bounds. You're like a horse that puts the blinders on himself. You must be a master of self-hypnosis, Mr. commissar.
Hey dada...
Sorry that was so long..but was a Communique from my boyfriend...
I like the term Good Government Council's he uses...
Do you happen to have any idea how to put music up somewhere to make it stream? Is that stream on your site? I'm not sure I understand the difference totally..I wonder if it's when you use the .pls extension or something...?
heya alice. I don't mind at all. I say take advantage of the long posting ability of this site while we've got it. Soon we'll be back to the 50 line cut-off.
I don't know how to stream, that site sets it up for you... but if i find out I'll let you know
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