Friday, May 4, 2007

Peace and Prosperity

This is not good.

and this:
2008 Republicans back war
By John Whitesides, Political Correspondent
Fri May 4, 9:20 AM ET
SIMI VALLEY, California (Reuters)

is not surprising.


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Alice said...

Everything sucks pretty bad, not to put too fine a point onnit.

I miss everyone here.

May 4, 2007 11:35 PM

8-( Sorry, Fish...

If I felt normal, I might be able to post something that could make you feel better...but I don't...I should probably try to sleep...or go have a massage...I'm sore....

toniD said...

War Dog said...
And thats why there are so many 'unhinged' people areound you




It is a mistake to think everyone you know does not read ever word you type here...

Think about it...

May 4, 2007 11:32 PM

You must like being an asshole War Dog!! Give it a rest today. You've had your fun now go away! I for one can't stand you and was able to tolerate you for awhile but not any more.

You've had the freedom of the blog for long enough and now you are abusing that freedom.

The only way to get reid of you, War Dog, if if everyone on this blog complains to Sam that we've had enough of you. He has no love loass for you so I am sure he wouldn't mind blocking you and it can be done.

So maybe, for once in your life, you should take the high road and leave of your own accord.

Anonymous said...

Real Time with Bill Maher

Is Gary Shandling in the first stage of Alzheimer's or is he drunk out of his mind?

Crank Bait said...

Alice: I'm sore....
May 4, 2007 11:44 PM
I am reminded of two jokes. The first is extra crude and the second requires a lisp and some knowledge of Norse mythology.

War Dog said...

So maybe, for once in your life, you should take the high road and leave of your own accord.

May 4, 2007 11:47 PM



I must document your crash head first right into the political landscape...

It's a death spiral that is worth watching....

Like it or not..!!!

Alice said...

Crank Bait said...

.... the second requires a lisp and some knowledge of Norse mythology.

May 4, 2007 11:48 PM


That was fun.. I googled norse mythology sore ... & that's the one I chose...& you posted about trees today... :)

See those are the blog things that interest me... :)




Now I must nap... oxo

Alice said...

Oh! Plus I would love to read the extra crude one when I wake up.. ;)

Crank Bait said...

Alice said...
Oh! Plus I would love to read the extra crude one when I wake up.. ;)
May 4, 2007 11:56 PM
There was a pretty lass from Labrador
Who, drunk, passed out on the pub floor
When she next saw the light
The boys offered her a pint
"None for me" said she, "it makes my *%&#% sore!"

War Dog said...

And just think..

For 6 1/2 years you have been running against Bush...


He isn't running...

Now ya gotta start all over...


GOP starts to chart its post-Bush course

By Candy Crowley

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Underlying all the questions about abortion, taxes and war during Thursday night's GOP debate was a simple question: What's next for the Republican Party? The answer is not so easy.

It wasn't just the first Republican debate of the '08 cycle. It was the first event of the post-Bush era -- the first time the 10 Republican candidates had a chance to show where the party goes from here.

For some, it's a strong yearning for the party's heyday.

"I think it's import to remember that what Ronald Reagan did was to give us a vision for this country, a 'morning in America,' a 'city on a hill,' " said former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

"We forget to be coming up with new ideas, big ideas, like Ronald Reagan," echoed Tommy Thompson, former Wisconsin governor.

But the party of Ronald Reagan is minus one Ronald Reagan. And even some Reaganites say back to the future is more wishful thinking than game plan.

"Ronald Reagan was a unique man and a unique time," said Republican strategist Ed Rollins, who was Reagan's 1984 national campaign director. "I think Republicans would be foolish to try to compare anybody to him."

Anonymous said...

War Dog the Dancing Clown of the Sam Seder Blog Said:

“Reagan was the ideal Conservative President..”

Yes, in 8 short years, he tripled the deficit that it took over 180 years of past presidents to accumulate. Reagan was the beginning of the worst Republican Presidents ever.

Reagan was the first cut ‘n runner when he pulled troops out of Lebanon after the attacks that left over 250 soldiers dead.

Reagan sold weapons of mass distruction to Saddam Hussein AND Iran.

Illegally funded a war in Central America.

All Hail Reagan!!! The first in a long line of Worst.Presidents.Ever!!!

i.e. Reagan was the ideal conservative President.

Anonymous said...

Keep 'em coming WD, you make the Repug's look worse with every post you make!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, War Dog, for once in your dazzlingly impotent journey can you please restrain the tourettic waffling and just lurk for a week or two.

Get it together, Woofie! If today's political climate suits you so poorly that you have to not only concoct surrogate dreamscapes, but defect between them, you really need to consider hanging it up.

You really amount to nothing more than a poltergeist here, and, I'll wager, in the lives of most you know.

Anonymous said...

War Dog the Clown Prince of Wingnuttery said:

"For 6 1/2 years you have been running against Bush...


He isn't running...

Now ya gotta start all over..."

Thanks, WD, the bigots, adulterers and not so subtle liars that the Republican Party is running in 08 will make this a cake walk.

Don't you fetid brained blood drinkers have a real candidate to run?

Is that all you got?

War Dog said...

Donn said...
Keep 'em coming WD, you make the Repug's look worse with every post you make!

May 5, 2007 12:38 AM

60th Street said...
Ugh, War Dog, for once in your dazzlingly impotent journey can you please restrain the tourettic waffling and just lurk for a week or two.

Get it together, Woofie! If today's political climate suits you so poorly that you have to not only concoct surrogate dreamscapes, but defect between them, you really need to consider hanging it up.

You really amount to nothing more than a poltergeist here, and, I'll wager, in the lives of most you know.

May 5, 2007 12:43 AM


And yet of 3 years I have a remarkable record of accuracy...

When I called Hillary as the next Dem nominee, everyone laughed...

Now she is unstoppable..

I laughed when the Loony Left said the last election would be the key to Bush's impeachment...


Fitzmas...???? hahahahaha...

I called that from day one..

ON and ON and ON...

But who's counting...

Frog march Rove out of the White House...


War Dog said...

Don't you fetid brained blood drinkers have a real candidate to run?

Is that all you got?

May 5, 2007 12:45 AM


If you read the Blog you would know Hillary is the Candidate I am working for...

The perfect Dem..

Big Business..


And to top it all...

She blocks all the Loony Left Candidates...

Heads I win...

Tails you lose...

Ya gotta love that..!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit, war dog, you are absolutely a Notradumbass.

But did you see the collapse of the republican party in your tarot cards?

The below 30% ratings for Bush?

Did your tea leaves warn you of the domino collapse of Republican Scandal and jail terms?

The naked hatred for the war mongering Republican party? Did you predict that?

Naw, you are just a court jester, in a blog that needed a fool.

Why does the mirror laugh at you, war dog? Where did your sad life go so wrong?

War Dog said...

That's really the thing isn't it..???

You don't really have a party...

Howard Dean was a close as you have ever come..

And he got slam dunked in the primary...

Bill and Hill have a solid proven track record...

A fine middle of the road performance..

If you want Wild-Eyed Crazy Talk you are gonna have to start a 3rd party..!!!!

Anonymous said...

War Dog. Give it a rest for tonight.

Or You will be banned

Anonymous said...

WD said: "If you read the Blog you would know Hillary is the Candidate I am working for..."

Does that self illusion comfort you? Do you really believe anyone is fooled by your oafish, and trite attempt at delusion?

The noose you have strung above you, hanging from the rafter is calling you, sad clown.

It wants you to join it.

It wants to complete the sad love affair your whole life has been leading up to.

That noose wants to hold you in a long loving embrace. The only love you will ever now.

War Dog said...

Naw, you are just a court jester, in a blog that needed a fool.

Why does the mirror laugh at you, war dog? Where did your sad life go so wrong?

May 5, 2007 12:53 AM


Good lord...

Who cares about parties...

They are interchangeable...

It is about Conservative and Liberal...

Did you check the VETO vote...

Bush won....

What have the Dems done in the last 6 months...


Just like the last 6 years...

War Dog said...

It wants to complete the sad love affair your whole life has been leading up to.

That noose wants to hold you in a long loving embrace. The only love you will ever now.

May 5, 2007 12:57 AM


Ha ha ha haha ha ha ha....

I was lookin for your Hippy Candidate in the news..


No one home...

Anonymous said...

Chuck and Squidcat's song is now #1 on the King of the Blues website.

War Dog said...

That's really the thing isn't it..

You have wasted 6 years attacking a man who is not going to run again..

Then the old school dems retook the party...

And guess who is the odd man out..!!!

Anonymous said...

WD said "was lookin for your Hippy Candidate in the news.."

Who is the Hippy Candidate war dog?

Is he only in your mind? Can you find him if you dig far enough into your skull? Can that hammer finally release the "hippy Candidate" trapped in your skull?

You will never know until you try to crack that mystery lying deep in your skull!

Anonymous said...

War Dog

You do not even read this blog

You just post your little screed

No one is attacking your precious. He is beyond relevant at the moment.

No one is attacking your precious Hillary either. She too, is losing relevance in the actual political scene. You know in the real world where you do not live.


War Dog said...

Who is the Hippy Candidate war dog?

Is he only in your mind? Can you find him if you dig far enough into your skull? Can that hammer finally release the "hippy Candidate" trapped in your skull?

You will never know until you try to crack that mystery lying deep in your skull!

May 5, 2007 1:04 AM


There is none..

No Cindy Sheehan Party..

No Michael Moore Party..

No Howard Dean Pary...

No Dennis Kucinish Party..

No Mike Gravel Party..

What we got is Bill and Hill..

Good ol' welfare cuttin...

Chubby Chasin..

Money Makin Bill...

And Ya gotta love that..!!!!

Anonymous said...

no one even talks about candidates here dipshit!

we post news stories and discuss current events and personal things

you are trolling the wrong blog!

When was the last time you saw anyone here seriosly pull for any candidate?

GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...


The idea is simple: Let's liberate love and joy from the confines of the individual, the couple, and the family, and let's create new forms of shared joy and shared love! Write poetry on post-it notes and stick them up all over town! Steal children's books from your local mega-chain bookstore, and give them out to random kids on the street! Steal food from your local chain supermarket, and give it to the homeless! Let's turn commodities into gifts! Raid some bourgeois suburban gardens for their roses, and walk around the city giving free flowers to all and sundry! It's like the Situationists used to say: "You can't buy happiness, so steal it!" This is true liberation! Liberating commodities from the market and reclaiming the commons!

We need a new theory of value too... Capitalism is all about exchange value - the worth of goods and services becomes reducible to its exchange value on the market. Marxists argued against this, in favour of "use value" - that goods and services should be valued according to their utilitarian value, not their exchange value. How boring though!!! Why reduce joy and love and art and beauty to either exchange value OR utilitarianism??? Maybe we can argue for "gift value" as that which enables joy and love and desire to flow and to become COMMON. Let's create a "gift economy", as Marcel Mauss called it!

Think for a moment about the joke that is the capitalist "free market". Of course we know that it means freedom for business, not freedom for people. And it is anything but free! Think of all the human and environmental costs! The true "free market" would be the gift economy! The true free society would be a kind of "wiki-society"! A few years ago, I read about an anarchist group in Berlin who used to gather all their unwanted stuff every Christmas, and give it away for free in the centre of Berlin. I thought this was brilliant! It totally challenges the capitalist consumerist orgy that it Christmas, but not in a head-to-head antagonistic way. It redefines the gift in a Maussian sense, and challenges the commoditisation of giving and the way in which this has been institutionalised through Christmas.

Love needs to be redefined as LIFE IN COMMON!


Anonymous said...

(hee hee hee! Raygun was a pathetic actor and a querulous fool!)

(Sorry, the devil made me do that.)

Anonymous said...

"Obama Wants Debate Footage Copyright Waived"


Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama has asked Democratic National Committee Howard Dean to make video of the Democratic presidential debates publicly available free and unrestricted, according to a copy of the letter supplied by

Obama wants the copyright holder --whether the DNC or a media outlet -- to waive copyright, saying "there is no reason that this particular class of content needs the protection."

For its part according to a copy of the usage rules for its May 3 Republican debate coverage, MSNBC, which provided the video of last week's Democratic debate as well, said that it and co-sponsor were maintaining control over the footage.

Barack joins a call by MoveOn, NOW and others to allow Republican and Democrat's debate footage to be posted on Websites, including social networking sites.


Sunshine Jim said...

i could go for a bit of joy this evening.

i spent most of today thinking on and off about my friend that died at kent state.

nothing i can do other than to get on with my own life and keep him alive in my memories.

Anonymous said...

What have the Dems done in the last 6 months...



Is it senility, WD?

We will start by cleaning up Congress, ending the link between lobbyists and legislation.
H.Res. 6, Title II, "Adopting the Rules of the House of Representatives for the One Hundred Tenth Congress." passed 430-1, Jan. 4th, 2007

We will commit to pay-as-you-go, no new deficit spending.
H.Res. 6, Title IV, "Adopting the Rules of the House of Representatives for the One Hundred Tenth Congress." passed 280-152, Jan. 5th, 2007

We will make our nation safer by implementing the recommendations of the independent, bipartisan 9/11 Commission.
H.R. 1, "Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Act of 2007." passed 299-128, Jan. 9th, 2007

We will make our economy fairer, and start by raising the minimum wage. We will not pass a pay raise for Congress until there is an increase in the minimum wage.
H.R. 2, "Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007." passed 315-116, Jan. 10th, 2007

We will promote stem cell research to offer real hope to the millions of American families who suffer from devastating diseases.
H.R. 3, "Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act." passed 253-174, Jan. 11th, 2007

We will make health care more affordable for all Americans, and we will begin by fixing the Medicare prescription drug program, putting seniors first by negotiating lower drug prices.
H.R. 4, "Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act." passed 255-170, Jan. 12th, 2007
We will broaden college opportunity, and we will begin by cutting interest rates for student loans in half.
H.R. 5, "College Student Relief Act of 2007." passed 356-71, Jan. 17th, 2007
We will energize America by achieving energy independence, and we will begin by rolling back the multi-billion dollar subsidies for Big Oil.
H.R. 6, "Creating Long-Term Energy Alternatives for the Nation Act." passed 264-163, Jan. 18th, 2007

Anonymous said...

"If Democrats Want to Help the Poor..."
By E. J. Dionne Jr.


"Republicans once preached compassion, but then went off to war. Democrats waged a war on poverty, but then lost some elections. They decided the middle class is where it's at.

But the poor are still with us, and their ranks are growing. One in eight Americans lives in poverty, which seems obscene given that the really rich are enjoying a level of privilege that makes the Gilded Age Vanderbilts look like abstemious Puritans."

"One reason our nation has maintained generally healthy levels of economic growth is our success in spreading income around -- particularly from the 1940s to the early 1970s."



"From Poverty to Prosperity: A National Strategy to Cut Poverty in Half"

By The Center for American Progress Task Force on Poverty


Anonymous said...

They should probably be made fair while he's at it.

Invite EVERY candidate to the debate.

Even the ones who haven't raised the "appropriate" level of corporate payola.

GBC said...

Heya Sunny J,

Your in my thoughts and prayers, ya sweet old man!

I'm so glad I got to know you.

It's late, I'm off to read a bit and then sleep.


Anonymous said...

Why widely distribute a myth?

Sunshine Jim said...


Anonymous said...

Sunshine Jim said...


May 5, 2007 1:38 AM

Anonymous said...

"The IU researchers found that O'Reilly called a person or a group a derogatory name once every 6.8 seconds, on average, or nearly nine times every minute during the editorials that open his program each night." (thanks Riad)

Anonymous said...

"Moon Over Houston"
by digby


Can someone please explain to me why this is not a story the mainstream press ever bothers to pursue?

"From non-profit tax returns and media reports we see that at least $3,335,000 has flowed from the Unification Movement to Bush family members or charities since George W. Bush has taken office."

I know that it is religiously incorrect to challenge any form of "faith" these days, but the Reverend Moon has an explicit crackpot agenda that seems to me should at least be worthy of examination seeing as he's funnelling millions to the president of the United States' family.

His haircut looks expensive to me. Maybe someone at the top papers could get on that --- and then look into his odd expenditures to the Bushes while they're at it.

Evidently Moon's followers are praying for a pardon for their leader. That might be a place to start.


Anonymous said...

Star Vox "Evidently Moon's followers are praying for a pardon for their leader"

It could be swept away as "politics as usual", but we do not live in usual times.

And the radical fundamentalist christians associated with Bush are not ordinary Christians.

Hence the $$$ from the new Messiah Rev Moon.

Anonymous said...

~~~ dam FG!

~~~ that is one fine sounding set!!!

~~~ fuckin A!

I'll tell Chuck you liked it. Want Nobes to hear it. Spose he ain't around much anymore... like me.

Alice said...

Being inspired, laughing at the absurdity of it all, having fun, subverting the dominant paradigm, finding joy and beauty in all things, living to the point of tears, seeing everyone and everything as my teachers, dancing naked under the full moon, great conversations over wine, getting overexcited at the lamest things, revolutionary politics, people, culture, counterculture, philosophy, poetry, spoken word, comedy, friends, making connections with people, cocktails, the beach, art, nature, social justice, environmental justice, dancing salsa, playing percussion, drumming, reading, writing, hiking, swimming, sailing, kayaking, waking up everyday and seeing reality as a blank wall and myself as a can of spraypaint, everything about Brazil, Mexico, India and the Philippines, funk music, arthouse cinema, ancient civilisations, future civilisations, being in love, sunsets, full moons, picnics, strawberries and coffee in bed, philosophising the interconnectedness of everything, revolutionising the everyday, insurgency, being human, being on Planet Earth...

Alice said...



Alice said...

Have some finesse!

Capitalism exploits us. How do we exploit it in turn? The situationist practice of "detournement" is instructive here, and has had a huge influence on the new postmodern practices of "culture-jamming", insitutionalised in the Ad-busters Magazine. Culture-jamming takes ads, billboards, capitalist propaganda, etc. but tweaks their message into being anti-capitalist! It is in this way that irony and parody can be such powerful weapons.

Naomi Klein wrote about culture-jamming, and used Jiu-Jitsu as a metaphor... the basic idea behind jiu-jitsu is to exploit the strength and power of one's opponent and to harness it and use it against him. One harnesses the momentum of the opponent and turns the power around, for example, to flip them to the ground or something like that. So jiu-jitsu is the perfect metaphor: The culture-jamming sensibility is all about jiu-jitsu resistance! It's about FINESSE not strength!

Say we were to take up arms and rely on strength, we know very well how capitalism would react. We would be crushed, just like the Black Panthers were. But if we can "have some finesse", then we can evade outright suicidal confrontation while still being revolutionary. The state and the powers that be don't know how to deal with irony!

For example, at recent anti-capitalist projects in Europe, there is a militant transgender formation calling themselves "Pink Bloc". They dress as fairies and dance around, and tickle riot policemen with feather-dusters!! hahaha! How the fuck are the police supposed to respond to that? We just make them look stupid! That's finesse right there :-)

Posted by J A G U A R I T O (Marco Hewitt)

Anonymous said...

Alice, am I wrong to be aroused?

It was really "can of spraypaint" that did it for me.

Are you married?

Alice said...

How could you not be, donn? Spraypaint is so sensuous...or sensual...


(I hope you've seen animal house..)

:) Am I married...that's a good question.

Alice said...

I guess my intention worked..I wanted to read certain things & a fortunate series of events led me to Insurgelicious blog tonight...without realizing til after I clicked the headline it was Marco...he's responsible for the quote I keep at the top of my alice blog...sounds like he's having a great week emotion-wise..

Ok..goodnight, Blog.. oxo...

Anonymous said...

Tom Waits has the image of the devil in his fireplace shovel!

Pass it on!

Anonymous said...

Alice... I love you.

I always will.


That is something that will never be between us, but never apart from us.

Was it as good for you as it was for me?

Pardon me for a second...

War Dog is a small dancing minuet, a shadow of life: barking mouse.

Alice, I love you!

Please, keep me high amongst your suitors.

Anonymous said...

NRA opposes bill to stop gun sales to terror suspects

The National Rifle Association is urging the Bush administration to withdraw its support of a bill that would prohibit suspected terrorists from buying firearms.

toniD said...

May 04, 2007 -- 06:36 PM EST // link)
This should provide no end of entertainment. Some right-wingers apparently think Youtube is biased against them. So a crew of them have created Qubetv, a right-wing only Youtube, basically like a digital innertube for folks who can't hack it out on the actual internet.

-- Josh Marshall

toniD said...

Feds Indict Alaska GOPers
By Paul Kiel - May 4, 2007, 6:06 PM
I tell you, corruption doesn't get any uglier than Alaskan corruption.

The investigation surrounding VECO, an Alaskan oil company, has finally borne fruit. Two Republican members of the state legislature were indicted today, one of them the former speaker of the house. There's still no word on the fate of former state Sen. Ben Stevens, son of Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK), who is also under investigation.

Oh, and it's ugly. Pete Kott and Bruce Weyhrauch are on the hook for trading votes for cash and sweet jobs, plain and simple. From The Anchorage Daily News:

The indictment says Kott asked executives of the unnamed company for money and a job after he left the Legislature. Weyhrauch, an attorney, asked for a job and legal work, the indictment says.
On about Sept. 26, 2005, the indictment says, Kott called an unnamed company vice president and said, “I need a job.”

The vice president replied, “You’ve got a job; get us a pipeline,” the indictment says....

In a meeting on April 18, 2006, Kott told the company executives, “You’ll get your pipeline, the governor gets his bill, and I’ll get my job in Barbados.”...

Kott met with the company executives in their hotel suite on May 7, the indictment says, and told them he had tried to defeat an amendment to the oil tax the company didn’t like.

“I had to cheat, steal, beg, borrow and lie,” Kott said, according to the indictment.

The company’s chief executive responded, “I own your ass,” the indictment says.

These two are among the same group of legislators who took a shine to calling themselves the "Corrupt Bastards Caucus." No wonder.


blah blah blah said...

but until they throw the upper management and board of directors of veco in jail, nothing will change.

Sunshine Jim said...


woke up here at 4 am.

most every one i know is snoozing away.

every once in a while, we all synch up for early morning sessions.

some of those have been beauties. total freedom from any agendas or requirements…

were’nt the blue feet on those boobies a treat? the colors in nature are so amazing and diverse.

everyone else got up when i did to keep me company.

Bgurl fell asleep on the couch after her midnight dinner (i crashed just before she got home)

her me and the dogs having a wonderful time, yakking, dogs conned us into a pee excursion, ruzz clearly intending to hunt a rat in the old 48 dodge 4 door in the back lot as soon as she relieved herself, but frustrated by the leash and harness we slipped on her.
ordinarily we’d let her hunt for a coupla hours but we have 14 girl kids sleeping outside at the neighbors, her youth group! they were playing thru the fence with the Jacks earlier.

so heres Bgurl in her Business suit fuzzy slippers and floppy bathrobe with the doggers on leashes at 4 in the morning outside, in her fenced yard, all three too cute for words.

we had meatball sandwiches with fresh french bread and coffee and now the rest of them are back asleep.

5 am~ the first bird song of the morning is heard.

beautiful sound, always evokes an image of sherwood forest in my mind.

Sunshine Jim said...

for all you early birds... and A. when she wakes up.

"Silence is golden..."

Sunshine Jim said...

for all you 'cute cat pix pukes'

toniD said...

Morning Jim, Blah 3.

I'm up early coz I have to work today. It's my long day 9:30 to 6 and then I have to work 7:45 AM - 12 PM tomorrow.

This job is waring me out. These two days are push days.

toniD said...

AP Uncritically Reports Giuliani Campaign’s Efforts To Marginalize Olbermann
Last week, MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann delivered a special comment criticizing Rudy Giuliani for his recent partisan fearmongering. This week, he hosted MSNBC’s coverage of the Republican presidential debate.

Olbermann’s presence on debate night coverage angered the Giuliani campaign. The AP reports:

The Giuliani campaign privately expressed its concern to NBC News about Olbermann’s role in the days leading up to last Thursday’s debate. … MSNBC spokesman Jeremy Gaines said a Giuliani campaign representative had called NBC News to complain about Olbermann being part of the debate telecast following his commentary.

The Giuliani campaign has a right to make its complaints known, just as many on the left have raised arguments about the bias of Fox News’ participation in Democratic debates. But it’s the role of the media to place the story in its proper context, and the AP account fails to do that.

Blindly accepting the Giuliani campaign’s argument, the AP story singles out Olbermann for criticism. “Olbermann’s popularity and evolving image as an idealogue has led NBC News to stretch traditional notions of journalistic objectivity,” the story reports. It continues, “Even for television hosts unafraid to say what they think — Chris Matthews, for instance — there’s still a little mystery about what they’ll do inside a voting booth.”

The AP fails to note that another MSNBC host who was involved in debate night coverage — Joe Scarborough — campaigned for President Bush in 2004. Media Matters has noted that Scarborough also helped propagate partisan talking points. There is certainly no mystery as to who he voted for.

The issue here isn’t Olbermann, who fairly and ably quarterbacked the debate coverage. By uncritically reporting the Guiliani campaign’s argument, the AP engaged in the very bias that its report implies it is above.


Anonymous said...

Holy shit!

War Dog really did a number on this blog yesterday.

That miserable failure sure does have it in for the few people that hang out here.

He's decided that he will destroy this place by being the last person standing here and I wouldn't doubt him.

He makes the blog unreadable with his bullshit and his taunts and that is his MO.

Sam let him do it and to a large degree, so have many of the blog regulars that have been enabling him.

While War Dog has been laughing at the people here and looking down at them like crazy talking scum, they have been chatting back with him as if he is some how going to change and quit destroying the blog.

toniD said...

Pentagon Casts Report Of Increased Combat Stress Among Troops As Positive News »
A disturbing Pentagon report finds that the more often soldiers are deployed, the more likely they are to “suffer mental health problems such as combat trauma, anxiety and depression.” The Washington Post reports some of the findings about the impact combat stress is having on the troops:

More than one-third of U.S. soldiers in Iraq surveyed by the Army said they believe torture should be allowed if it helps gather important information about insurgents, the Pentagon disclosed yesterday. Four in 10 said they approve of such illegal abuse if it would save the life of a fellow soldier.

In addition, about two-thirds of Marines and half the Army troops surveyed said they would not report a team member for mistreating a civilian or for destroying civilian property unnecessarily. “Less than half of Soldiers and Marines believed that non-combatants should be treated with dignity and respect,” the Army report stated.

Acting Army Surgeon Maj. Gen. Gale Pollock characterized the report as positive news, telling reporters: “What it speaks to is the leadership that the military is providing, because they’re not acting on those thoughts. They’re not torturing the people.”

A livid Lou Dobbs reacted to Pollack’s statement with outrage:

This leadership is putting our men and women, the finest young people we’ve ever put in uniform, into absolutely impossible situations and then taking credit for them not living out their statements on some sort of bureaucratic psychiatric form? I mean, that is despicable.


[H]ow in the world can the leadership in that building…sit there and compliment themselves and those officers while they were extending their tours to 15 months and putting them in the most impossible of situations?

Watch it:


blah blah blah said...

morning all. have a good day at work toniD. cinco de mayo and derby day. what a nexus.

toniD said...

NRA: Terror suspects should
be allowed to buy firearms
The National Rifle Association is urging the Bush administration to withdraw its support of a bill that would prohibit suspected terrorists from buying firearms. Backed by the Justice Department, the measure would give the attorney general the discretion to block gun sales, licenses or permits to terror suspects.


toniD said...

Lawmaker works to put
hold on VA bonuses
The chairman of a House panel wants to stop hefty bonus payments to senior Veterans Affairs officials until they reduce a severe backlog of veterans waiting for disability benefits.


toniD said...

White House trying to clarify Bush's 'commander guy' comment
The White House is trying to clarify something: President George W. Bush is "a commander guy" but not "the commander guy." Or something like that.


toniD said...

Americans running out of
patience with Iraq occupation
Wearied by steady losses and few tangible signs of progress in the war in Iraq, the U.S. public is running out of one resource America's enemies appear to have in abundance -- patience.


toniD said...

GOP convention
papers ordered opened
The city cannot prevent the public from seeing documents describing intelligence that police gathered to help them create policies for arrests at the 2004 Republican National Convention, a judge said Friday.


Sunshine Jim said...

war gog?

destroying the blog?

yup after 3 years he's made a lot of progress.

no one ever posts here, theres no humor or news left, the regulars are all gone, the blog has'nt worked for days, and and and my atheletes foot has run off without me and it's all war clogs fault!

(the effin ahole!)

toniD said...

Iraq Bans Medical Diplomas To Keep Doctors From Fleeing
The Washington Post | Karin Brulliard | May 5, 2007 07:53 AM

Iraq is hemorrhaging doctors as violence racks the nation. To stem the flow, the Iraqi government has recently taken a cue from Saddam Hussein: Medical schools are once again forbidden to issue diplomas and transcripts to new graduates.

Hussein built a fine medical system in part by withholding doctors' passports and diplomas. Although physicians can work in Iraq with a letter from a medical school verifying their graduation, they say they need certificates and transcripts to work abroad.


toniD said...

Okay, I'm gone til tonight.

Hope you have a WD free day. I'm done with him.

But don't discuss him when he's not here because it's like he's still here.

There's more important stuff to talk about. IMHO!

Sunshine Jim said...


definitely no warsmog comments!

i won't mention him again.

Anonymous said...

Anybody know the low down on what the future AAR schedule will be?

Who will take the early morning slot?
Who else will shift times.

It would be nice to know what will happen after the 14th.

Sunshine Jim said...

talking about warp dog just gives him pschic blog powers and curdles fragile liberal minds that were'nt that strong to begin with.

Sunshine Jim said...

so no more waR foG confrontations and definitely don't mention his name. because if you mention wardorf name three times he shows up, so ixnay on the arway ogday!

i'm serious now! just hold yer breath and he'll go away.

Sunshine Jim said...

and don't talk to him or about him!

did i mention that already?

Sunshine Jim said...

After all we can't fold in the face of daunting doggie truthiness!

I say maintain your courage despite the odds!

Sunshine Jim said...

6:15 here and the first yelps, squeals, and laffing from the camper kids next door!

stunned silence from the birds,

dogs are sleeping thru it, old news for them.

the burds regroup and chirping "good morning gurls" in chorus.

it's boring here, nothing ever happens.

wheres the drama and exciteamentals of old? cows with guns? squirls with uzi's?

Sunshine Jim said...

now all that's left is war fool and squirlz with URLs.

Sunshine Jim said...

whoops 6:40 and free asociation warfart poetry period is over!

back to the "we're doomed and theres not a goldurned thing i can do about it" show!

Anonymous said...

Oh man this new guy is horrible. PLease, please, please bring Sam back.

No questions will be asked...

Anonymous said...

i'm a book by Ilona Meagher
(the sexiest woman alive)


Anonymous said...

Mstislav Rostropovich (the cellist) who died last week, saved russia from the "August coup attempt of 1991 by hard-line Communists"

Listen here

View Playlist here

Anonymous said...

In February this year the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report with some of their strongest statements to date on global warming. The view of the IPCC was unequivocal - the consensus - that global temperatures are on the rise and being driven overwhelmingly by fossil fuel emissions. But there are some among the scientific community, albeit a relatively small group, who challenge this 'consensus' and think that the debate is far from over.

the global warming debate then went on to say...
or download

Anonymous said...

(it's really up to you)

bibimimi said...


aka Christmas for de-gens

Fernando said...


aka I ate the worm day.

bibimimi said...

Fernando said...


aka I ate the worm day.

May 5, 2007 11:36 AM

If Derby Day falls on Cinco de Mayo, you get a chug-a-lug-of war between margaritas and mint juleps.

A true vomitpalooza.

Anonymous said...

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

To celebrate here in the U.S. I will be calling the I.C.E squad on my neighbors who I think might not be white.

It could be a dark tan, but one should leave that up to professionals.


Anonymous said...


One time I saw them wear really bright clothes too

you can bet I am passing that on as well

not gonna let it happen


Anonymous said...

I realized something this morning that made me feel incredibly joyful

America is most definately descending into fascism.

No, that was not the cheery part.

The cheery part is we are not going down without a good fight. People are protesting. People are boycotting and writing letters. People are online organizing.

Americans don't go down without a fight.


bibimimi said...

not gonna let it happen


May 5, 2007 12:18 PM

greeting citizen conbo! wayda narc!

bibimimi said...

i luv me the rude pundit:

"Robo-Romney, all tan and perfectly-coiffed (how much for his fuckin' hairdo?), was absolutely the kind of guy who, if you saw him walking up to your front door on a Saturday morning, you'd shut off the TV and pretend you're not home.

But his uber-creepy moment was, in answer to what he disliked about America (which is a stupid fuckin' question to begin with), he went on about how molto-splendiferous America is, full of "hardworking, innovative, risk-taking, God-loving, family-oriented American people." And then he said, "It's that optimism we thank Ronald Reagan for." Yep, before Reagan, America was just a cesspool of cynicism and hatred, pessimism and blind adherence to lazy, solitary worship of ancient deities that they sacrificed babies to. But the divorced guy who was an asshole to his kids, gutted poverty programs, and wrecked the American economy, he made us all feel better."

Anonymous said...

I'm not wearing any underwear!

But I ain't no fascist!

Anonymous said...

From the Mind of the ‘Commander Guy’
Posted on May 4, 2007

By Eugene Robinson

WASHINGTON—Is George W. Bush even trying to make sense anymore?

On Wednesday, speaking to the Associated General Contractors of America, Bush gave himself a new nickname. Responding to a question from the audience, he asked rhetorically whether “the Congress or the commanders” should decide how many U.S. troops are needed in Iraq.

“And as you know,” he went on, “my position is clear—I’m the Commander Guy.”

That leaves me somewhat confused. If he’s now the Commander Guy, does that mean I have to stop calling him the Decider? Or does he spend some days deciding and other days commanding?

Maybe there were further clues to the president’s decision-making style in the rambling talk he gave a couple of weeks ago at Tippecanoe High School in Tipp City, Ohio. He recalled that just before his inauguration in 2001, the head usher at the White House called and asked what color rug he wanted in the Oval Office. He delegated the task of designing a new presidential rug to his wife, Laura.

“But I said, I want it to say something—the president has got to be a strategic thinker and I said to her, make sure the rug says ‘optimistic person comes to work.’ Because you can’t make decisions unless you’re optimistic that the decisions you make will lead to a better tomorrow.” The result, he said, is “this fantastic rug that looks like the sun. And it just sets the tone for the Oval Office.”

While discussing the situation in Iraq, Bush told the Tipp City audience that “I happen to think there will be an additional dividend when we succeed—remember the rug?”

Does that make the rug an Assistant Decider? Will the rug get a Medal of Freedom, just like George Tenet?

That Ohio appearance generated so many new Bushisms that it’s hard to know where to begin. Asked about the polls showing the unpopularity of the war and his own low approval rating, Bush said, “I’ve been in politics long enough to know that polls just go poof at times.” Asked about immigration, Bush said, “There are jobs Americans aren’t doing. ... If you’ve got a chicken factory, a chicken-plucking factory, or whatever you call them, you know what I’m talking about.”

Um, sure, Mr. President, we follow you. All the way to the chicken factory.

Lord Foppington said...

I'm missing Sam even more than I thought I would

Anonymous said...

By Marcus Mabry
Updated: 10:31 a.m. ET May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007 - It’s hard to say which is worse news for Republicans: that George W. Bush now has the worst approval rating of an American president in a generation, or that he seems to be dragging every ’08 Republican presidential candidate down with him. But According to the new NEWSWEEK Poll, the public’s approval of Bush has sunk to 28 percent, an all-time low for this president in our poll, and a point lower than Gallup recorded for his father at Bush Sr.’s nadir. The last president to be this unpopular was Jimmy Carter who also scored a 28 percent approval in 1979. This remarkably low rating seems to be casting a dark shadow over the GOP’s chances for victory in ’08. The NEWSWEEK Poll finds each of the leading Democratic contenders beating the Republican frontrunners in head-to-head matchups.

Perhaps that explains why Republican candidates, participating in their first major debate this week, mentioned Bush’s name only once, but Ronald Reagan’s 19 times. (The debate was held at Reagan’s presidential library.)

When the NEWSWEEK Poll asked more than 1,000 adults on Wednesday and Thursday night (before and during the GOP debate) which president showed the greatest political courage—meaning being brave enough to make the right decisions for the country, even if it jeopardized his popularity —more respondents volunteered Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton (18 percent each) than any other president. Fourteen percent of adults named John F. Kennedy and 10 percent said Abraham Lincoln. Only four percent mentioned George W. Bush. (Then again, only five percent volunteered Franklin Roosevelt and only three percent said George Washington.)

A majority of Americans believe Bush is not politically courageous: 55 percent vs. 40 percent. And nearly two out of three Americans (62 percent) believe his recent actions in Iraq show he is “stubborn and unwilling to admit his mistakes,” compared to 30 percent who say Bush’s actions demonstrate that he is “willing to take political risks to do what’s right.”

New Owner said...

Bush down to his last 28...percent Bush is down to either his last 28% or last 28 followers, one or the other. And most of them were created in secret off-shore labs using the dna from institutionalized criminals, imbeciles, Tourettes' afflicted, sheep, moths, and lemmings.

They are genetically altered to say stuff like "Freedom is on the march!" and "Peace through War" and "Our glorious Leader Bush" and, out of the blue, in what appears to be a totally random ejaculation, they are known to shout "Outcomes!"

On what may be a related note, 28% of the American public are complete unable to discern shit from Shine-ola.

New Owner said...

It's good to see that around 72% of Americans have some standards, even if some of them have only recently discovered them.

Bush will keep at least 8% of the population. They will be made up of the Antisocial (4%) Sociopathic (3%) and Psychopaths (1%).

Antisocial: Sense of entitlement; Unremorseful; Apathetic to others; Unconscionable behavior; Blameful of others; Manipulative and conning; Affectively cold; Disparate understanding; Socially irresponsible; Disregardful of obligations; Nonconforming to norms; Irresponsible

Sociopath:Egocentricity; Callousness; Impulsivity; Conscience defect; Exaggerated sexuality; Excessive boasting; Risk taking; Inability to resist temptation; Antagonistic, deprecating attitude toward the opposite sex; Lack of interest in bonding with a mate.

Psychopath: Glib and superficial charm; Grandiose sense of self-worth; Need for stimulation; Pathological lying; Conning and manipulativeness; Lack of remorse or guilt; Shallow affect; Callousness and lack of empathy; Parasitic lifestyle; Poor behavioral controls; Promiscuous sexual behavior; Early behavior problems; Lack of realistic, long-term goals; Impulsivity; Irresponsibility; Failure to accept responsibility for own actions; Many short-term marital relationships; Juvenile delinquency; Revocation of conditional release; Criminal versatility

That last one sounds like Bush himself.

bibimimi said...


where the F R U?

yer country needs U...28% and a beer.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I need your opinions!

How to celebrate Cinco De Mayo in the U.S.


what is wrong with the people over there?


Anonymous said...

How To celebrate Cinco De Mayo in the U.S.

does anyone think this is racist?


Honest opinions-maybe I;m racist and don't know it


bibimimi said...

28% and a beer.

May 5, 2007 2:58 PM

make that a Carona...happy sinko du my-o

bibimimi said...

maybe I'm racist and don't know it


May 5, 2007 3:16 PM


this cornhole country has become a place where can smack peaceful people gathering in McArthur Park with, I anticipate, impunity.

The whole system blows.

Anonymous said...

One of the people who called me a racist said i was making fun of brown people's festivies


that is more racist then anything I have heard!!!!!

No one else commented because they thought it was racist and couldn't put their finger on it


Does talking about differences between cultures classify one as a racist?

my god we are in worse shape then i thought


Anonymous said...

so stupid

i am racist the way Lou Dobbs is honest

maybe they aren't actually around hispanic culture
so it sounds racist



Crank Bait said...


Re: Your post May 5, 2007 2:43 PM

Bait Blog News Service has opened a position for you. The benefits stink and the pay is nonexistent but you get to write whatever you want so long as you think it's funny. If I think it's funny, you get a promotion.

("...Shiite from Shinola" woulda been funnier. I'm just saying...)

New Owner said...

I may take you up on yer offer,

Anonymous said...

Bush's Illegal Use Of Signing Statements Is Impeachment Reason No. 1

In a Pulitzer Prize-winning article in the Boston Globe, Charlie Savage courageously published details of Bush's outrageous "signing statements" added to new legislation. Bush has been assuming the powers of a dictator, ruling by decree, under our noses.

"Since taking office in 2001, President Bush has issued signing statements on more than 750 new laws, declaring that he has the power to set aside the laws when they conflict with his legal interpretation of the Constitution. The federal government is instructed to follow the statements when it enforces the laws. Here are 10 examples and the dates Bush signed them:

March 9: Justice Department officials must give reports to Congress by certain dates on how the FBI is using the USA Patriot Act to search homes and secretly seize papers.

Bush's signing statement: The president can order Justice Department officials to withhold any information from Congress if he decides it could impair national security or executive branch operations.

Dec. 30, 2005: US interrogators cannot torture prisoners or otherwise subject them to cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.

Bush's signing statement: The president, as commander in chief, can waive the torture ban if he decides that harsh interrogation techniques will assist in preventing terrorist attacks.

Dec. 30: When requested, scientific information ''prepared by government researchers and scientists shall be transmitted [to Congress] uncensored and without delay."

Bush's signing statement: The president can tell researchers to withhold any information from Congress if he decides its disclosure could impair foreign relations, national security, or the workings of the executive branch.

Anonymous said...

Despots NEVER live out their old age in peace and quiet in their own land.

Bush and Cheney are in for hellacious decades ahead.

blah blah blah said...

On the editorial page of Cincinnati's local paper, every couple of days they have a guest editorial by a member of the community. The following right wing rant was run today, supposedly by a local citizen serving in afghanistan:

America needs to remain tough on terror by Jerry Utterback.

Matthew Barnes really hits the nail on the head in his Your Voice column ("U.S. must stay in Iraq to keep Iran at bay," May 2). The Democrats need to pull their head out of the sand. I served in the U.S. Army for 30 years, served in Vietnam and I am currently serving in Afghanistan helping to train the new Afghan National Army.

I cannot believe Sen. Harry Reid would say to the world we have lost the war. If we have lost, then who has won? The answer in my opinion is Iran, and God help us if we pull out and this happens.

What really scares me is if the Democrats win all in 2008, then this is what I think will happen: The terrorists will come to America and they will set off a dirty bomb with enough power to kill 100,000-plus Americans.

I hope I am wrong. You cannot appease a terrorist. He has one mission: kill. Wake up. They hate us.

America needs to win this war, but it will take time. I do not want my children and grandchildren to have to live in fear of terrorists, and I believe most Americans want the same for their children as well.

America needs leaders that are not afraid to fight for what is right and not afraid of what the rest of the world might say if we take action. The world blames all on America. I would hate to think what this world would be like today if America had never been founded.

The Democrats and Republicans need to work as a team for what is best for America and the American people, not what is best for their party. Please do not sell the soul of America and our values for the sake of a vote. All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men (or a good country)to do nothing.

Florence resident Jerry Utterback, CSM, U.S. Army (retired) is now serving at Camp Spann, Afghanistan.

my question to whoever reads this, did your local paper contain a similar column? was it written by a "local" patriot? did it damn the democrats and say the only thing that will keep america safe is a republican? i ask because i suspect this is generated elsewhere and planted locally, under the assumption that someone from cincinnati probably wouldn't read a newspaper from say seattle or dallas...

Alice said...


Ok...I can live with that.... :)

Anonymous said...

Interview With Senior Ba'ath Party Member

By Dahr Jamail

On Sunday April 15th I interviewed a high ranking member of Iraq's Ba'ath Party in Damascus, Syria. Like many senior party members, he lives in exile in Syria, and spoke on condition of anonymity by asking to be referred to as Abu Mohammed. The following is an exclusive interview:

Dahr Jamail: Please tell me a little about your position.

Abu Mohammed: I am a representative of the Ba'ath Party and Iraq's National Resistance.

DJ: Western corporate media portrays most of the violence in Iraq as if it is the Iraqis who are killing each other with suicide car bombs in markets, etc. What is your opinion of Iraqi on Iraqi violence?

AM: As a matter of fact, since the beginning of the occupation, the Iraqi resistance has been doing their operations only against American troops and their allies. Iraqis killing each other and civilians dying is the fault of the invaders because there are too many parties and all these parties formed militias. Some of these are supported by the Americans, some by the Zionists, and some by the Iranians. But the job of the Iraqi resistance is to get rid of the American occupation and they are not killing civilians.

DJ: Then who is responsible for killing the civilians?

Anonymous said...

On Waking Up
Victoria Hardy
May 1, 2007

They say perception is reality and there are many different realities out there, perceptions of the world that are as opposite as night from day. I assumed this was common knowledge, but when I see people holding so tightly to their opinions and beliefs and expecting others to fall in line, I am left befuddled. The seekers in the world walk a fine line, balanced precariously between fitting in and standing out. Or perhaps I should call them thinkers, no longer satisfied with the multi-media thought numbing outlets, made restless and uncomfortable with the blurs between truth and entertainment, they insist on seeing behind the curtain.

I wonder about a world where it is an established fact that people are different, but every means possible is undertaken to make us the same, want the same things and think the same way. This idea of uniformity crosses so many barriers and dimensions of our lives, from the way we dress and talk, to our thoughts and the beliefs we hold most dear, to the movies we see and the places we eat. It seems most don’t care to even consider why they must wear make-up to the grocery store or own the finest riding lawn mower on the block, we do because our parents did or our neighbors, friends and co-workers do and that’s good enough for us.

So when it comes to questioning bigger things like religion, wars and media fed illusions, most folks don’t want to be the odd man out, the non-conformist, the weirdo or the freak, it’s easier and safer to concede. The thing about questions is that they lead to other questions and once we uncover truths, we also uncover lies. And once we begin to see the illusions, what we once knew as truth begins to change shape and lose importance. Perhaps that is why questions are so offensive these days, we are not to question the status quo, be that the media, politics or religion. And I wonder if the pedestal on which the leaders have resided has become so unstable that just the right question could cause it to topple.

These last few years have been interesting for me, strange, traumatic, exciting and frightening and I’ve looked around trying to determine exactly what caused the change. I am strengthened by hearing others speak of “waking up” or “being called” and know that I am not alone in what appears to me to be a spiritual journey. I am not religious and I’m not a joiner, I believe that prayer works, I believe in God, but I think that religion is loaded with delusions and distractions. I’ve pondered at length what brought me to seeking, to questioning, was it the loss of my only child? Was it nearly losing my life at the hands of a surgeon just a few months later? I guess it doesn’t matter, because once we begin exposing the illusions, there’s really no looking back.

The term “wake up” is storming the Internet, it seems one side is always telling the other to wake up and even though I feel as if I am waking up, I wonder what I am waking to. The New World Order and Illuminati followers are telling us to wake up to the manipulations, the Chemtrail watchers are telling us to wake up to the poison in the sky, the UFO enthusiasts are telling us to wake up to the cover-ups about extraterrestrial life. The 911 Truthers tell us to wake up to the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people and the war protesters tell us to wake up to an illegal and corporate war. The ideas continue from global warming, the threat of terrorism, concentration camps on American soil, the winding down of the Mayan calendar, extraterrestrials on their way to earth to the second coming of Christ. Wake Up is the phrase of the day.

So for those of us waking, what are we waking to? We’ve seen the lines in the sky, spider webs or white snakes, just as the Native Americas predicted we would. We’ve seen the corruption in high places and wars, just as the Bible suggested we would. We’ve seen the odd lights in the sky, just as a myriad of prophecies from many cultures stated we would. And now we are left to figure out what it all means.

I wonder why others don’t seem to see what I see and then I wonder if it is my responsibility to wake them. Doesn’t this fall into the realm of choice and free-will? We choose to see or we choose not to. Some can look at 110 story buildings falling in under 10 seconds and say, that’s normal, others see an illusion. Some can look at the lines in the sky and say contrails, while others are made uneasy by the sight. Some can look at war and call it justified, while others only see misery, despair and death. Some look at global warming and see it as a result of man’s neglect, while others see only natural evolution. Some look at prophecies, Biblical and others, and call them absolute truth and some see total lies.

If we are spiritual beings having a human experience, as I suspect we are, then the idea that all of us must see and feel the same way is purely a human idea, ripe with illusions and self-preservation, the proverbial crabs in the bucket. And the free-will of waking up cannot be managed or manipulated, we will either choose to wake up and see what is coming next or we will be taken by surprise.

Anonymous said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Thanks to all the hardworking (for v. little money sadly) Immigrants who keep my state and hometown going... without them ... forget it ... it wouldn't exist and I kid you not.

I wish they could all wear colourful clothes - but they work 24/7 during 40+ degree most of the year and look very grey grey grey ... but they still smile at me when I say hello and couldn't be more helpful and friendly. It has always amazed me and it still does.

I am so upset at the LAPD - I can't rant - too upsetting. The violence reminds of the 60's scenes.

Immigrant bashing has been a fav hyped up subject of many California candidates - esp. the rightwingers when they had nothing else to say like super lightweight Michael Huffington and his white socialite immigrant wife Arianna in 94. It was a total disgrace. A lovely illegal not white nanny came to the rescue.

9/11 and terrorism has been a gift from heaven for the immigrant bashers.

ok I feel another rant coming on but it will only give me a migraine ... thats it.

Go immigrants! :)

Anonymous said...

Velvet sends Cinco de Mayo greetings to all the animales - esp. to los gatos :)

bibimimi said...

cincinnati is a notorious red-state right wing nut hatchery

bibimimi said...

esp. to los gatos :)

May 5, 2007 5:16 PM


muchos meows!

mmrules said...

"Veto Accomplished" Video Cartoon.
By Fiore.


mmrules said...

In the voice of the late,great Chris Farley:

Cinco Freaking De Mayo,Everybody!!


mmrules said...

Ofcourse I mean that in the best possible way.. :)

Crank Bait said...

Neoconcubine Scandal Turns On Big Bad Wolfie

The Sydney Morning Herald
May 5, 2007
Bait News Service regrets to inform you that it did not think up the above headline before the Sydney Morning Herald did.

Anonymous said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo Velvet, Sam, Willi, Lilypuss, Tan, Izzy, Mulder, Patrick, Odin, Cheddar, Rufus, Rusty, and all the kitties on the Blog!
A thrice-weekly blog written by an internationally famous immigrant cat now living in the US.
starring Señor Chico y amigos
¡Hola y bienvenidos al mundo del Señor Chico y sus amigos!

I am a gato muy grande from the fine land of Mexico. I was born a poor homeless kitten on the streets of Tijuana, and orphaned just after birth. A kind señorita took my brother and I back to her hotel when we were 2 days old. Sadly, my brother passed away that night. However, I was smuggled across the border in a shoebox, and flew on a plane from San Diego to Dallas Texas where I was adopted by that wonderful lovely señorita who raised me as her own.

blah blah blah said...

bibimimi troll'p said...
cincinnati is a notorious red-state right wing nut hatchery

you got that one right. liberals tend to be confined to inside the beltway / city. of course the area has been gerrymandered right down the middle so that the kooks that live outside the beltway can keep voting for the likes of boner, schmit, and chabot.

don't forget to finish off cinco de mayo with a good healthy dose of jagermeister...

Crank Bait said...

From the Sydney Morning Herald:

"...Published reports of Riza's early life are sketchy. Born in Tripoli or Tunis in 1953 or 1954 to a Libyan father and a Syrian-Saudi mother, she was raised in Saudi Arabia, where her father was a consultant to King Saud, and Britain. After moving to Britain (she is a British citizen) Riza embraced Western freedoms. At Oxford she meet her former husband, Bulent Ali Riza, a Turkish Cypriot. They have a son.

"In the late 1980s they moved to Washington and divorced. The move brought her into the orbit of neocons such as Wolfowitz, intent on reshaping the Middle East."
Wolfowitz: "Libyan Syrian Saudis; can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em."

blah blah blah said...

calling all conspiracy freaks. time for this months nazi metaphor.

the other night i was channel surfing and came across a history channel special on the night of the long knives. this refers to a time when hitler consolidated power.

its interesting on many levels from understand what happened 80 years ago to seeing a blueprint for what is happening today.

for example is 9/11 the equivalent of the reichstagg being burnt to the ground and blamed on extremists (terrorists). there is sufficient evidence many years later that the fire was an inside job.

mmrules said...

3 blah said:
my question to whoever reads this, did your local paper contain a similar column? was it written by a "local" patriot? did it damn the democrats and say the only thing that will keep america safe is a republican? i ask because i suspect this is generated elsewhere and planted locally, under the assumption that someone from cincinnati probably wouldn't read a newspaper from say seattle or dallas...

Check I would,but I'm soooo tired of already checking crap my 2 wingnut Brothers-in-law send me.... :)

Alice said...


blah blah blah said...

nothing at snopes yet. i checked the freepers site, now i need to go shower with bleach...

Alice said...

Critical Mass and the World Naked Bike ride are nice examples of periodic autonomous zones.

blah blah blah said...

anybody listening to ring of fire? kennedy and papantoni are some of the best on the radio. their segment on blackwater is truly frightening. america has its own version of the ss...

Anonymous said...

Today is Karl Marx's birthday.

Happy birthday, you old curmudgeon you!

I love ya!

mmrules said...

blah blah blah said...
nothing at snopes yet. i checked the freepers site, now i need to go shower with bleach...

Hahahahaha! Sorry :)

Anonymous said...


I am not dead.

Anonymous said...

im over it now

what a crappy weekend it has been


mmrules said...

blah blah blah said...
nothing at snopes yet. i checked the freepers site, now i need to go shower with bleach...

Been there,done that..But I've built up a resistance to the Bleach..Doesn't hurt as much..Well worth it though when cruzing through the freepers site.

Cat Chew said...

blah blah blah:

"Jerry Utterback, CSM, U.S. Army (retired) is now serving at Camp Spann, Afghanistan."

He's a civilian contractor, according to one of the many letters he wrote that are online. I don't know if he's with BlackWater or another group, but he has a pony in the race and his letter qualifies as astroturf for that reason.

Alice said...

Anonymous said...

Happy Cinco De Mayo!


May 5, 2007 12:16 PM
May 5, 2007 12:18 PM


Funny stuff, conbo...! My first laugh of the day... If someone can't see the snark in that...well. :)

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah said...
time for this months nazi metaphor.

May 5, 2007 6:15 PM


I recommend avoiding "Nazi" metaphors and comparisons.

I would rather have a person make his/her point directly and clearly. Why is the comparison necessary?

By the way, I disagree with the historical comparison in this case.

Sunshine Jim said...

eya A.!

package in the mail!

Anonymous said...

I don't know why you people say that I don't like the French.

I love French people!

Why else would I have named my daughter Vaseline?

That's a good French name.

Ya gotta love that!

I know I do!!

Anonymous said...

Alberto Gonzalez is a Nazi,
so there!

He's that Sgt. Schultz guy..."I know NOTHING!"

blah blah blah said...

I would rather have a person make his/her point directly and clearly. Why is the comparison necessary?

i think its a valid comparison. america is descending into a fascist hell day by day. its a road that has been traveled before and if you can get people to understand their history perhaps its a road that we won't travel again.

Alice said...

So cool, SJ...thanks!

"I will gladly repay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today..."...


Anonymous said...

Global Warming debate said...
the global warming debate then went on to say...

May 5, 2007 11:09 AM

Thanks for posting this.

Hi, Global Warming debate!

blah blah blah said...

thanks cat chew.

blah blah blah said...

well, its time for nascar or baseball (on hold cause its raining). have a good one. later.

Cat Chew said...

Here's the rest of it, blah blah blah:

Another letter from Command Sgt. Maj. Gerald Utterback (retired)
Camp Spann, Afghanistan here.
Maybe our troops aren't patriotic enough because they do not love the civilian contractors. He wants the respect of his former position but he's in the employ of the mercenaries, and has a problem with our troops not supporting him! That's my take, anyway.

Why doesn't his LTE mention who he is working for/serving currently?
Florence resident Jerry Utterback, CSM, U.S. Army (retired) is now serving at Camp Spann, Afghanistan.
You leave out a fact like that, to me that's the same as telling a big fib.
Oops, I took too long. Hope you have fun b3, and see this later.

Back to spring cleaning for me.

Anonymous said...

When looking at the ten Republican candidates on that stage

first thought I had: What a bunch of truly U-n-a-t-t-r-a-c-t-i-v-e Men!

And that is putting it mildly.
I mean, check this out, for instance:


"Mr Romney said he stopped supporting abortion rights after learning about stem cell research. He said his conversion was not a political ploy to win conservative support."

Right. Rolling eyes smilie here.

Anonymous said...

Laura, Roman, Bunni, Katmandu, Little Black, Louie, Minnie, Teddy Robyn, Jack, Bitey, Piggy, Patty, said...

Now that was a bunch of amazingly attractive gatos, however.
Loved it.
Will show Velvet after nap :)

toniD said...

Evening all!!

This is the funniest thing I've read in awhile:

giblets said...
Alberto Gonzalez is a Nazi,
so there!

He's that Sgt. Schultz guy..."I know NOTHING!"

May 5, 2007 7:21 PM

Heh! Thanks giblets!!

toniD said...

‘The Eternal General Alberto Gonzales.’ During remarks at a Cinco de Mayo ceremony at the White House, President Bush referred to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales as the Eternal General. NPR’s Don Gonyea reported on the incident with audio of Bush’s remarks:

The President’s comments came during an early Cinco de Mayo ceremony on the South lawn of the White House. While introducing assorted dignitaries in attendance, Mr. Bush modified the Attorney General’s title. BUSH: ‘I’m honored to be here with the eternal general of the United States, mi amigo Alberto Gonzales.’ He called him the eternal general. The president may have just slipped up, after all he is well-known as a public speaker prone to mangling the text on his page or maybe it’s another signal to those calling for Gonzalez to resign that if the president has his way, Alberto Gonzalez will be the Attorney General for a long time to come.


UPDATE: Watch the video:


Anonymous said...

blah blah blah said...

i think its a valid comparison. america is descending into a fascist hell day by day. its a road that has been traveled before and if you can get people to understand their history perhaps its a road that we won't travel again.
May 5, 2007 7:31 PM

First, I don't agree with the historical comparison.

Second, I strongly disagree with your comments.

Generally, people do not and will not associate themselves with Nazis and/or fascists. That is precisely why people will discount and ignore these types of comparisons and comments. (It is not "their" history).


Why do you think America is descending into a "fascist hell" day by day? Do you have any specific points or examples that you would like to share? What actions should be taken to change what is happening in America now?

I hope to catch you later. I won't discount or ignore your response.


"History does not repeat itself, historians merely repeat each other."

Unknown said...

"Tom Waits has the image of the devil in his fireplace shovel"

There ain't no devil, there's just god when he's drunk.

Unknown said...

McCartney & Wings - Band on the Run

And why not.

Unknown said...


Alice said...

dada said...

And why not.

May 5, 2007 8:45 PM

I'll tell you why not, because it's right up there with Silly Love Songs... "and what's wrong with that..? I'd like to know..." Ha..

Unknown said...

Picasso's Last Words's%20Last%20Words%20(Drink%20to%20Me).wma

Drink to me, drink to my health, you know I can't drink anymore...

C'mon now, everybody!

Anonymous said...

secret handshake

Anonymous said...

'I sent my Soul through the Invisible, Some letter of that After-life to spell:
And after many days my Soul return'd And said, "Behold, Myself am Heav'n and Hell."

Unknown said...

Alright then.

Anonymous said...

"Al Queda's number two mocks the Iraq withdrawal bill"

Uuuuhhh, noooo... he said "it would rob us of the chance to kill more Americans." He is mocking the CHIMP'S VETO OF THE BILL.

toniD said...

Hagel says he would consider presidential run as an independent
An independent bid ``is possible,'' Hagel, 60, said in an interview with Bloomberg Television's ``Political Capital with Al Hunt,'' scheduled to air today. ``I don't ever foreclose any options.''


Alice said...

This is our friend Nick, I told you all how he died in Feb...this is cool, the SMT is the local paper my friend Wayne writes for, & every week they show pics of people reading the SMT all over the world...'s surprisingtome that he would choose to do an SMT picture...shows you don't really know a person, I guess... :)

toniD said...

Democrats trump Republicans solidy in 2008 race: poll
Published: Saturday May 5, 2007

With President George W. Bush's popularity hitting a record low, all three top Democratic candidates can beat the leading Republicans in the presidential race to replace him next year, according to a new poll Saturday.

Four days after Bush vetoed a Democrat Party-driven measure to set a timetable for withdrawing US troops from Iraq, the Newsweek poll said his popularity fell to an all-time low of 28 percent.

That matched the lows of highly unpopular president Jimmy Carter in 1979, the year before he was trounced in the election by Ronald Reagan when he sought a second white House term.

The poll also showed that any of Democratic frontrunners Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards could solidly beat either Rudolph Giuliani or John McCain, the top Republican candidates, in the election in November 2008.

The poll of 1,000 adults, taken ahead of Thursday's debate between the eight Republican candidates for their party's 2008 nomination, showed Clinton beating Republican favorite Giuliani 49-46 percent; Obama beating Giuliani 50-43 percent; and Edwards beating the former New York City mayor 50-44 percent.

Senator Clinton, wife of former US president Bill Clinton, led Republican Senator McCain 50-44 percent, while Senator Obama beat McCain 52-39 percent and Edwards topped him 52-42 percent.

Similar matchups against the Republican former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney showed even greater spreads favoring the Democrats.

While Obama fared best in the matchups, the poll showed that Democrats solidly favored Clinton over Obama and Edwards as their party's nominee for the race, 52-38 percent and 63-32 percent, respectively.

Republicans preferred Giuliani over McCain as their party's nominee 59-48 percent, and Giuliani over Romney 70-20 percent, according to the poll.


toniD said...

Local Immigration Laws Bring High Costs

May 5, 2:17 PM (ET)


FARMERS BRANCH, Texas (AP) - Cities across the U.S. are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars defending themselves against lawsuits and other challenges to ordinances enacted to keep out illegal immigrants.

Some are warning that these communities are risking financial disaster in their effort to curb illegal immigration.

More than 90 cities or counties around the country have proposed, passed or rejected laws prohibiting landlords from leasing to illegal immigrants, penalizing businesses that employ undocumented workers or training police to enforce immigration laws.

Approval of these anti-illegal immigration ordinances has generated criticism, demonstrations and lawsuits in Valley Park, Mo.; Riverside, N.J.; Escondido, Calif.; Hazleton, Pa. and the Dallas suburb of Farmers Branch.

In some instances, taxpayer money has been used to hire private attorneys to fight legal challenges. In others, private donations or insurance have offset part of the costs.

The city paying perhaps the biggest price for its entry into the immigration debate is Farmers Branch, which last fall became the first in Texas to ban landlords from renting apartments to illegal immigrants. Almost immediately, civil rights groups, residents, property owners and businesses filed four separate lawsuits challenging the ordinance.

Documents reviewed by The Associated Press show the city paid the Irving-based law firm of Boyle and Lowry almost $262,000 in immigration-related legal fees - mostly with taxpayer money - through March.

Council members last month increased the city's legal budget to $444,000.

"I have heard people say we can't afford it, that's not true," said Tim O'Hare, the Farmers Branch councilman who led efforts to adopt the ordinance. "I have heard people say it costs the taxpayer and it does. But the costs of having illegal immigrant living in the city are more."

For now, a judge has issued a temporary restraining order preventing the city from enforcing the ordinance.

Opponents also submitted a petition with enough signatures to force a citywide May 12 vote on whether to rescind the ordinance or let it stand.

A group of former city leaders is urging voters to rescind the measure, saying Farmers Branch and its 28,000 residents could end up spending millions of dollars defending the ordinance if the lawsuits go to trial.

"It's not because I'm in favor of illegal immigration. That is not the questions here. The question is what is this ordinance doing ... and it's very little. But the damage is very, very great," said former mayor Dave Blair.

The city received about $31,000 in private donations for its legal defense fund. But after paying legal fees, only about $5,000 remains.

The Pennsylvania town of Hazleton has fared better, receiving $266,000 from thousands of donors around the country to defend its ordinance banning landlords from renting to illegal immigrants. No taxpayer money is being spent on legal fees or other lawsuit-related costs.

Donations included $10,000 from Geno's Steaks owner Joey Vento, whose Philadelphia eatery has signs reading "This Is AMERICA: WHEN ORDERING 'SPEAK ENGLISH'."


Crank Bait said...

In a recent Bait News Service poll, 78% of the respondents chose Segolene Royal over John McCain.

Coincidentally, 22% of the respondents have Freedom Toast for breakfast.

toniD said...

Rocky Anderson Obliterates Sean Hannity at University of Utah Debate on Impeachment
By: SilentPatriot @ 4:31 PM - PDT Last night's debate between Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson and FOX News propagandist and right-wing hack Sean Hannity was amazing. Anderson bombarded Hannity with a devastating indictment of all the President's lies and the senseless continuing occupation of Iraq, and all Sean can do was hide behind the troops and hurl juvenile insults, without ever once addressing the points Anderson raises. Here are the closing remarks.

Download (1922) | Play (2364) Download (716) | Play (1476)

If you want to check out the entire debate (and I highly recommend you do), you can view the Google Video here or you can stream it from the website (note: it only works with Internet Explorer). Rocky's opening goes 30 minutes, followed by 30 minutes from Sean, then there's a 15 minute period where they question eachother, followed by a 20 minute Q&A from the audience, then a 2 minute closing.

If there's one thing I took away from this (besides that Sean is a chump who can barely defend himself), it's that Hannity is NOTHING without his FOX News bully pulpit.


toniD said...

Saturday Cartoons

Anonymous said...


Cicero went over there and broke some knee capps!


thats funny


toniD said...

Tim Russert is interviewing Lee Iacoca on CNBC right now.

Anonymous said...

well i learned some lessons today

no joking about racisism

its just not funny


Anonymous said...

//Tim Russert is interviewing Lee Iacoca on CNBC right now.//

are they exchanging bread recipes yet? Russert has gotten a bit tougher so maybe that will happen near the end of the interview


Anonymous said...

no joking about racisism//

How about some rape jokes next?

New Owner said...

dada said...
"Tom Waits has the image of the devil in his fireplace shovel"

There ain't no devil, there's just god when he's drunk.

May 5, 2007 8:43 PM

weird, I just happen to be listening to Mr. Waits right now...

"In the cold, cold ground...
In the cold, cold ground.."

Crank Bait said...

Survivors awed at killer twister‘s power

By ROXANA HEGEMAN, Associated Press Writer

GREENSBURG, Kan. - Rescuers raced Saturday through the wreckage from a giant tornado that killed at least eight people and left little standing in this southwest Kansas town beyond the local pub...
God spared the pub? That's gonna be tough to spin in Sunday's pulpits.

Crank Bait said...

...too bad the Darwin museum didn't survive.

Crank Bait said...

...and the Planned Parenthood clinic.

Crank Bait said...

Maybe God was punishing them for not having any Gay citizens?

Crank Bait said...

Saith the Lord, "And your little dogs, too!"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How about some rape jokes next?

May 5, 2007 10:40 PM

Little Red Riding hood walks into a bar...


Crank Bait said...

"One of the most notable tornadoes of the May 2003 Tornado Outbreak Sequence was the one that hit in Pierce City, Missouri. According to reports, nearly all of the buildings in the town were damaged, destroyed, or liable to collapse. A National Guard armory where some people took shelter was flattened. Two people were killed and six were missing. The Pierce City tornado was a F-3 on the Fujita scale."
It is worth noting that the tavern, a short distance from the National Guard armory, survived unscathed.

Crank Bait said...

The lesson is obvious; if you are in a small town during threatening weather, go drink at the tavern.

mmrules said...

A Little Night Music..

Allan Holdsworth-Proto Cosmos


mmrules said...

U.S.A. Investigating Rep. Jerry Lewis Quit To Work For Lewis’ Own Defense Team


mmrules said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mmrules said...

Thompson Blames Hearing Aid for Bigoted Debate Answer


mmrules said...

Wolfowitz and Riza: How Sweet It Is!

Link Thing

mmrules said...

Sad how some things never change.This is from The Morning Seditionsts web site.From 2005.
The really sad part,besides them really screwing Marc over,is if you switch the names.You know,switch Sammy's name for Marc',and switch Mark Green's name for Goldbergs,you could be reading about today!Sad uh.So Friends,Stick behind Sam Seder until he gets a daily show somewhere's.He will..And,thanks for welcomeing this,computer,and spelling challenged blogger,onto your blog.Thanks :)
Except Wart Dump,ofcourse!

The End

December 16, 2005 will, I believe, mark the end of the dream that was Air America Radio. Danny Goldberg, whether he meant to or not, whether he's evil or just plain clueless, has done what the right-wing noise machine and Bush apologists couldn't.

He's removed AAR's heart and soul, Marc Maron.

Marc has never been anything but honest and genuine. Wear your heart on your sleeve? Maron rips it out of his chest and hands it to you (whether you want it or not). He opens his skull, and lets you muck about in his brain. Is he perfect? Of course not, but it's the flaws that make the diamond priceless. Marc's real, which is why so many of us have come to think of him as a friend - family, even - and probably why Goldberg doesn't "get" him. I don't suppose "real" counts for much in the circles within which Goldberg travels.

There's been some great talent at Air America, for sure. Some are gone, and a few remain. We miss those that have been cast aside, but you can live without an arm or a leg, and you can get along without your eyes. But you can't live very long without a heart, and without a soul, well, you're just Dick Cheney.

Air America will thump along for a while, no doubt, but in the end it will either fail with a whimper, or it will have become something so unrecognizable - so far from what it was supposed to be, and from the promise it held - that it won't have been worth keeping alive. A network of Springers and Colmes, trying to imitate what's already been done somewhere else, becoming "fair and balanced" in pursuit of the quick, easy buck.

Goldberg may have brought AAR some short-term investment money, maybe some "cred" amongst the DLC set, but in the end it will never survive with him - with complete power and impunity - calling the shots.

Anonymous said...

"The lesson is obvious; if you are in a small town during threatening weather, go drink at the tavern."

Gospel music for the tavern:
Jesus loves the little alkies,
All the souses of the world.
Wine or beer or bourbon straight
Hoist a glass and stay here late,
Jesus loves the drunken people of the world.

Anonymous said...

How to recycle your old political yard signs

Unknown said...

Good reads. The usual suspects."

It's been a long time coming.

Unknown said...

Nice Holdsworth.

Unknown said...

Tony Williams Lifetime - Emergency

Unknown said...

Tremble ye, O Pillars of the Universe, for Eternity is in travail of a Terrible Child; she shall bring forth an universe of Darkness, whence shall leap forth a spark that shall put his father to flight.

The Obelisks are broken; the stars have rushed together: the Light hath plunged into the Abyss: the Heavens are mixed with Hell.

My Father shall not hear their Noise: His ears are closed: His eyes are covered with the clouds of Night.

The End! the End! the End: For the Eye of Shiva He hath opened: the Universe is naked before Him: for the Aeon of Saturn leaneth toward the Bosom of Death

Unknown said...

Fire and brimstone, dogs and cats living together...

Unknown said...

Hmm, what is that mysterious ticking noise...

Alice said...

Cop Watch Los Angeles

Many organizations and media outlets have begun to place blame on youth and anarchists, asserting that throwing trash necessitates a full-scale police assault on peaceful protestors and families. Video footage from numerous angles and at several locations clearly discredits those accusations – it is unmistakable that the police are at fault.

Contacts from the Mayor’s office have confirmed that the attack on protestors and the community of Pico Union was pre-meditated due to the desire to test out months of counter-terrorism training and last year’s embarrassment, when the LAPD could not stop the people from taking the streets.
The scapegoating of anarchists today is reminiscent of 1886 Chicago Haymarket Square Massacre in the first May Day ever celebrated, where police instigated a massacre during a worker’s strike. The state blamed the anarchist organizers and railroaded eight innocent people into prison and hung four (while the other committed suicide).

mmrules said...

dada said...
Nice Holdsworth.

Thanks man.Np.That Tony Williams CD is one of my favorite CD's except those couple of disco-songs.Sad,he died relatively young.

Anonymous said...

"dogs and cats living together..."


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